7 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Ruffell, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 4 parishioners were present. DC McClean also visited the Meeting to introduce himself.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Kirstie Baines

were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Drainage at The Sawmills. Clerk has written to a Contractor approved by WCC and they have not responded despite promising that they would. A Notice has already been put up stating that the Play Area does get very wet. Councillors agreed that the present drains in Gregory Lane should be looked at as a parishioner present said that he had confirmation that they were blocked. It was also agreed that the ditch should be reinstated alongside this part of Gregory Lane. It was felt that perhaps the problem is that the water is unable to get away and this is why the Green and Play Area are so wet. If this solution does not work then drainage will be considered again. Mr Rappini will be asked to keep the grass cut for the moment on a cut by cut basis. Clerk will contact Darren to ask about the reinstatement of the ditch and to ask that the drains be repaired and unblocked.

(b) Updating of Emergency Plan for Durley. Clerk has received many volunteers to help in an emergency. A List has been compiled and Clerk has updated the whole Durley Parish Plan. Councillors approved the updated Plan and a copy will be sent to HCC for their information.

(c) Flooding at Beech Corner. CC Humby/Clerk to report. Clerk read out a letter from a resident at Beech Corner informing Councillors how bad the flooding is and the parking problems in this area. Beech Corner Garage takes up all the lay-by outside of properties and even weekends it is full up with cars to be repaired or given an MOT. CC Humby and DC Ruffell will speak to Corrine again to see why the double lines are not being progressed. CC Humby updated Councillors on the progress with trying to resolve the flooding. It is hoped that the pipe under the road will be installed soon. A large hole has appeared next to a drain on the corner of Stapleford Lane. This will also be reported to HCC.

(d) Village website update – Cllr Burton reported that he has almost completed the updated website. He will then let Councillors view the new site and invite any comments. A recent photograph of Councillors is required for the website.

(e) School lay-by proposal progress. Kirstie has informed the Clerk that the Diocese have approved the use of the parcel of land required for the lay-by. However, there is no more news yet on the timescales for the work to be carried out.

(f) Response from enquiry regarding phone mast. Clerk has enquired from the PCC and they have had an enquiry, but nothing more.

(g) “Clean for the Queen” Litter Picking Campaign in Durley. This was undertaken on 4th, 5th and 6th March. Clerk picked up litter pickers, sacks and high viz jackets from HCC. These will need to be returned. Some residents have asked if they can keep the equipment and pick up litter on a regular basis. Parish Councillors were happy with this and if it meant purchasing the equipment then it should be purchased for residents to use. Clerk will ask WCC and purchase items if required.

(h) Update on Village Event to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday. A Meeting has been held to agree a date of 15th May, 2016 from 2.00 – 4.00 p.m. at The Sawmills. Clerk has asked Persimmon Homes if we can close the dead-end road to hold the Event, but has not received a response yet. A further Meeting is arranged for Wednesday 16th March when village organisations are invited to attend. It is hoped that all residents and organisations will get involved. Clerk confirmed that a Grant Application has been submitted to try and receive a Grant towards some of the cost.

(i) Report on HCC Devolution Workshop – Cllr Charles and Clerk attended this Workshop in Winchester. It is not yet known what impact this will have on parishes, as HCC are still processing the information. Some services will come down to the Parish Councils to manage. CC Humby updated Councillors on discussions with HCC and WCC.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that he was meeting with Lou Hubble regarding Police matters. He had met with Sam Clark regarding the Area wide traffic survey which will hopefully be carried out once funding has been agreed. CC Humby also introduced DC McClean to the Council who will be standing for Election in May as one of our District Councillors.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby and DC Ruffell. DC Ruffell informed Councillors about the Budget Setting Meeting held on 25th February. He reported that the Council Tax will rise this year by £4.34 per year per household. This is the first Council Tax rise in 6 years. He also said that from 1st April all dogs will have to be chipped. WCC are offering a free chipping service at Mole Countrystores in Winnall. Clerk will advertise this in the Parish Magazine.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Four parishioners were present. Two parishioners were concerned with the continual fly-tipping in Durley and the fly-tipping that is still in Greenwood Lane. Despite numerous correspondence with WCC and Cllr Read there has been no response. George Hollingbery MP is looking at the matter. DC Humby and DC Ruffell will pursue this issue with Cllr Read. One resident was asking if he could help the parish maintain the ditches with his digger as many are not properly maintained. Councillors said that the landowners permission should be sought before any work is carried out. The Clerk will also ask HCC Highways for their views as work would be near to the highway and ownership was not clear. The parishioner will give the Clerk a copy of correspondence between himself and HCC Highways. CC Humby also offered to speak to Stuart Jarvis and see what his view was. Two parishioners were also concerned about a property which has been extended and it was felt that the intention was to make 2 separate properties at a later date. DC Ruffell will follow this up with the Planning Officer concerned.


(a) E-mails and responses regarding fly-tipping in Durley. There have been many incidents this month of fly tipping in Durley. Roads have been covered in fly tipping and impassable. CC Humby said that there is an initiative to set cameras up in hot-spots to try and catch the culprits. Cllr Charles said that WCC should have a list of the reports from Durley so should be able to see where the hot-spots are.

(b) HCC Walking Strategy Consultation. Councillors had no comments to make.

(c) An e-mail was read out from Mr Webb regarding his suggestions for the village. Councillors agreed that all of these matters have been considered and a response will be made to Mr Webb stating why some of his suggestions could not be taken forward and some issues are on-going and are having action taken on them within the Durley Parish Plan or are in progress.

(d) Cllr Charles congratulated the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins on her Mayor of Winchester Award for her work for Durley Parish Council which is over and above what is expected. Anne attended the Presentation in Winchester last week.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No School Report was available. Cllr Delmege reported that his Meeting with the School has been re-scheduled to next week.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: No Neighbourhood Watch Report was available.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr reported that a 30 mph speed limit sign which was reported has a pole but no sign. Darren has been informed. Cllr Farr also said that there was a lack of Police presence within the village. Cllr Pitter commented that there was a Police speed van outside of the School recently.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. Clerk reported that the Internal Audit for the ¾ year Audit was satisfactory.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment. There is no further progress on this at the moment. Wall lights in Hall – these have been attended to by the Caretaker. Cllr Farr asked if a sign could be put up at the Hall directing drivers to the Thresher Room. Councillors agreed that a sign could be put up in the corner of the car park. Cllr Burton will look at signs and report back to Councillors. Cllr Smith will purchase a new microphone for the sound system at the Hall.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Guttering will be done when possible. Peter has cleared some of the overhanging branches near the Pavilion roof so that the guttering can be erected easier. Cllr Smith reported that a parishioner has reported a bench and a bee hive on land at the back of the houses on the buffer strip owned by Durley Parish Council. This will be investigated and if true then the house owner will be asked to remove the items and reinstate the fence. There are some over-hanging branches in the buffer strip next to the social houses. Peter will be asked to trim these back.


16/00168/APN. Mr Ozmen Safa. Proposed storage barn. Land between Durley
Street and Durley Hall Lane, Durley. OBJECTION RAISED.

It was reported that there are a large amount of vehicles being parked at Channels Farm, Gregory Lane. As there is no permission for this sort of activity the report will go to the Enforcement Officer for investigation.