4 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, CC/DC Humby and 4 parishioners were present. In the absence of the Chairman the Vice Chairman Cllr Watts chaired the Meeting.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Charles, Cllr Delmege, Cllr Farr, DC Miller and DC Mclean.

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. Cllr Smith declared an Interest in Item 4(c) as one quote was from her next door neighbour. Cllr Watts also declared an Interest in Item 15 (Application 16/01097/LDC) as this was also a neighbour.



(a) Drainage at The Sawmills update. Cllr Pitter has drawn up a plan for the play area at the Sawmills but has not put in the section to the HCC Highways drain. It was felt that it would be better to drain the play area first and then see how it works before considering the Green area. Councillors agreed that the play area would be drained first, and the Clerk will ask the Contractor to plan for the water to flow into the HCC drain with an HCC approved Contractor actually connecting to the Highways drain in Gregory Lane.

(b) Flooding at Beech Corner – SSE Grant for pipe under road. CC Humby did not have any further information.

(c) Grass cutting and maintenance at The Sawmills. Clerk read out two quotes one from Shawn Read which was £1450 per year and the other from Gary Newton which was £2415. Cllr Smith took no part in the discussion and Councillors agreed to accept the lower quote for a year and then review again next year.

(d) Report on Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations in Durley. Clerk reported that the celebrations went very well. The weather could not have been better and over 200 residents attended and we have had no bad comments only good ones. A report has been sent to WCC. There was £150 made on the day due to the fact that the ale and cider were donated. It was suggested that this profit be used for an item to commemorate the Queen’s 90th Birthday. The money will be put aside until a suitable suggestion comes forward.

(e) Update on village website. Cllr Burton reported that the website should be up and running by the end of this week and then Councillors will be able to review the layout, content etc. Any revisions can then be made and then we will be able to go live and publicise that the new website is available.

(f) Wheely bin speed signs have arrived. Distribution – Councillors agreed that Durley Brook Road and Durley Street will be the first roads to be offered the stickers. It was agreed that two stickers will be offered to all those who wanted them in these roads. More stickers could be ordered if needed. Cllr Delmege will be asked if he would ask the residents in Durley Brook Road.

(g) Report on Bridleway Project in BW – Cllr Watts and Clerk. The Meeting had been postponed to next month so there was no report.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that DC Miller and DC Mclean would be attending Meetings, but most probably alternating with the Bishops Waltham Meetings. DC Miller did attend the Meeting at the Ageas Bowls to hear discussion on the proposed additional development within the EBC plans. CC Humby said that the Area Wide Traffic Survey would commence in the Autumn and Durley would be the first village to be surveyed. CC Humby informed Councillors of a new pot hole repair machine and how it worked. He is still hoping to arrange a Meeting with HCC Highways and local Clerks. At the conclusion of his Report CC Humby updated Councillors on Devolution.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller. DC Humby incorporated any District issues within his last Report.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. 4 parishioners were present. One parishioner commented on the new fence which has been erected in Durley Street outside of the Lodge which is not in keeping with the village street scene. Councillors agreed that they have received many comments about this, but there is nothing that can be done. 2 residents were present to listen to the Parish Council’s views on a Planning Application later in the Agenda.


(a) Fly-tipping in Netherhill. Reported to WCC and has now all been picked up.

(b) Letter from HALC regarding Hampshire Devolution. Sent via e-mail. This was noted.

(c) E-mail regarding speeding through the village. Clerk read out an e-mail from John Drake who made comments about speeding vehicles through Durley. Councillors noted his views, but at the present time feel that re-newing the stickers on the wheely bins is a positive step. Other traffic calming will be discussed further at a later Meeting, once the impact of the new School drop-off lay-by has been completed.

(d) WCC – May 2016 Parish Connect. Sent via e-mail.

(e) Play Area Inspection Reports – All items were low risk so action will be taken as necessary.

(f) WCC – June 2016 Parish Connect. Sent via e-mail.

(g) Letter regarding recycling clothes bank at Hall. Clerk informed Councillors that the Air Ambulance would no longer be taking the clothes. Councillors agreed that the clothes bank was a very useful service and agreed to use the bin for the Hampshire First Responders.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: School lay-by update. This is still work in progress at the moment.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Next PACT Meeting 30.6.16 in Bishops Waltham at 7.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. A theft was reported at a property in Durley Brook Road over the last month.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr had no issues to report. Cllr Pitter will take a visit round the village and report any potholes that he sees. Cllr Watts was concerned that the pot hole which has been reported in Durley Street has still not been repaired despite having been marked for 5 weeks. The pay phone sign in Durley Brook Road has still not removed by WCC. Cllr Burton reported that a parishioner had informed him that the road was sinking in Durley Brook Road just past the School as you go towards Denhams Corner. It was felt that this might be when the road was taken up to put in pipework some years ago. Cllr Watts said that logs have been placed on the road outside of Tarrytown. These are dangerous so the Clerk was asked to contact Robin Whiteside to see if they could be removed before there is an accident. Cllr Smith said that the hedge is overgrown alongside the footpath outside of Lower Farm. Clerk will ask Peter to trim it back.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.

13. HALL: Mircrophone for sound system – this has been purchased and is now working. A new instruction sheet will be made as the old one is not quite correct in places. Cllr Smith said that a Hall Meeting should be arranged. Clerk will arrange a Meeting when Cllr Charles is back from his holiday.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts to report. Guttering outside of Pavilion has been completed. Cllr Watts said that DFC would repair the veranda outside of the Pavilion through the summer months.


16/00696/FUL. Mr A Mulley. Demolition of existing shed next to Church and erection of a new shed in the Churchyard on a site away from the Church. Holy Cross Church, Church Lane, Durley. GRANTED.

16/01097/LDC. Mr M Maskell. Change of use of land from orchard to residential curtilage (CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS). Belmore Cottages, Manor Road, Durley. Cllr Watts did not take any part in the discussion of this Application. Councillors agreed that they would make no comments on this application.

16/00919/FUL. Mr A Shawyer. Single storey rear extension. Oaktree Lodge, Snakemoor Lane, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application, but did feel that a comment should be made about the drainage issues in this part of Snakemoor Lane/Durley Brook Road as we would not wish any building work to add to the flooding situation.

16/00940/FUL. Mr and Mrs B Smith. Proposed demolition of existing garage and erection of detached dwelling. Well Cottage, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that an objection would be made as this property has had many extensions over recent years and the original site is now over-developed. Durley has no housing allocation and it was felt that if there were to be additional development in Durley residents would like to have a consultation process on where they would like to see additional development and have clear public support via the MTR3 Policy. If this application were allowed then many properties in Durley could do the same as this would set a precedent. The plans do not appear to show the correct garden plans for neighbouring properties, the proposed dwelling is back from the original building line, the proposed balcony will over-look the neighbouring property – especially as neighbouring extensions are single storey. Durley does not have an infill Policy and if this Policy were used then it would set a precedent for other properties.

Cllr Watts and the Clerk were invited to attend a Meeting at Durley School with School representatives and a potential developer and his Agent. Mr Spencer who lives in Durley Brook Road is asking for open market housing on his field at the back of Cupresses along with a School car park. He would like to come along to the August Parish Council Meeting with his proposals and then hear any ideas or comments. Councillors agreed that he could come along to the August Meeting.