5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 3 parishioners were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Farr, Cllr Burton, County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Ruffell.

were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Drainage at The Sawmills. A Meeting has been arranged with CC Humby, Darren Lewis (HCC Highways) and Parish Councillors to discuss the best way forward to resolve the drainage problems on Thursday 5th May at 9.30 a.m. at The Sawmills.

(b) Flooding at Beech Corner. CC Humby will update at the Annual Meeting following this Meeting if there is any further progress.

(c) Village website update – Cllr Burton is still setting up the website. It is hoped that it will become live soon.

(d) School lay-by proposal progress. Clerk has received a Statement from Kirstie to say that the work will commence on 31st May for 2 weeks. This will coincide with half term week. A Note will go into the Parish Magazine and residents living near to the School will be notified. Peter Eade, HCC will be written to expressing our thanks for all his hard work with this project over many years.

(e) Update on Village Event to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday. Clerk reported that a Grant has been successful and £350 will be awarded to the Parish Council to cover some of the costs involved in putting on this Celebration Event for the village. A Raffle will be held and donations of cakes and draw prizes would be welcome. The Event will take place on Sunday 15th May at The Sawmills Green and a Committee has been formed to plan the Event. A marquee has been booked, along with an entertainer for the younger children. Tickets will be available from the Parish Council, School, Church and all village organisations. It is hoped that it will be a great village event and enable all residents – young and old, to get together.

(f) Response from HCC Highways regarding digging ditches. Clerk read out a response from HCC Highways stating that residents should only dig their own ditches – not ones that are not in their ownership. It was agreed that a letter should be written to Mr Magee stating the reasons why the Parish Council would not be able to support his actions if he does dig ditches out in his area.

(g) Direction sign for Thresher Room. Cllr Burton was not at the Meeting so there was no further update.

(h) Southern Parishes Meeting 4.4.16. Report by Cllr Charles and Clerk. The Meeting discussed the Boundary changes, devolution, NALC and HALC, Planning issues with WCC, Policing and Recycling consultation. It was agreed that at the next Meeting a question will be asked about the PACT Meetings in the Bishops Waltham area and when they are going to resume again.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. This will be given at the Annual Meeting.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby and DC Ruffell. This will be given at the Annual Meeting.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. The residents attending were here to voice their views on Planning Application 16/00475/FUL which will be discussed later in the Agenda.


(a) CPRE Newsletter available. This was noted.

(b) Bishops Waltham Design Statement 2016. This will be passed round to look at.

(c) HCC – News for Local Councils – forwarded via e-mail.

(d) Mayor’s Sunday Morning Service – 22nd May, 2016. Cllr Smith, Cllr Farr or Cllr Delmege might be able to attend.

(e) Letter from Colin Chamberlain re The Sawmills road adoption. Councillors agreed that they had no intention of using the areas of land at The Sawmills for anything other than public open space or amenities. Clerk will respond to Colin Chamberlain.

(f) Correspondence regarding fly-tipping in Durley – Greenwood Lane and Mincingfield Lane. Other lanes in Durley have also had fly-tipping over the past month. CC Humby will update residents at the Annual Parish Assembly on this issue.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No School Report was available, but the Statement about the lay-by start date from Kirstie will be read out at the Annual Parish Assembly. At our next Parish Council Meeting Kirstie has asked if she can talk to Parish Councillors about the Government Proposals for all Primary Schools to become Academy status. She is concern that this will have a huge impact on smaller Primary Schools like Durley. Councillors were happy to discuss this at the next Meeting.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: The Police will give a Report at the Annual Parish Assembly.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: A full Report will be given at the Annual Meeting. Cllr Delmege has written a Report on managing speeding traffic in Durley but as time is limited at this Meeting the Report will be discussed at the next Meeting.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment – no further progress yet. The kitchen tap needs replacing and Cllr Charles offered to do this. The socket for the tea/coffee hot water has been replaced.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Guttering – Cllr Charles and Peter will do this now that the weather is better.


16/00475/FUL. Mr Mann and Ms Hemsley. Two storey and single storey side extension and roof terrace (south east). Single storey side extension (north west). First floor rear extension (south west). Alterations to main roof to provide additional accommodation including side facing (south east) dormer windows and raising of ridge height. Purbeck Cottage, Manor Road, Durley. Residents attending the Meeting gave their views on this application. Councillors agreed that an objection would be sent as the proposal was considered to be over-development of the original site and there was no justification to have such a large dwelling in the countryside and certainly no justification to go up a third storey. No other properties in Manor Road are on 3 levels and this would set a precedent for future development. In fact some properties in Manor Road have been refused to have their accommodation higher to accommodate a third level, only roof lights have been allowed with a lower pitch roof. It was also agreed that this development would be out of character in a rural setting with a glass dome and it would be a blot on the landscape and would be seen from many properties in the local area. It would overlook neighbouring properties and spoil their enjoyment and privacy. This development would have a detrimental effect on the street scene in Manor Road and from across the fields.

16/00459/LIS. Mr & Mrs Atkins. Minor modifications to existing permissions. Durley Mill, Netherhill, Botley. Councillors had no objections to this application.

16/00569/LIS. Mr & Mrs Hall. Replacement of existing doors and windows with new timber painted windows and doors (Affects the setting of a Listed Building. Listed Building Grade II). Elm Tree Farm, Durley Street, Durley. Councillors had no objections to this application.

Clerk has received an enquiry asking if the applicant could meet with Councillors to inform us about a potential development proposal on a greenfield site in Durley Street. Councillors agreed that it would be beneficial to have a separate Meeting to listen to their proposal. It was agreed that Tuesday 26th April would be the best date at 7.00 p.m. this would give us half an hour before our next Parish Plan Meeting. Clerk will inform the enquirer.



7 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Ruffell, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 4 parishioners were present. DC McClean also visited the Meeting to introduce himself.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Kirstie Baines

were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Drainage at The Sawmills. Clerk has written to a Contractor approved by WCC and they have not responded despite promising that they would. A Notice has already been put up stating that the Play Area does get very wet. Councillors agreed that the present drains in Gregory Lane should be looked at as a parishioner present said that he had confirmation that they were blocked. It was also agreed that the ditch should be reinstated alongside this part of Gregory Lane. It was felt that perhaps the problem is that the water is unable to get away and this is why the Green and Play Area are so wet. If this solution does not work then drainage will be considered again. Mr Rappini will be asked to keep the grass cut for the moment on a cut by cut basis. Clerk will contact Darren to ask about the reinstatement of the ditch and to ask that the drains be repaired and unblocked.

(b) Updating of Emergency Plan for Durley. Clerk has received many volunteers to help in an emergency. A List has been compiled and Clerk has updated the whole Durley Parish Plan. Councillors approved the updated Plan and a copy will be sent to HCC for their information.

(c) Flooding at Beech Corner. CC Humby/Clerk to report. Clerk read out a letter from a resident at Beech Corner informing Councillors how bad the flooding is and the parking problems in this area. Beech Corner Garage takes up all the lay-by outside of properties and even weekends it is full up with cars to be repaired or given an MOT. CC Humby and DC Ruffell will speak to Corrine again to see why the double lines are not being progressed. CC Humby updated Councillors on the progress with trying to resolve the flooding. It is hoped that the pipe under the road will be installed soon. A large hole has appeared next to a drain on the corner of Stapleford Lane. This will also be reported to HCC.

(d) Village website update – Cllr Burton reported that he has almost completed the updated website. He will then let Councillors view the new site and invite any comments. A recent photograph of Councillors is required for the website.

(e) School lay-by proposal progress. Kirstie has informed the Clerk that the Diocese have approved the use of the parcel of land required for the lay-by. However, there is no more news yet on the timescales for the work to be carried out.

(f) Response from enquiry regarding phone mast. Clerk has enquired from the PCC and they have had an enquiry, but nothing more.

(g) “Clean for the Queen” Litter Picking Campaign in Durley. This was undertaken on 4th, 5th and 6th March. Clerk picked up litter pickers, sacks and high viz jackets from HCC. These will need to be returned. Some residents have asked if they can keep the equipment and pick up litter on a regular basis. Parish Councillors were happy with this and if it meant purchasing the equipment then it should be purchased for residents to use. Clerk will ask WCC and purchase items if required.

(h) Update on Village Event to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday. A Meeting has been held to agree a date of 15th May, 2016 from 2.00 – 4.00 p.m. at The Sawmills. Clerk has asked Persimmon Homes if we can close the dead-end road to hold the Event, but has not received a response yet. A further Meeting is arranged for Wednesday 16th March when village organisations are invited to attend. It is hoped that all residents and organisations will get involved. Clerk confirmed that a Grant Application has been submitted to try and receive a Grant towards some of the cost.

