The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 14th March, 2017 in the Ken Stainer Suite of Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Farr.

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of the previous Meeting held on 14th February, 2017.

4. Matters arising:

(a) Drainage work at Beech Corner – pipe under the road has been completed.
(b) Church Copse re-planting – Update from CC Humby.
(c) Double lines outside of Beech Corner – Photographs.
(d) Southern Parishes Group – Agree Constitution.
(e) Maintenance of The Sawmills – 2017/18.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) Donation request from The Olive Branch Service.
(b) Gang mowing for 2017 at Recreation Ground.
(c) E-mail complaints regarding parking at The Sawmills.
(d) Support for BW-Curdridge Bridleway Project coming through Durley.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 14th March will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report: – Cllr Watts to report.

11. Highways Report: Cllr Pitter to report. Road signs and lines in The Sawmills. Response to request for updated “unsuitable for HGV” signs.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.

13. Hall: Grants successful for Hall tables and trollies. CC Grant received and WCC Grant.

14. Recreation Ground: Cllr Watts to report.

15. Planning:

16/03459/HOU. Mr and Mrs Kurn. Two storey side and rear extensions with attached double garage (as previously permitted 12/00617/FUL). Peach Cottage, Durley Street, Durley. GRANTED.

17/00180/HOU. Mr Young. Erection of two storey side extension, single storey side extension, new front porch, raise existing roof with new dormers and remodelling of fenestration and two storey rear extension. The Bungalow, Netherhill, Botley.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 14th March will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

16. The next Meeting will be the Annual Parish Assembly on Tuesday 4th April, 2017
commencing at 8.00 p.m. The Monthly Parish Council Meeting will be at 6.30 p.m.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
7th March, 2017