Durley Parish Council held their Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 9th October, 2018 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 6 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, and 3 parishioners were present.


Apologies were received from Cllr Bartlett and County/District Councillor Humby.


Cllr Delmege reported that the speed indicator sign which has been sited in Durley Brook Road is working well and a sample of statistics gained were given at the Meeting. Positive feedback was received from residents and Parish Councillors.


Cllr Watts and the Clerk attended the WW1 Commemoration Meeting and reported that planning for the events in Durley are going well. It is hoped that many residents will attend the commemoration services at the Church and opposite the School, the Exhibition at Durley Memorial Hall (which was built in memory of those who fell during WW1), and the lighting of the beacon in the evening.


Cllr Pitter reported on the Broadband in Durley and said that an article has gone onto the website asking for residents to respond so that we know what community interest there is when deciding on a Community Funding bid. Residents are urged to respond, otherwise Parish Councillors have no idea of how satisfied you are with your current broadband speeds in Durley.


The Clerk reported that HCC have confirmed that the grit bin sited along Wintershill will be reinstated and re-levelled.


Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended a Planning Event along with other Parish Councils – issues discussed were Enforcement, the Review of the Planning Department at WCC and the future Local Plan.


The new seat to be sited at Durley Recreation Ground has arrived. It will be placed where the old wooden seat was sited.


There were no County or District Councillor Reports.


A letter was received from Royal Mail warning residents of scam mail. This will be put on the noticeboard. Cllr Smith suggested that perhaps the CAB would visit Durley Lunch Club and inform elderly residents of scam mail, e-mails, telephone calls etc. Cllr Delmege will ask CAB and get in touch with Edna Merritt.


Clerk has been looking at various Grants for the school crossing and flashing lights. The Blue Lamp Trust is used for charities and is not suitable, and the Lottery Grant is not available as the land which the project is sited on is not owned by the Parish Council, but HCC. Further Grant options will be investigated by Durley Parish Council and Durley Primary School.


Cllr Pitter gave a Highways Report stating that white road markings have been placed on various roads in Durley so that repair work can be carried out. Some fly tipping was reported. Clerk reminded Councillors that anyone is able to report fly tipping via the Winchester City Council website. Evidence will then be gathered and a “W” placed on the fly tip. It will then be collected by WCC after investigation. Prosecution will follow if possible.


A Neighbourhood Watch Report was given by Cllr Watts, along with the Notes of a recent PACT Meeting held in Bishops Waltham.


Clerk gave a financial report and said that the External Audit had been returned and was satisfactory. The first half of the 2018-19 Internal Audit has been completed and is also satisfactory.


Bulbs have been planted in the memorial garden and in areas around the Hall car park in memory of John Sillence, who was our Hall Caretaker for 14 years. The bulbs were donated from the Village Quiz evening by Durley Entertainments Committee.


Cllr Watts reported that the Recreation Ground is good at the moment and the step on the veranda will be repaired shortly. Cllr Charles offered to meet with Colin Watts to discuss the best materials to repair it with.


Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council




Durley Parish Council held their Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 11th September, 2018 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 6 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and 6 parishioners were present. A Planning Consultant and Kirstie Baines were also in attendance.


Apologies were received from Cllr Charles and District Councillor Miller.


Cllr Delmege reported that some of the posts have been made higher to attached the Speed Indicator sign. It is hoped that the other locations will be available soon to put up the sign. Ian Medd and Andy Burton are working on the village entry signs.


Cllr Bartlett showed Councillors the design of picnic benches which have been installed in Bishops Waltham recently which would be easy to maintain. A further report will be given at the next Meeting on the progress of gaining funding.


Clerk reported that the Forestry Commission are still waiting for a response from Defra regarding the replanting of the trees in Church Copse, Greenwood Lane. This will be chased up again. The fly tipping has been removed by Winchester City Council.