(i) Report on HCC Devolution Workshop – Cllr Charles and Clerk attended this Workshop in Winchester. It is not yet known what impact this will have on parishes, as HCC are still processing the information. Some services will come down to the Parish Councils to manage. CC Humby updated Councillors on discussions with HCC and WCC.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that he was meeting with Lou Hubble regarding Police matters. He had met with Sam Clark regarding the Area wide traffic survey which will hopefully be carried out once funding has been agreed. CC Humby also introduced DC McClean to the Council who will be standing for Election in May as one of our District Councillors.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby and DC Ruffell. DC Ruffell informed Councillors about the Budget Setting Meeting held on 25th February. He reported that the Council Tax will rise this year by £4.34 per year per household. This is the first Council Tax rise in 6 years. He also said that from 1st April all dogs will have to be chipped. WCC are offering a free chipping service at Mole Countrystores in Winnall. Clerk will advertise this in the Parish Magazine.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Four parishioners were present. Two parishioners were concerned with the continual fly-tipping in Durley and the fly-tipping that is still in Greenwood Lane. Despite numerous correspondence with WCC and Cllr Read there has been no response. George Hollingbery MP is looking at the matter. DC Humby and DC Ruffell will pursue this issue with Cllr Read. One resident was asking if he could help the parish maintain the ditches with his digger as many are not properly maintained. Councillors said that the landowners permission should be sought before any work is carried out. The Clerk will also ask HCC Highways for their views as work would be near to the highway and ownership was not clear. The parishioner will give the Clerk a copy of correspondence between himself and HCC Highways. CC Humby also offered to speak to Stuart Jarvis and see what his view was. Two parishioners were also concerned about a property which has been extended and it was felt that the intention was to make 2 separate properties at a later date. DC Ruffell will follow this up with the Planning Officer concerned.


(a) E-mails and responses regarding fly-tipping in Durley. There have been many incidents this month of fly tipping in Durley. Roads have been covered in fly tipping and impassable. CC Humby said that there is an initiative to set cameras up in hot-spots to try and catch the culprits. Cllr Charles said that WCC should have a list of the reports from Durley so should be able to see where the hot-spots are.

(b) HCC Walking Strategy Consultation. Councillors had no comments to make.

(c) An e-mail was read out from Mr Webb regarding his suggestions for the village. Councillors agreed that all of these matters have been considered and a response will be made to Mr Webb stating why some of his suggestions could not be taken forward and some issues are on-going and are having action taken on them within the Durley Parish Plan or are in progress.

(d) Cllr Charles congratulated the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins on her Mayor of Winchester Award for her work for Durley Parish Council which is over and above what is expected. Anne attended the Presentation in Winchester last week.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No School Report was available. Cllr Delmege reported that his Meeting with the School has been re-scheduled to next week.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: No Neighbourhood Watch Report was available.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr reported that a 30 mph speed limit sign which was reported has a pole but no sign. Darren has been informed. Cllr Farr also said that there was a lack of Police presence within the village. Cllr Pitter commented that there was a Police speed van outside of the School recently.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. Clerk reported that the Internal Audit for the ¾ year Audit was satisfactory.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment. There is no further progress on this at the moment. Wall lights in Hall – these have been attended to by the Caretaker. Cllr Farr asked if a sign could be put up at the Hall directing drivers to the Thresher Room. Councillors agreed that a sign could be put up in the corner of the car park. Cllr Burton will look at signs and report back to Councillors. Cllr Smith will purchase a new microphone for the sound system at the Hall.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Guttering will be done when possible. Peter has cleared some of the overhanging branches near the Pavilion roof so that the guttering can be erected easier. Cllr Smith reported that a parishioner has reported a bench and a bee hive on land at the back of the houses on the buffer strip owned by Durley Parish Council. This will be investigated and if true then the house owner will be asked to remove the items and reinstate the fence. There are some over-hanging branches in the buffer strip next to the social houses. Peter will be asked to trim these back.


16/00168/APN. Mr Ozmen Safa. Proposed storage barn. Land between Durley
Street and Durley Hall Lane, Durley. OBJECTION RAISED.

It was reported that there are a large amount of vehicles being parked at Channels Farm, Gregory Lane. As there is no permission for this sort of activity the report will go to the Enforcement Officer for investigation.



6 Parish Councillors, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins and 3 parishioners were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Burton, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Ruffell and Kirstie Baines (Headteacher).

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Drainage at The Sawmills. Clerk has written to Stuart Dunbar-Dempsey (WCC Landscape Officer) and he said that WCC have used Scandor and Millstone Landscapes for some of their projects. Councillors agreed that both should be asked for a quotation, especially as WCC are happy with the work that they have carried out.

(b) Updating of Emergency Plan for Durley. Letters have gone out to every household asking for help in an emergency situation and asking who is vulnerable and would need assistance if there was an emergency. The responses should be back by 4th March so that an updated List can be drawn up.

(c) Flooding at Beech Corner Meeting Report. CC Humby, the Clerk, Parish Lengthsman, Environment Agency, Emergency Planning Officer and residents attended the Meeting. Discussion took place on the best way to try and resolve the flooding problems. It was agreed that Darren Lewis (HCC) would deliver sandbags to the Clerk so that the Parish Lengthsman can build a dam in the ditch to try and stop additional water coming from the Snakemoor Lane ditch into the already flooded ditch just opposite the Garage. This would be a temporary measure to see if it helps. If it does then HCC will make a permanent dam. Clerk has received no sandbags yet. It was also agreed that the road might need some adjustment so that the water can be sent down the ditch in Stapleford Lane. The man-made lay-by might also need to be taken out or piped under to take the water. It was agreed that the water flowing off the field and down Church Lane should not be going into Bursledon Motors and through into the properties in Stapleford Lane. The water needs to be diverted into the ditch along Durley Brook Road and along or under the road away from the properties which get flooded. It was reported that flooding again occurred on 6th February at midnight which was again unsatisfactory. Elderly residents are being made ill with worry every time it rains and Councillors agreed that this problem has been going on far too long. CC Humby has a Meeting next week with The Environment Agency, HCC and Emergency Planning Officer to see how all Authorities can pull together to resolve issues like this. Clerk will write to CC Humby, Environment Agency, HCC and Emergency Planning Officer again to update them that nothing has been done and that action needs to be taken fairly swiftly.

(d) Village website update – Cllr Burton sent a report to the Clerk stating that he is still trying to resolve the issue with the domain name as it is still in Clive Frost’s name.

(e) Proposed School lay-by Consultation response. Clerk has still not received any information from Kirstie about the Consultation results. A resident present who lives very near to the School informed Councillors that he had not been consulted and he was living near to the School. Councillors asked that the Clerk write to Kirstie again and ask who has actually been consulted in the village and ask for a copy of the Report on the responses received from parishioners. Councillors are not happy that despite repeated requests for this information we have still not received anything. CC Humby will also be informed that we have not received any response to our repeated requests.

(f) Report on Southern Parishes Meeting (1.2.16). Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended this Meeting and the main items discussed were Lunch Clubs in the area, transport hubs, publication of community events, Ward boundary changes, speed limits, policing and broadband. Possible closure of recycling centres is another topic of discussion within the Group.

(g) Report on BW Bridleway Project (4.2.16). The Clerk attended the Meeting and informed Councillors of the items discussed. The main item involving Durley was the Quiet Lanes Project. Robert Shields from BW Parish Council is willing to come and talk to Councillors about the Project if they wished. Councillors agreed that they did not wish to pursue the Project through Durley as we did not feel it would be of any benefit and we would not qualify as we are not in the SDNP. Clerk said that Owslebury were a Pilot Scheme, but withdrew their application as it was of little benefit to the village. Cllr Watts and the Clerk will respond to the BW Bridleway Project Group at their next Meeting and decline Robert Shields offer of coming to talk to Councillors.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: There was no Report available.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: There was no Report available.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. 3 members of the Public were present. Issues raised were the Consultation on the proposed School lay-by which was dealt with in Item 4(e) above, and an enquiry about a possible phone mast being placed at Holy Cross Church. Councillors agreed that they had not received any information on this, but the Clerk was asked to enquire from Durley PCC if there are plans for a mast at the Church or whether they have received any enquiries.


(a) Clean for the Queen Litter Pick Event. Councillors agreed that if there was enough support this could be carried out in Durley. Clerk will ask for the equipment required and put a notice in the Parish Council Report asking for volunteers to perhaps pick up litter in their patch.

(b) Parish Connect – January, 2016. This was noted.

