Durley Parish Council held their Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 11th December, 2018 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 6 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and 3 parishioners were present.


Apologies were received from Cllr Smith and District Councillor Miller. Kirstie Baines and Nick Apps also sent their apologies.


Clerk said that she had received many enquiries from other parishes who have seen our Speed Indicator sign as they are interested in purchasing one for their parish. Cllr Delmege is continuing to collect data from the sign.


The grit bin outside of Durley Church has now been filled. Thanks were given to CC Humby for following this issue up for us.


Cllr Pitter reported that he and Andy Burton are compiling questions to put on a Survey Monkey Questionnaire so that this can be put onto the website. It is hoped that residents will complete the Survey so that we can receive opinions from residents on the current broadband situation in the village. It is hoped that the Survey will be available shortly.


A letter was written to the business units at Mill Court to ask if their employees could park more considerately as it is causing distress and problems for residents if they park in the residential parking spaces for the day. Clerk has received one response to date.


Cllr Delmege has purchased and decorated the Parish Council christmas tree to display in Durley Church over the weekend of 15th/16th December.


Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the Parish Council Briefing in Winchester. Waste recycling – including a roadside glass collection commencing in mid-2019, grass maintenance contracts, precepts and planning were all topics of discussion.


The Winchester District Association of Parish Councils AGM was held in Whiteley and was attended by the Chairman and Clerk. Cllr Mike Evans was re-elected as Chairman. Speeding vehicles, enforcement and funding were also discussed.


CC/DC Humby reported that he had attended a Cabinet Meeting to discuss issues regarding Emergency Planning if there was a no deal Brexit. This was important in this area as we have Portsmouth and Southampton ports very close, and any traffic problems caused by lorries could affect the road network in this area. CC Humby also spoke about the Tourist Information Centre in Winchester and the fact that they have sold £50,000 of christmas cards this year. CC Humby also hosted a Meeting at HCC which looked at ways of making the A272 and A32 safer and less noisy. The naming of the HCC gritters has taken place.


DC Mclean informed Councillors about the work that Winacc are hoping to do by reducing the carbon footprint and reducing plastics etc. He also spoke about the proposals for the roadside glass collection which will commence next year.


Councillors viewed the WCC Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessments which were available on the WCC website. Clerk said that some residents were concerned at the amount of land owners who have put their land into the Assessment. CC Humby and DC Mclean explained how the process works and the Clerk said that she had sought clarification from WCC. She was assured that the sites identified in the SHELAA Assessment is purely a list of sites submitted to WCC for consideration through the local plan process. A site listed in the SHELAA has no formal status, it simply indicates that the land owner is willing to have the site considered further. At present we are at the very start of the Local Plan 2036 process and more technical research will be required to see how much additional land will be necessary for development. There are many more sites put forward than are likely to be needed. Councillors agreed that once it is known if there is a housing requirement in Durley we would need to assess the situation further.


Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report informing Councillors that criminals are targetting parcels which have been left outside of properties over the Christmas period. Scams are also on the increase.


There was no School Report, but the Clerk said that she is hoping to apply for CIL Funding to help with the cost of the School Crossing in the New Year. Cllr Clegg presented Councillors with the posters which children had designed at School. Councillors were very impressed with the speed awareness signs and chose a winner. The winning poster will be laminated and displayed in the village.


Clerk reported that Bishops Waltham Parish Council were not successful in getting an HGV ban along Hoe Road.


Councillors were pleased that the Clerk has been successful in getting a Grant from the Lottery Fund towards the new Hall floor replacement. A County Councillor Grant will also be applied for to help with the cost. The bulbs donated in memory of John Sillence have now been planted in the Hall car park, on the entrances to the village and also some other locations around the village. As one of the solar panels is not working Councillors agreed that they would look at updating the panels. Cllr Pitter will look into various options.


The expenditure for 2019-20 was agreed and the Precept was set accordingly. The cheques were signed as agreed.


Cllr Watts reported that the repairs to the Pavilion veranda will be carried out after the Christmas period. The fencing alongside the swings in the play area at The Sawmills will be replaced shortly.


At the end of the Meeting the Chairman wished all the Councillors, Clerk and residents a Happy Christmas.


Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council
