Durley Parish Council held their AGM on Tuesday 14th May, 2019 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. Cllr Watts opened the Meeting. She welcomed everyone to the Meeting and asked newly Elected Councillor to introduce themselves. The Election of Chairman took place and Cllr Delmege was duly Elected. As Cllr Delmege was not able to attend the Meeting it was agreed that Cllr Watts should continue to Chair the Meeting in his absence.


Cllr Watts, Cllr Brenchley, Cllr Miller, Cllr Rutherford, Cllr Childs, Cllr Rappini, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 10 parishioners were present at the Meeting.


Apologies were received from Cllr Delmege, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, District Councillor Miller and Kirstie Baines. All the District Councillors were unable to attend as they had to attend a Meeting in Winchester.


Officers Elected were:


Chairman – Cllr Delmege

Vice Chairman – Cllr Childs

Hall Committee Chairman – Cllr Miller

Hall Committee Vice Chairman – Cllr Rutherford

The present Hall Committee will remain unchanged if members are willing to continue, and Cllr Rappini offered to come onto the Committee

Highways Officer – Cllr Rappini

Footpaths Officer – Cllr Brenchley

Recreation Ground Chairman – Cllr Watts

Sawmills Representative – Cllr Rutherford (with Cllr Miller helping with play area inspections)

Transport Representative – Cllr Childs


As this is a new Term of Office Councillors signed a new Acceptance of Office Form and agreed to abide by the Durley Parish Council Code of Conduct.


Congratulations were given to District Councillor Mclean on his recent re-election. As he could not attend the Meeting the Clerk will send a letter of congratulations to him.


Councillors agreed that former Councillor Bartlett be asked if she would be willing to continue with negotiations regarding the seating at The Sawmills. Clerk will ask Vivien Bartlett.


3 businesses have agreed to meet with Parish Councillors to discuss the parking issues at The Sawmills. Clerk will circulate dates and negotiate a date which is acceptable to most.


The bus stop sign has been removed along Durley Street for repairs after being reported by former Cllr Pitter. This will be chased up. Councillors were pleased that the pavement outside of Millway has been reinstated.


Councillors received notification of the Village of the Year Competition 2019. It would need village organisations and residents to participate to be able to enter. Clerk will write to organisations to see what interest there was.


The 75th Anniversary of VE Day is to be held on 8th -10th May, 2020. Councillors would like to have a village event similar to that which was held for the WW1 commemorations last year. Help would be needed from various organisations. An advertisement will be put on the noticeboards and website to see what interest there is in the village.


Broadband speeds in parts of Durley continues to be a problem. Cllr Brenchley suggested that perhaps we could ask residents for their speeds via the village website. Andy Burton will be contacted about this.


The Emergency Plan for Durley will be updated to include the new Parish Councillors. At the same time residents will be sent a letter and a Form so that they can update their information. Details will be needed for any vulnerable residents who might need help and we need an up to date list of those residents who would be willing to help in any capacity, or offer of equipment etc. Clerk will prepare a letter and Form and Councillors will distribute around the village.


The Local Councils’ Conference will be held on 18th June. Cllr Watts and Cllr Childs offered to attend along with the Clerk. If Cllr Delmege would like to attend then Cllr Watts will step down.


There was no School Report. The Clerk has no result yet about the CIL Funding Application for the School crossing.


Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report. She said that unfortunately a horse had been shot at in Durley Street and dog theft is a problem at the moment. Scams and general thefts in the area are also of concern. Any useful information will be put onto the Parish Council website.


The Clerk reported that the new village entry signs have now arrived and Andy Burton is hoping to put these up as soon as possible in place of the old signs.


A Financial Report was given by the Clerk and Bank Mandate Forms were given out for Councillors to complete and sign so that the Bank signatories can be updated.


The Hall will be closed from Monday 20th May so that the new floor can be put down. Former and present Councillors are helping to clear the Hall and oversee the work. A tree in the car park has been trimmed.


Cllr Watts reported that we are still waiting for the metal plate for the veranda of the Pavilion. It was suggested that more dog bins be available around the village. Costings will be looked at and a decision will be made at the next Meeting. The “pick up after your dog” sign which has been at the Recreation Ground will be moved to The Sawmills.


Some residents attending the Meeting were there to hear a Planning Application. After they informed Councillors of their concerns Councillors agreed that these concerns should be included in the comments from Durley Parish Council.


Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council