(c) Parish Connect – February, 2016. This was noted.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No Report was received from Kirstie. Cllr Delmege attended the last School Meeting and he said that he will ask about the Consultation Response Report at his next Meeting.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: No Report was available.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr reported that she has reported to Darren the speed signs which have been knocked over and the corner of Stapleford Lane/Chancellors Lane which is in need of repair. Cllr Delmege said that he has been concerned about the speeding vehicles along the main road through Durley and has been seeking statistics from other Councils to try and find out how big the problem is in the area. Clerk said that she has been receiving complaints about lorries going down Stapleford Lane loaded up and then returning empty. This has been going on for at least a couple of weeks, lorries are travelling up and down every hour. Clerk has referred this to HCC for investigation.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes – there is no further progress on this yet. Old table tennis table has been removed by a Youth Club. Clerk said that the hourly rate for the Caretaker should be increased from £6.70 per hour to £7.85 per hour from 1st April in line with new guidelines which increase the hourly rate to a Living Wage. All Councillors were in agreement. Clerk will inform the Caretaker. A hirer cancelled their booking at the last minute and no payment has been received. The Booking Clerk has written to the hirer and asked for half the Hall hire to be paid as we could not hire the Hall out again. Councillors agreed that as this is the first time this has happened we will monitor the situation and see if it happens again and if it does then we might have to change our Policy. Cllr Smith reported that the microphone has been mis-used so we might have to purchase another one if it cannot be repaired.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Guttering will be done when manpower is available and the weather is better.


15/02793/FUL. Mr Smith. Proposed double garage (option 2 on submitted plans)(Amended description 10.12.15). Well Cottage, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. GRANTED.

15/02595/TPO. Mr Pitter. 2 no. Oak trees to crown and reduce by 3m plus cut out all of the dead wood in the trees. Green Pastures, Sciviers Lane, Durley. REFUSED.

15/02580/FUL. Mr and Mrs Bartlett. We are proposing to demolish an existing conservatory and build a new single storey rear extension, create a small porch area with pitched roof to the front of the property and alter the landscaping at the front of the property to create some additional off-street parking. All materials to match existing. Casa Flori, Manor Road, Durley. GRANTED.

Enquiry regarding Application 15/02882/APN. Clerk reported that she has received many enquiries regarding this application. It appears that the land mentioned on the application does not all belong to the applicant and the site is within 3k of Upham Airfield so it should be a full Planning Application. This application is being investigated by the Planning Office at the moment.

A Holiday property to Let in Snakemoor Lane has been referred to the Enforcement Officer as it is being advertised as a property to Let and not as a Holiday Let.

Agree Parish Council response to Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan – Issues and Options Consultation. Councillors agreed that the main concern for Durley residents is the ever increasing traffic through the village and getting onto the M.27. Any future development in the area will add to the traffic problems which are already exist and will be made even worse when the Boorley Green development is underway. Clerk will compile a response and send it round to Councillors.



7 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Ruffell, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins, Peter Wall (Parish Lengthsman), Kirstie Baines (Headteacher) and 2 representatives from a developer were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from PCSO Nolan.

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. Cllr Burton declared a Personal Interest in item in paragraph 15 – Planning Application 15/02784/FUL as he is the owner of this property.



(a) Drainage at The Sawmills. Cllr Pitter reported that he had not heard of any of the Contractors suggested on the Approved List. Other Parish Councils locally had not used any of the Contractors so Clerk will ask HCC again if we could use a local Contractor like Scandor, who are a large Company. As the play area is wet a disclaimer notice will be put up.

(b) Parking at entrance to Manor Road/Beech Corner/Pay Phone sign. The sign has still not been removed. Clerk reported that most of the cones which were placed to stop parking at the end of Manor Road have now been broken. Photographs have been received of cars parking outside of Beech Corner and these have been forwarded onto Corrine Phillips at WCC as requested. Now that vehicles are parking at the end of Manor Road again, photographs will be taken and also forwarded onto WCC. Peter informed Councillors of a recent incident when he was coming out of Church Lane with the van when cars were parked outside of the Garage.

(c) Updating of Emergency Plan for Durley. Clerk showed Councillors the existing Emergency Plan and it was agreed to update the telephone numbers and contact details. Cllr Burton and Cllr Delmege will be the Deputy Co-ordinators. A letter was agreed to go out to residents updating the information held on vulnerable residents who would need assistance in an emergency and also the list of offers of help.

(d) Flooding at Beech Corner Meeting. Beech Corner has again been flooded and the Clerk has been in contact with the Emergency Planning Team, Environment Agency and HCC Highways. CC Humby also came out and visited when it was flooded and afterwards with Mike O’Neal from the Environment Agency. Councillors were shown photographs of the latest flood and the various Agencies have been sent a copy. The Emergency Planning Officer and the Environment Agency are happy to have a Meeting to discuss ways of trying to resolve the flooding problems. Darren Lewis is also going to dig out some of the ditches and clear the blocked ones. Clerk is waiting to hear from the Environment Agency for a possible date. CC Humby will also be invited to attend, along with Peter. Peter informed Councillors of the work he has done at Beech Corner to try and ease the situation.

(e) Village website update – Cllr Burton reported that it is hoped that a draft of the website can be circulated to Councillors shortly.

(f) School Meeting dates for 2016. Clerk read out the dates of the next 3 Meetings. It was agreed that Cllr Delmege would attend the January and March Meetings, and then a different Councillor will attend the next 3 Meetings – one in May and then June and July. Kirstie will find out when the June and July Meetings are and let the Clerk know.

(g) Proposed School lay-by Consultation response. Kirstie informed Councillors of the current situation with the Proposal. The main hold-up appears to be the response from the Church concerning the small section of land which is required for the project. The lay-by is now shorter than before to give better sight-lines and make it safer for the opening of car doors. It has been agreed that the finance can go into the next financial year if required.

(h) Memorial to Sir Jeremy Black. Councillors agreed that we would see if the family came to us with a proposal.

(i) Drain cleaning enquiry from previous Meeting. HCC Highways has responded to the Clerk stating that the drain cleaning work which was carried out in Durley Street in the early hours of the morning was necessary as it would be too dangerous to clean out the drains at any other time.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that he has met with Paula Reynolds regarding Post Offices, met with the Police Inspector to discuss fly-tipping and how the Police are now able to put cameras in hot spots to try and catch offenders. CC Humby spoke about the Revenue Support Grant and its implications on services. Cllr Smith asked about the Traffic Survey and CC Humby said that this was in the process of being carried out.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby and DC Ruffell. DC Ruffell spoke about the new Ward Boundaries and showed Councillors a map. The coca cola lorry was in Winchester on 17th December and helped to increase the footprint by 40.5% during that time – which was good news for the trade in Winchester. DC Ruffell informed Councillors of the planning proposal for 52 care home flats in Chessil Street, Winchester on the car park area. He also reminded everyone about the Mayor Awards for this year. Nominations need to be in by 31st January.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. There were no members of the public present.


(a) Response from Persimmon Homes regarding large sign at The Sawmills. Persimmon Homes will ask for it to be removed. A parishioner also wrote asking why an advertisement for the renting of one of the units said that there was off-road parking as this was not correct. Clerk has passed this enquiry onto Persimmon Homes.

(b) The Spending Review – Briefing Note. This was noted.

(c) Eastleigh Borough Council – Planning update. Councillors noted the dates when the Exhibitions are being held locally.

(d) WCC Parish Connect – January, 2016. This was sent via e-mail and noted.

(e) Priority Footpaths Cutting by HCC. Cllr Delmege will inform the Clerk of the footpaths that we wish to include in the programme by the end of January.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: Kirstie sent a Report which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 1.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: There was nothing to report.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr reported that the gas installation has now been completed in Gregory Lane and road erosion and flooding has been reported at the junction of Heathen Street/Stapleford Lane. Flooding has also been reported during the month at various locations.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors to agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. This is shown as Appendix 2.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes – Cllr Charles said that the Contractor will fit this in as soon as he is able. Table tennis table has arrived and been installed. A Grant from CC Humby helped towards the cost which was appreciated.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Guttering – Cllr Charles asked if Peter would be able to do this. Clerk will ask. Emptying of small bin at The Sawmills. Cllr Smith said that the bin was getting over-filled. Clerk emptied the bin and said that she felt it had not been emptied for some time and that was why it was so full. She has emptied it and put in a new bin bag. It needs to be emptied every week and Cllr Smith offered to do this. Clerk will order gloves for Cllr Smith. Bags full of Christmas paper was dumped at the Recreation Ground which the Football Manager and Clerk disposed of. Clerk said that one of the labels she picked up had names on it.


15/02793/FUL. Mr Smith. Proposed double garage (option 2 on submitted plans)(Amended description 10.12.15). Well Cottage, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed to object to this application as this original small bungalow is now getting very large after numerous extensions. There is also a double garage already on the plot and therefore Councillors could see no need for a further double garage as this was considered over-development of the original site.

15/02784/FUL. Mr Burton. Conversion of two cottages into one (internal alterations). Two new dormers to front elevation, reinstatement of two previously blocked up windows, removal of chimney, removal and replacement of part of roof. Removal of garage, proposed timber carport. 1 Durley Brook Cottages, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Cllr Burton left the room and took no part in any discussion on this application. Councillors agreed that they had no objection to this application.

Cllr Burton returned to the room.

15/01869/FUL. Mr Edwards. Demolition of an existing 2 storey detached dwelling and 2 no. outbuildings; construction of a 2 storey detached replacement dwelling plus detached garage; associated hard and soft landscaping; relocation of the existing access to site further along Durley Street. Four Winds, Durley Street, Durley. GRANTED.

15/02564/APN. Miss J McGeoch. Agricultural storage building. Stapleford Farmhouse, Stapleford Lane, Durley. THAT NO OBJECTION BE RAISED.

Philip Dudley (Architect) and Joe Dorlington attended the Meeting to show Councillors proposals for two dwellings on land adjacent to Lyons Cottage, Durley Brook Road. Councillors agreed that we were not in a position to make any decisions on future development in Durley at the moment as Durley had no housing allocations and we are in the early stages of our Parish Plan. It was agreed that we would consider this development if there was a housing need in Durley which residents wanted, and if locations were sought for development.

Cllr Watts asked about a holiday let property in Snakemoor Lane which is advertised to let on the open market. Clerk will investigate and if required contact the Enforcement Team for clarification.

Cllr Watts informed Councillors that there was a large agricultural building seeking permission at the back of Durley Hall Lane. This has not come through as a Planning Application so Clerk will make enquiries. It might be that it does not need to be advertised and this is why we have not been sent any plans or asked to comment.



6 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins, PCSO Nolan and 5 parishioners were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Pitter and District Councillor Ruffell.

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations under the Code of Conduct.



(a) Update on faster broadband – CC Humby reported that he is meeting with the Minister to try to find out if the State Aid Rules can be challenged to enable a 3rd Party to get involved in providing faster broadband. Patrick Blogg has now been appointed at HCC.

(b) Drainage at The Sawmills. Cllr Pitter was not able to attend the Meeting but send an e-mail to the Clerk. It was agreed that we would ask HCC for Firms which could carry out the work and then get further quotes and then make a decision on whether we do all the work at once, or in two parts.

(c) Quiet Lanes Meeting (24.11.15) – Cllr Watts and Clerk reported that they had attended the Meeting in Bishops Waltham, however there was no more information to add.

(d) Parking at entrance to Manor Road/Beech Corner/Pay Phone sign. Response from WCC. Clerk read out the response from HCC which was not very helpful. Photographs will be taken outside of Beech Corner and Manor Road. Parking whilst the cones are alongside the road at the Manor Road entrance has certainly helped the problem, but the cones are now getting broken so Councillors are concerned that there will again be cars parking on the entrance and causing a safety issue. CC Humby has forwarded the correspondence onto Andy Smith and he has said that it is WCC who should be dealing with this. CC Humby has now asked the Leader of WCC to help. PCSO Nolan will also keep an eye on the situation.

(e) Report on Emergency Planning Workshop – Cllr Charles and Clerk attended the Workshop and said that they found it very interesting. It has already been agreed to update the Durley Parish Plan and it was noted at the Workshop that the Plan should be as concise as possible. At the Meeting concern was expressed by the Emergency Planning Officer that the flooding situation has not been resolved yet at Beech Corner. He wished to be informed of what has been done in in the hope that he might be able to help. The Environment Agency also offered their help if the issue is not resolved. Although the ditch has been dug out by HCC Councillors did feel that the Environment Agency should be contacted to see if they could resolve the issue as it has been a continual problem when it rains for 9 years. CC Humby was in agreement with this.

(f) Flooding at Beech Corner – progress by HCC. CC Humby said that he has met with Darren and Lisa at Beech Corner and the ditch has been dug out. Further work is noted above.

(g) Report on School Meeting – Cllr Delmege reported that he attended the last School Meeting and the main issues discussed were the proposed lay-by and speeding vehicles.

(h) Agree Councillor to attend next School Meeting. The Clerk has not been informed of when the next School Meeting is so although she has asked Kirstie for a date, a further e-mail will be sent. It was agreed that Cllr Delmege will attend the next Meeting, although it was agreed that this will only be for a short time as we wish to send along different Councillors – a 3/6 month term was discussed.

(i) Durley Parish Plan Meeting Report – Cllr Charles said that an Open Meeting has been arranged for Thursday 18th February, 2016 at 8.00 p.m. to update parishioners on the progress of the Plan and also to start to form some of the new Groups which were requested in Durley. The Groups selected are the ones which can be easily set up with little or no financial input. If there is enough interest then it is hoped that these Groups will start as soon as possible. Cllr Burton suggested a website that the village could use and the Parish Council could have a link, along with other organisations in Durley. This will cost £950 to set up and £120 hosting charge per year, although the first year will be £60. Cllr Burton proposed that we accept this quote and Cllr Farr seconded the proposal. All Councillors were in agreement with this and asked Cllr Burton to set up the website. Ian Medd is currently plotting all the village signs on a Map of Durley so that we can see how many are actually required and which ones need removal or updating. Village entry signs are also being looked into.

(j) Doctors Forum. Cllr Charles attended the Hedge End Doctor’s Forum who started the Young Persons’ Clinic which we made a donation towards. He said that it is a valuable asset and is helping many young people, including some in Durley.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby has been working hard on issues dealing with Rural Broadband, Rural Post Offices, Highways issues, and also he is meeting Louise Hubble to discuss rural crime at the end of this week. CC Humby also spoke to Councillors about the proposed Botley By-pass. Cllr Smith asked when the lorry count was going to be carried out along Durley Street. CC Humby replies saying that he is going to carry out an Area Survey and needed to find out which of the other Surveys are up to date so that he does not duplicate Surveys.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: There was no District Council Report.


(a) A parishioner present asked if we had considered a memorial to Sir Jeremy Black who died recently. A relative was also present and said that perhaps planning some fruit trees where 3 trees had died in The Sawmills, or a bench could be considered. Councillors agreed that they had not discussed this so it will go on the Agenda for a further Meeting.

(b) A parishioner also asked if we had considered more dog bins in the village. Councillors said that there are 3 bins which can be used for dog fouling, but some people never pick up after their dogs and this is more of a problem. It seems that this is not a problem just in Durley, but most parishes, with no easy answer.


(a) Thank you letter from CAB regarding donation for 2016/17. This was noted.

(b) Local Government Boundary Commission – Draft Recommendations. Councillors agreed that they are happy to be in the Bishops Waltham Division. Clerk will write a response reflecting this.

(c) Response from Enforcement Officer to enquiry. Clerk read out the e-mail and this was noted.

(d) Maintenance of Recreation Ground – gang mowing renewal. Clerk has received an e-mail from Dave Ifould – the Contractor who cut the Recreation Ground before he left OCS. Councillors agreed that we have not been totally happy with OCS for the last few years so it was felt that an alternative quote might be useful when the renewal comes up with OCS. A decision can then be made as to who to award the Contract to.

(e) Request from Bus Company regarding cutting back of hedges. This request will go into the Parish Magazine in the hope that residents will cut back hedges alongside the main road so that buses do not get damaged when they travel through the village. Councillors would not want the bus service to cease because buses are getting damaged.

(f) Letter from Home-Start Meon Valley. Councillors agreed that they are not able to make a donation this time.

(g) E-mail expressing concern over the proposed School lay-by. Clerk circulated the e-mail to Councillors. Kirstie has sent a revised Plan and which now includes half the lay-by. Councillors were concerned about the proposal and also wished to know who was consulted about the proposal and what the results were. Councillors also expressed disappointment that Kirstie was not at the Meeting when such an important issue was being discussed. CC Humby said that he had not been informed that there was a revised plan until the Clerk had sent him one today for him to look at. Considering CC Humby was the main instigator in getting funding in place for this project Councillors agreed that he should have been kept informed. Clerk will write to Kirstie asking about the Consultation and ask if she intends to come along to future Parish Council Meetings.

(h) Clerk received an e-mail asking why a large sign has been placed on the landscaped area in the Sawmills. It was not clear who owns this section of land so the Clerk has asked Steve from Persimmon to investigate. It is hoped that then it will be removed.

(i) Parish Devolution Workshop – 1st March, 2016. It was agreed that the Chairman and Clerk should attend.

(j) Consultation on the Library Service. Councillors will view the document and make any comments to the Clerk if they wish.

(k) Colin Chamberlain had sent a Deed of Grant of Easement from Southern Water for the land at The Sawmills. Councillors agreed with a couple of amendments. Clerk will then send on the Deed to Colin Chamberlain for him to send off.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No Report was available.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: PCSO Nolan informed Councillors of recent problems in Durley – which included antisocial behaviour by someone opening gates and letting animals out in Stapleford Lane, an attempted horse tack theft and driving at speed down Wintershill. Poaching is also a problem in the area at the moment. PCSO Nolan said that staffing shortages coupled with the larger area that he has to cover makes it impossible to attend all the Parish Council Meetings, but he hopes to attend on a quarterly basis and attend community events if possible. He has attended the Lunch Club and found this to be useful.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr gave a highways report. Cllr Watts asked why a HCC Contractor was cleaning out the drains with a yellow flashing light at 4.00 a.m. this morning (8th December). It woke her and all her family up with the light and noise. Clerk will ask Darren if he knows anything about this.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes – Cllr Charles said that this is being moved forward. Baby changing facilities have been installed. Cllr Charles was thanked for putting this up. It was also reported that the Caretaker had found the bin full up with a residents’ rubbish. He visited the resident and although he denied putting rubbish in the bin he did (after swearing at the Caretaker), take the rubbish out of the boot of the Caretaker’s car and put it by the side of his own bin. This is not the first time that this resident has used the Hall bin for his own rubbish. The situation will be kept monitored as it is not fair that the bin is not able to be used for Hall rubbish as it is intended.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Guttering – Cllr Charles and Peter will put this up when time allows.


15/02580/FUL. Mr & Mrs Bartlett. We are proposing to demolish an existing conservatory and build a new single storey rear extension, create a small porch area with pitched roof to the front of the property and alter the landscaping at the front of the property to create some additional off-street parking. All materials to match existing. Casa Fiori, Manor Road, Durley. Councillors had no objections to this application.

15/02595/TPO. Mr K Pitter. 2 no. Oak trees to crown and reduce by 3m plus cut out all of the dead wood in the trees. Green Pastures, Sciviers Lane, Durley. Councillors had no objections to this application.



6 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Ruffell, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins, and Kirstie Baines (Headteacher of Durley Primary School) were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Farr.

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. Cllr Delmege made a Declaration of Interest in Item 8(a) as he is Treasurer of the CAB.



(a) Update on faster broadband – CC Humby reported that State Aid Rules are hindering the use of the 20% claw-back money which cannot be used via a 3rd Party to help provide faster broadband for some rural areas. CC Humby hopes to have further information later this year on the broadband situation.

(b) Drainage at The Sawmills. Cllr Pitter, Cllr Charles, Cllr Smith and the Clerk met with a Contractor to discuss the best way to drain the play area and village green. The Clerk has asked HCC Highways if we would be able to drain into the HCC manholes along Gregory Lane. Darren Lewis has said that this is fine provided that we use a recognised HCC Contractor. Darren is happy to meet us on site and see what the situation is. Cllr Pitter will give the Clerk the specification from the Contractor and will ask Scandor for a similar quote. A further quote might be required if these Contractors are not recognised by HCC.

(c) Quiet Lanes Meeting (24.11.15) – Cllr Watts and Clerk will attend the next Meeting.

(d) Parking at entrance to Manor Road/Beech Corner/Pay Phone sign. Clerk read out the response from WCC stating that the owners of the vehicles who have no sightlines because of the parking vehicles would be liable. CC Humby suggested that HCC Officers visit these locations and see for themselves the impossible situation that drivers face. The pay phone sign has still not been removed despite numerous requests for it to be taken down.

(e) Flooding at Beech Corner – progress by HCC. CC Humby and Lisa Davis have met at Beech Corner to see what could be done to ease the flooding. Lisa has come up with some ideas and will discuss these with Darren Lewis as she will be going on maternity leave shortly, and CC Humby.

(f) Enquiry regarding tree felling at entrance to Oakmore Park. This matter has been investigated by the Enforcement Officer and he said that there was no TPO on the tree and the owner was within their rights to take it down if they wish.

(g) Representative for School Meetings. Councillors agreed that a representative from the Parish Council would attend the Meetings, but it would be different Councillors attending. Cllr Delmege will attend the first Meeting on 19th December. Kirstie will inform the Clerk when the Meetings are so that we can see which Councillor would be available to attend.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that the next Highways Workshop would be the last one. Safety issues would be the main priority for further projects. CC Humby is also still working on the School lay-by project and has been negotiating with Karen Wright to try and keep this project on course.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby and DC Ruffell. DC Ruffell said that he and DC Humby had attended the Remembrance Sunday Service at the Cathedral in Winchester. The Local Plan Part 2 is out for the Consultation process at the moment and DC Humby added that the paragraph for the Botley By Pass has been amended. DC Ruffell asked if any of the poppies which were planted in Durley last year have come up yet. Councillors agreed that although they were planted in many locations we have not seen any poppies yet.



(a) Cllr Delmege did not take part in the discussion on this item. Letter from CAB regarding donation for 2016/17. Cllr Smith proposed that we make a donation of £150, which is the same as 2015/16. Cllr Watts seconded this proposal. All Councillors present, apart from Cllr Delmege who did not vote, were in favour. A cheque will be sent.

(b) Highways Maintenance Newsletter – September, 2015. This was sent via e-mail to Councillors.

(c) Parish Lengthsman Agreement. BWPC has been asked by their Insurance Company to draw up an Agreement with Durley and Upham Parish Councils for the work that the Parish Lengthsman carries out in Durley and Upham. Councillors were happy to sign the Agreement, which was duly signed.

(d) Draft Walking Strategy Consultation – HCC. Councillors will view this on-line and give any comments to the Clerk.

(e) County Councillor Grant Application. Clerk asked if there was a project that Councillors needed more funds for as there might be some Grant money available. Councillors agreed that as the table tennis table is near the end of its life at the Hall, this should be replaced. Cllr Delmege said that Bishops Waltham had just purchased some tables. Clerk will ask for the details and order one for the Hall. A Grant will be applied for towards the cost.

(f) LDF Newsletter – November, 2015. Sent via e-mail.

(g) Parish Council Budget Briefing on 8.12.15. This is the same night as our December Parish Council Meeting so no Councillor will be able to attend.

(h) HALC Affiliation fees for 2016/17. This was noted.

(i) Local Council Award Scheme. It was felt that although we have Quality Parish Status and a Qualified Clerk there appears to be little point in achieving another status when there is no benefit to the Council. Suffolk ALC are co-ordinating this area rather than Hampshire for this new Scheme.

(j) Proposed Changes to Highways Environmental Work. Councillors agreed that no comments would be made.

(k) Devolution – Parish Briefing. This was sent via e-mail and noted.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: Kirstie gave Councillors an updated plan of the proposed School lay-by which is longer than previously drawn up. It is hoped that the work will commence early in 2016. Councillors were concerned that residents have not been made aware that the project is imminent. Kirstie offered to deliver a flyer to every household. Cllr Charles and the Clerk will check through the flyer with Kirstie before it is sent out. Kirstie also said that she was concerned about speeding traffic, especially when the lay-by was being built. Parents would be able to park in Quob Stables, but they would need to cross the road. CC Humby suggested speaking to Karen Wright again about what could be done to make drivers aware of children crossing at this point. Clerk suggested moving the flashing crossing lights to give drivers some warning of a hazard. Cllr Charles asked Kirstie if she would be able to send any School Reports or information through to the Clerk before the Parish Council Meetings so that Councillors had an opportunity to read it before the Meeting. Kirstie said that she would do this – hopefully about 3 days before the Meeting if possible.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: There was no Report available. Councillors are concerned that there has been no Police presence at Meetings or in the village for some time. The PACT Meetings have also ceased, although there was meant to be one in September. Clerk was asked to write to see why there is no Police presence or PACT Meetings. Councillors fully understand that there has been cut-backs, but there still does need to be a Police presence from time to time.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Smith said that there were pot holes in Gregory Lane. Cllr Pitter offered to report these.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. Agree Precept for 2016/17. Councillors discussed the finance for 2016/17 and Cllr Charles proposed that the Precept should be raised to £20,000. Cllr Watts seconded this proposal and all Councillors were in agreement.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. Cllr Charles expects a quote soon. Report on Meeting with Cleaning Company to deep clean the toilets. Clerk and Caretaker met with the Company representative at the Hall and he said that the toilets were very clean and he recommended that the tiles be re-grouted and then given a deep clean, but the rest of the toilet area did not need a deep clean. Councillors agreed that the re-grouting could be done at the same time as the foyer floor tiling. Risk Assessment update. This was now completed and Councillors agreed that it be adopted. CCTV installation. This is going to be installed on Wednesday/Thursday this week.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Guttering. This will be done shortly. Play Area repairs to rope climbing frame. The part has arrived and Cllr Charles offered to fit it with Peter.


15/01376/FUL. Mr C Acton. Proposed carport and store following demolition of out buildings. 1 Mincingfield Terrace, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. WITHDRAWN.

15/01885/FUL. Mr J Gosney. Agricultural storage building with adjoining hard standing. Lane opposite L’Eglise, Durley Street, Durley. PERMITTED.

14/01842/FUL. Mr C Chandler. Demolition of existing store and erection of 1 no two bedroom bungalow with detached single garage and 14 no. solar panels. Land adjacent to Rodlands, Durley Street, Durley. APPEAL DISMISSED.

Winchester District Local Plan Part 2 – any comments. Councillors agreed that the main area of concern is that a roundabout is placed at the end of Wintershill, especially as the Plan shows employment/housing on the Tollgate Sawmills land. It is already very difficult during peak times to get out of Wintershill.



6 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, the Clerk and 2 parishioners were present. Kirstie Baines (Headteacher) was in attendance to give a School Report.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from District Councillor Ruffell
and Cllr Smith.

were no Declarations under the Code of Conduct.



(a) Update on faster broadband – CC Humby reported on the progress that has
been made to achieve better broadband for rural areas. There is still a way to go, but HCC is putting pressure to get BT to provide rural villages with a faster broadband, or find an alternative provider.

(b) Drainage at the Sawmills. Cllr Pitter will chase up the quote and get back to Councillors.

(c) Agree Action Plan produced by the Parish Plan Team. Councillors discussed the Action Plan and made a few minor amendments and then agreed that the Plan should be adopted. Cllr Farr proposed that we adopt the Action Plan and Cllr Burton seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement.

(d) Report on Sharing Parishes Recycling Meeting – Clerk and Cllr Farr attended the Meeting and said that Rob Heathcock explained how the recycling contracts were agreed and worked out. Schemes operating in the Winchester District were working well, but could always be improved and assessed. The Scheme has to be cost effective.

(e) Report on Quiet Lanes signs Meeting – Cllr Watts and Clerk attended the Meeting in Bishops Waltham and were informed that a Project has been in discussion for 10 years to open the former railway line to Botley. Councillors were surprized that this is the first time Durley PC has known of this venture. It is probably because the Quiet Lanes do come through Durley. Councillors agreed that they could see little point in the Scheme as the 30 mph signs are already in place in the Durley lanes and cyclists cause many of the complaints about speeding and not being considerate when racing down Durley lanes often two abreast. The Clerk has spoken to Owslebury PC and they are piloting the Quiet Lanes Scheme, but they do not have restricted speed limits along their lanes which is mainly why they offered to participate in the Scheme. A footpath which has a wet section is to be investigated, the Clerk has contacted the landowner and it appears that this particular section is wet because it goes over the pipeline and there is nothing that the landowner can do at present – it would be Esso who would give the permission for any work to be carried out.

(f) Parking at entrance to Manor Road/Beech Corner/Pay Phone sign. DC Ruffell chased up WCC to get a response to our e-mails. Corrine Phillips has now responded saying that due to lack of finance and low priority the double yellow lines will not be placed at Beech Corner or Manor Road. Councillors were very disappointed that she has taken so long to respond and agreed that this matter should still be pursued as it is of great concern to Durley residents who are trying to come out of Stapleford Lane/Church Lane and Manor Road. After many requests the Pay Phone sign at the end of Church Lane has still not been removed.

(g) Planning Coach Tour – Cllr Chares reported that the Tour was well supported
and he would recommend other Councillors attending in future if they have the opportunity. He gave Councillors an idea of the sites that were visited.

(h) Code of Conduct Training – Cllr Delmege and Clerk attended the Training and
found it valuable, although nothing has changed since the previous Training.

(i) Report on HALC AGM – Cllr Charles said that the AGM was well attended and
he found it very informative. Cllr Roy Perry (Leader of HCC) was in attendance. Devolution was also discussed as the way forward for the future.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that he had attended a
Rural Forum Network Meeting in Cheltenham and items on the Agenda included Affordable Housing, Broadband and Rural Isolation. He has also attended a Town & Country Planning Association Meeting. Cllr Humby also spoke about Andover Mind – which helps understand dementia patients. Cllr Charles asked a question about affordable housing and what “affordable” actually means, as some rents still appear to be on the high side.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby did not give a separate District Report.

no items brought up which were not already on the Agenda.


(a) Flooding at Beech Corner. A resident showed Councillors photographs of
recent flooding again at Beech Corner. Properties are at risk of flooding again and something needs to be done by HCC Highways. Residents are getting very frustrated at the lack of support and action from HCC Highways. Patrick Aust has met with one resident to try and find a solution. Mr Duff has met on the site and it has been suggested that a larger pipe is required under the road to take the amount of water which comes off the fields. CC Humby will contact Lisa Davis and the Environment Agency to see what can be done.

(b) Open Spaces Funding. It was agreed that any funding available would be used
towards the cost of drainage in The Sawmills play area.

(c) Letter from WinAcc. Councillors agreed to support a letter to parliament
regarding recycling.

(d) Publicity for Veolia Trust. Cllr Watts offered to put this notice in the Pavilion window as the Veolia Trust supported the play area renovations.

(e) Parish Connect – October, 2015 Newsletter. This was sent to Councillors via e- mail.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: Kirstie Baines gave a School Report and started by giving out
details of a Survey that had been carried out at the School about the way in which children get to School. Kirstie then informed Councillors of the present situation with the revised footway and drop-off lay-by at the School which is proposed with funding from HCC. CC Humby has secured some HCC funding, but final plans have not been drawn up yet. The School will also inform the Clerk of dates which large events are being held at the School which might mean that parents park in the Memorial Hall car park. The Clerk can then inform the School if the car park is available or not according to the bookings.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: There was nothing to report.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr said that all pot holes have been filled in. Cllr Pitter has reported the pot holes on-line and there are none outstanding at the moment. He will go around the village and check for any new ones. Councillors were concerned that a large oak tree has been felled at the Oakmore Park entrance. Although there is nothing that can be done Councillors agreed that HCC should be aware of the removal and we should ask if permission was granted before it was felled. Clerk will ask HCC.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Clerk has received a response from the External Auditor apologising for error in the Audit which was an input error on their part. A Notice was received confirming that there are no issues with the Audit.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. County Councillor Grant towards cctv system – this has now been approved and £500 was received towards the cost. The cctv system will now be ordered. Sound system is now working, but the microphone is still not working properly – Upfields will be asked to repair it. Deep clean of toilets – Clerk has still not received a response from PHS Washrooms. Cllr Burton has a contact for a Company and will pass this onto the Clerk. Risk Assessment update was approved for the Hall. Clerk asked if there was baby changing facilities in the disabled toilet as she believed that there were plans for this when the refurbishment took place. Councillors believed that the facilities were perhaps taken down when decorating took place. Councillors agreed that this should be provided and Cllr Charles will look at prices when ordering the same equipment for his Church.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Guttering will be reinstated when Cllr Charles and Peter are available. Play Area repairs to rope climbing frame – Clerk has ordered the part required and Cllr Charles offered to fit it.


15/01885/FUL. Mr J Gosney. Agricultural storage building with adjoining hard standing. Land opposite L’Eglise, Durley Street. No comments were made by Councillors.

15/01700/FUL. Mr and Mrs Scivier. Proposed extension of outbuildings to serve as ancillary accommodation to main cottage to form bedroom and playroom (RESUBMISSION). Corner Cottage, Sciviers Lane, Durley. PERMITTED.



6 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, the Clerk and 2 parishioners were present. Kirstie Baines (Headteacher) was in attendance to give a School Report.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from District Councillor Ruffell
and Cllr Smith.

were no Declarations under the Code of Conduct.



(a) Update on faster broadband – CC Humby reported on the progress that has
been made to achieve better broadband for rural areas. There is still a way to go, but HCC is putting pressure to get BT to provide rural villages with a faster broadband, or find an alternative provider.

(b) Drainage at the Sawmills. Cllr Pitter will chase up the quote and get back to Councillors.

(c) Agree Action Plan produced by the Parish Plan Team. Councillors discussed the Action Plan and made a few minor amendments and then agreed that the Plan should be adopted. Cllr Farr proposed that we adopt the Action Plan and Cllr Burton seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement.

(d) Report on Sharing Parishes Recycling Meeting – Clerk and Cllr Farr attended the Meeting and said that Rob Heathcock explained how the recycling contracts were agreed and worked out. Schemes operating in the Winchester District were working well, but could always be improved and assessed. The Scheme has to be cost effective.

(e) Report on Quiet Lanes signs Meeting – Cllr Watts and Clerk attended the Meeting in Bishops Waltham and were informed that a Project has been in discussion for 10 years to open the former railway line to Botley. Councillors were surprized that this is the first time Durley PC has known of this venture. It is probably because the Quiet Lanes do come through Durley. Councillors agreed that they could see little point in the Scheme as the 30 mph signs are already in place in the Durley lanes and cyclists cause many of the complaints about speeding and not being considerate when racing down Durley lanes often two abreast. The Clerk has spoken to Owslebury PC and they are piloting the Quiet Lanes Scheme, but they do not have restricted speed limits along their lanes which is mainly why they offered to participate in the Scheme. A footpath which has a wet section is to be investigated, the Clerk has contacted the landowner and it appears that this particular section is wet because it goes over the pipeline and there is nothing that the landowner can do at present – it would be Esso who would give the permission for any work to be carried out.

(f) Parking at entrance to Manor Road/Beech Corner/Pay Phone sign. DC Ruffell chased up WCC to get a response to our e-mails. Corrine Phillips has now responded saying that due to lack of finance and low priority the double yellow lines will not be placed at Beech Corner or Manor Road. Councillors were very disappointed that she has taken so long to respond and agreed that this matter should still be pursued as it is of great concern to Durley residents who are trying to come out of Stapleford Lane/Church Lane and Manor Road. After many requests the Pay Phone sign at the end of Church Lane has still not been removed.

(g) Planning Coach Tour – Cllr Chares reported that the Tour was well supported
and he would recommend other Councillors attending in future if they have the opportunity. He gave Councillors an idea of the sites that were visited.

(h) Code of Conduct Training – Cllr Delmege and Clerk attended the Training and
found it valuable, although nothing has changed since the previous Training.

(i) Report on HALC AGM – Cllr Charles said that the AGM was well attended and
he found it very informative. Cllr Roy Perry (Leader of HCC) was in attendance. Devolution was also discussed as the way forward for the future.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that he had attended a
Rural Forum Network Meeting in Cheltenham and items on the Agenda included Affordable Housing, Broadband and Rural Isolation. He has also attended a Town & Country Planning Association Meeting. Cllr Humby also spoke about Andover Mind – which helps understand dementia patients. Cllr Charles asked a question about affordable housing and what “affordable” actually means, as some rents still appear to be on the high side.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby did not give a separate District Report.

no items brought up which were not already on the Agenda.


(a) Flooding at Beech Corner. A resident showed Councillors photographs of
recent flooding again at Beech Corner. Properties are at risk of flooding again and something needs to be done by HCC Highways. Residents are getting very frustrated at the lack of support and action from HCC Highways. Patrick Aust has met with one resident to try and find a solution. Mr Duff has met on the site and it has been suggested that a larger pipe is required under the road to take the amount of water which comes off the fields. CC Humby will contact Lisa Davis and the Environment Agency to see what can be done.

(b) Open Spaces Funding. It was agreed that any funding available would be used
towards the cost of drainage in The Sawmills play area.

(c) Letter from WinAcc. Councillors agreed to support a letter to parliament
regarding recycling.

(d) Publicity for Veolia Trust. Cllr Watts offered to put this notice in the Pavilion window as the Veolia Trust supported the play area renovations.

(e) Parish Connect – October, 2015 Newsletter. This was sent to Councillors via e- mail.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: Kirstie Baines gave a School Report and started by giving out
details of a Survey that had been carried out at the School about the way in which children get to School. Kirstie then informed Councillors of the present situation with the revised footway and drop-off lay-by at the School which is proposed with funding from HCC. CC Humby has secured some HCC funding, but final plans have not been drawn up yet. The School will also inform the Clerk of dates which large events are being held at the School which might mean that parents park in the Memorial Hall car park. The Clerk can then inform the School if the car park is available or not according to the bookings.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: There was nothing to report.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr said that all pot holes have been filled in. Cllr Pitter has reported the pot holes on-line and there are none outstanding at the moment. He will go around the village and check for any new ones. Councillors were concerned that a large oak tree has been felled at the Oakmore Park entrance. Although there is nothing that can be done Councillors agreed that HCC should be aware of the removal and we should ask if permission was granted before it was felled. Clerk will ask HCC.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Clerk has received a response from the External Auditor apologising for error in the Audit which was an input error on their part. A Notice was received confirming that there are no issues with the Audit.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. County Councillor Grant towards cctv system – this has now been approved and £500 was received towards the cost. The cctv system will now be ordered. Sound system is now working, but the microphone is still not working properly – Upfields will be asked to repair it. Deep clean of toilets – Clerk has still not received a response from PHS Washrooms. Cllr Burton has a contact for a Company and will pass this onto the Clerk. Risk Assessment update was approved for the Hall. Clerk asked if there was baby changing facilities in the disabled toilet as she believed that there were plans for this when the refurbishment took place. Councillors believed that the facilities were perhaps taken down when decorating took place. Councillors agreed that this should be provided and Cllr Charles will look at prices when ordering the same equipment for his Church.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Guttering will be reinstated when Cllr Charles and Peter are available. Play Area repairs to rope climbing frame – Clerk has ordered the part required and Cllr Charles offered to fit it.


15/01885/FUL. Mr J Gosney. Agricultural storage building with adjoining hard standing. Land opposite L’Eglise, Durley Street. No comments were made by Councillors.

15/01700/FUL. Mr and Mrs Scivier. Proposed extension of outbuildings to serve as ancillary accommodation to main cottage to form bedroom and playroom (RESUBMISSION). Corner Cottage, Sciviers Lane, Durley. PERMITTED.



5 Parish Councillors, District Councillor Ruffell and the Clerk were present. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman Cllr Smith took the Chair for the Meeting.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Charles, Cllr Watts and County/District Councillor Humby.

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Update on faster broadband in Durley. Cllr Humby was not at the Meeting to give any update.

(b) Drainage at The Sawmills. Clerk read out the quote from Scandor. Councillors agreed that Cllr Pitter would obtain a further quote as it was rather higher than expected. This will be discussed again at the next Meeting.

(c) Report on Parish Plan Meeting held on 18.8.15. Cllr Burton reported that the Action Plan is being prepared and will be discussed at the next Parish Council Meeting in October ready for the Parish Council to hopefully agree the Plan. A letter will then be sent out to residents advising them of the Action Plan and ask what Actions they would like to see the Parish prioritise.

(d) Sharing Parishes Recycling Meeting – 24.9.15. at 7.30 p.m. Cllrs Smith, Farr and Pitter offered to attend this Meeting in Bishops Waltham. The Clerk will also be attending.

(e) Response to Quiet Lanes signs. Meeting on 1.10.15 at 3.00 p.m. No Councillors were able to attend so the Clerk will attend if she can.

(f) Parking at entrance to Manor Road/Beech Corner. The Police are going to visit the owners of the property on the brow of the hill in Durley Brook Road and there has been no response from The Robin Hood owners, or for the line markings outside of Beech Corner or Manor Road. DC Ruffell offered to follow up with Corinne Phillips at WCC as no response was received. The Payphone sign is also still in Durley Brook Road. The request for its removal was made many months ago. This will also be chased up.

(g) Response from Enforcement Officer. A response has been circulated to Councillors, although Councillors are not happy that some long-standing cases have just been deleted from the List with no real action taken against the property owners.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby was not able to give a Report.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORT: DC Ruffell said that on Thursday there is a Planning Meeting for the Whiteley development. There will be a site visit in the morning and then objectors and the developers will have an opportunity to speak in the afternoon. DC Ruffell informed Councillors that Winchester may be taking some of the refugees which are coming into the UK. The Council Tax reduction scheme has been withdrawn and he also spoke about Devolution for Councils.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. There were no members of the public present.


(a) Parish Councillor Training – Code of Conduct. (5.10.15 at 6.00 p.m.). Cllr Delmege will attend this.

(b) Minutes of W.D.A.L.C. These were circulated.

(c) Complaint regarding low flying planes. Clerk has written to Upham Airfield owners and received an explanation. The resident who complained has also been informed and given a telephone number of the owner in case there are any other problems.

(d) Draft Local Plan Part 2 – next stages from WCC. This was noted. Councillors asked about any development proposals in Durley. Clerk said that there is no housing allocation for Durley in the Local Plan Part 1. Cllr Delmege pointed out that it is very difficult to get plans and large documents on the internet as it is so slow. DC Ruffell offered to send relevant information about Durley through to Councillors for their information.

(e) Parish Council Insurance renewal. This has been renewed as it is the 2nd year of a 3 year Agreement.

(f) Information received from HALC was distributed to Councillors. The AGM is on Saturday 10th October at Sparsholt. No Councillors present were able to attend, but Cllr Charles will be asked when he returns from holiday if he would like to go along.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no Report available.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: There was no Report.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr had nothing to report. Cllr Pitter has reported some pot holes and there is one in Gregory Lane that needs to be filled in. Clerk said that the reinstatement of the fencing at The Sawmills has been done by the Parish Lengthsman. An e-mail was received from the new owners of 24 The Sawmills regarding the unauthorised access from the back of their property into the woodland area. Clerk has responded, and they have accepted that there was a problem and have also put up fencing around their property. Cllr Smith said that the buffer strip alongside the car park for the Housing Association houses has some shrubs and trees over-hanging the car park. Dave Rappini will be asked to cut them back. The footpath from the Hall to the School needs to have the bracken cut back from the side of the path. The Parish Lengthsman will be asked to do this.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Councillors agreed to use SGW for the Clerk’s pay and the relevant forms were signed to carry out the payroll ready for the September payment.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes – no further information was available as Cllr Charles is away. Hedge cutting in car park – Clerk said that Gerald Taplin is in hospital at the moment and unable to cut the hedge. Gerald does this as a volunteer and Clerk has sent him a card wishing him a speedy recovery from the Parish Council. Clerk has asked our Parish Lengthsman to trim the hedge and keep it tidy for the moment. Grant towards cctv – there is no news on the Grant yet. Sound system – the system still makes a background buzz on the right hand side speaker. Cllr Smith will ask the sound engineer to take a look and see what the problem is.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Extractor fan has been installed in Pavilion. Guttering will be done when Cllr Charles and the Parish Lengthsman are available.


Proposed development on land at Oakridge Farm at the eastern end of Maddoxford Lane, Curdridge. Botley PC and Curdridge PC will keep us informed about this proposal, but no details have been received yet. This was noted.

15/01869/FUL. Mr I Edwards. Demolition of an existing 2 storey detached dwelling and 2 no. outbuildings, construction of a 2 storey detached replacement dwelling plus detached garage; associated hard and soft landscaping; relocation of the existing access to site further along Durley Street. Four Winds, Durley Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that an objection should be made as this new dwelling is much larger than the dwelling it replaces and it is not in keeping with the village street scene along Durley Street, especially neighbouring properties. Durley is a rural village and covered by the MTRA3 Policy, and this states that all new development should be appropriate in scale and design and conserve each settlement’s identify, this proposal does not do this. A more modest size dwelling and built with materials similar to other neighbouring properties would be more acceptable. Councillors have no objection to a replacement dwelling provided that it is in keeping with neighbouring properties, smaller in size and that the original dwelling it replaces is taken down on completion. Councillors also felt that the description on the Planning Application is mis-leading as it states that the original dwelling is 2 storey (it is a bungalow with a room in the loft space), and it gives the impression that this dwelling is being replaced with a dwelling of similar size and design, which it clearly is not.


AT 7.30 p.m.

7 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Ruffell and the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: There were no apologies for absence.

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest.



(a) Report on Meeting with Patrick Aust regarding the drainage at The Sawmills. Cllr Charles, Cllr Smith, Mrs A Collins (Clerk) and Mr D Rappini met with Patrick and discussed the best way to drain the Green and Play Area. He advised that land drains would be the best solution which will then go into the two drains currently alongside Gregory Lane. Scandor were suggested as a Contractor who would be able to give further advice. HCC Highways would also have to be consulted to use the drains alongside Gregory Lane as they are on highways land. The Clerk met Matt from Scandor on the site. They are going to send two prices – one for land drains in the play area and another for cutting the ground through about 8 inches in the Green area.

(b) Update on Church Copse enforcement action. Clerk read out correspondence from residents and Cllr Read, but the situation has still not been resolved yet.

(c) Sharing Parishes Meeting – recycling in Hampshire. The Meeting will be held during September in Upham and Clerk will inform Councillors of a date when it has been agreed.

(d) Children crossing sign in The Sawmills. Clerk confirmed that the sign was put up and has been in situ for many months.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby informed Councillors about Rural Crime figures which are on the increase and it is a real concern that Hampshire are 4th in the top ten counties. He is meeting with the Police Authority to discuss why Hampshire’s figures have increased so much compared to other counties. CC Humby also spoke about Devolution and Combined Authorities, which will lead to a consultation process for Parish Councils to comment on. Cllr Smith asked if the lorry count had been carried out yet. CC Humby said that he would be speaking to Andy Smith soon and would ask.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby and DC Ruffell. DC Ruffell reported on the criteria for contributions towards affordable housing from developers. Rather than developers having to contribute if they provide 10 or more homes, it has now reverted back to the former policy (CP3) when each house built will need to pay a contribution towards any affordable housing. DC Ruffell then said that he was looking forward to a tour of Boom Town before this coming weekend. He also informed Councillors of the North Whiteley Planning Application, which is to have a site visit in the morning and then the hearing in the afternoon on 10th September.



(a) Update Charity information. Clerk said that some of the Charity information for the Hall and the Recreation Ground is now out of date so Councillors agreed the updates which Clerk can now amend and send to the Charity Commission. Councillors agreed to delete Jim Carter as a Hall Trustee and replace with Marie Smith.

(b) Statement of Principles – Gambling Act 2005. Councillors were sent a copy of the Draft and had no comments to make to WCC.

(c) Quiet Lanes signs. Clerk has been asked by Curdridge Parish Council if we would be happy with Quiet Lanes signs along some of the lanes in Durley. Councillors agreed that many parishioners do not wish to see additional signs around the village, and they could not see the purpose of these additional signs. Clerk was asked to find out why the signs were needed and how they were going to be enforced before Councillors could make a final decision.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No Report was available.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: There was no Report available.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr reported that most pot holes had been filled in and the others were marked with paint ready for filling in. Complaints about parking at the end of Manor Road are continuing. Cars were parked both sides of the road near to the entrance. Cllr Watts said that it is not only the large events at the Robin Hood, but it can be any time of day or evening. It was agreed that the Clerk should write again to the Robin Hood so that they are aware of the problems that this causes – especially for farm and emergency vehicles trying to get down Manor Road. Clerk will also chase WCC about putting double line markings near the entrance as this was requested some years ago. It was suggested that perhaps no parking cones could be put out as a temporary measure by the Robin Hood. Signs stating “No Parking” was also suggested. Cllr Farr had also received a complaint about vehicles parking on the pavement in Durley Brook Road again outside of 1 Elmdene. The Police will be informed as they visited the house owner previously.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. External Audit Report – Clerk read out the Report.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes – no more information received. CC Grant for cctv at Hall – the CC Grant has been applied for, but we do not know the result yet. Line markings have been done for the short mat tennis. The boiler has been repaired and the ladies toilet bowl has been replaced. Cllr Smith said that the fan is not working. Clerk will ask Neil to repair it when he replaces the light in the main Hall.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that there were no problems at the moment. Air vents in Pavilion – a larger air extractor will be fitted in the changing rooms. Guttering – this will be done shortly. Reinstatement of fence on boundary of woodland area – Cllr Charles and Peter will repair the fence and reinstate the boundary. Cllr Watts said that she has put some more signs in the car park to ask dog owners to keep their dogs on leads. Some residents visiting with their dogs have taken offence to this, but Councillor felt that it is important that consideration is given to all Recreation Ground users and this includes children and people playing sport. A note will go into the Parish Magazine report asking that dogs are kept on leads and that owners pick up after their dog.


15/01700/FUL. Mr and Mrs D Scivier. Proposed extension of outbuildings to serve as ancillary accommodation to main cottage to form bedroom and playroom (RE-SUBMISSION). Corner Cottage, Sciviers Lane, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application.

Councillors were sent a copy of the current Enforcement List which included 3 Closed cases. Councillors were disappointed at the support given to the parish regarding one long-standing case as this has now been closed with no reason given. Councillors do understand that it has been going on for well over 20 years, but the Parish Council and residents have been asking for action to be taken and the case was going to Court some years ago. It sets a very bad example and a precedent for future people who wish to “play the system”. Clerk was asked to write to WCC and ask what the reason is for the sudden closure.