After investigation by HCC and Southern Water it has been confirmed that the sinking of the road in Heathen Street is not a water leak from a Southern Water pipe. Therefore funding will need to be secured from HCC to carry out major repair works under the highway. Until the funding is in place HCC Highways will continue to carry out maintenance as and when the road sinks. Councillors were not happy that this problem has been ongoing for some years as we were informed then that running sand under the road was the probable cause of the problem. CC Humby will see what he can do to achieve a satisfactory outcome.


Cllr Delmege has walked some of the Durley footpaths and letters will be written to those land owners who need to be informed of issues which require their attention. It would be helpful if land owners could check their footpaths and make sure that they are accessible and that stiles are in good condition.


Cllr Watts and the Clerk attended the WW1 commemoration Meeting and reported that planning for the events in Durley are going well.


Cllr Pitter reported on the Broadband in Durley and he said that although fibre broadband is now reaching some of the cabinets it is not going into the properties. He is looking into a Community Funded Scheme, but will need to know what interest there is. An article is going to put on the website so that we can see what interest there is.


Clerk read out a response from George Hollingbery MP regarding planning on our parish boundary. He states that he fully understands the frustration of Durley residents and Durley Parish Council regarding the large amount of planning proposed on our parish boundary. He has written objections to EBC.


CC Humby gave a County Council Report stating that he has attended many Meetings, and apologised for not being able to attend the Durley Meetings as frequently as he would like. CC Humby heard complaints from the Parish Council and residents regarding the recent road closure in Durley Brook Road. He said that there was a lack of communication and he would see what could be done in future to inform Parish Councils and residents. He also now sits on the Board of Governors for the NHS Trust.


A District Councillor’s Report was given by Cllr Mclean. He went through the Meetings that he had attended, which included Overview and Scrutiny, Health Service, Planning – including site Meetings. He also informed Councillors about the recent Boom Town Event and how impressive the security arrangements were.


An order for a new seat at Durley Recreation Ground has been placed and it is hoped that it will arrive on 1st October.


A quote was read out, and discussed for the school crossing and flashing lights in Durley Brook Road. It is hoped that a Grant can be applied for from CC Humby and the School and Parish Council will apply for Grants to cover the remainder of the cost involved.


A School Report was given by Kirstie Baines, who reported that the School had received their recent Offstead Inspection Report which was rated Good. However, the School has been put forward for a Section 5 Inspection which might change the rate from Good to Outstanding. Councillors praised the School for their success and hope that they achieved an Outstanding rating in the future. Kirstie said that there has been no flooding throughout the summer – mainly due to the dry weather, but also because the brook has been cleared out, which should also help.


A Neighbourhood Watch Report was given by Cllr Watts. She informed Councillors that warnings are still being given out about scam e-mails, cold calling, suspicious calls etc. The next PACT Meeting will be on 27.9.18 – which Cllr Watts will attend. It was pointed out that the Police number is out of date in the Parish Magazine so this will need to be changed to 101.


A Highways Report was given by Cllr Pitter. Pot holes have been reported and new ones will be reported. A concern about a tree in Snakemoor Lane has been inspected by HCC and deemed to be safe. Kistie asked if the weeds along Durley Brook Road could be removed. CC Humby said that weeds are only cleared once a year now, but the Clerk was asked to report it and he will see what can be done.


Clerk reported that Donna Shorney has now taken over the role of Hall Caretaker. The under-stage area has now been cleared at the Hall.


Cllr Watts reported that the Recreation Ground has had some weed and feed applied.


Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council



Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 14th August, 2018 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, District Councillor Miller and 4 parishioners were present.

Apologies were received from Cllr Bartlett, Cllr Clegg, County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Mclean.

At the start of the Meeting Cllr Charles announced the sad death of our Memorial Hall Caretaker – John Sillence. John has been looking after the Hall for the last 14 years. A minute’s silence was held in John’s memory.

Cllr Delmege reported that he is waiting for HCC to come and higher the posts to site the Speed Indicator sign. The work was scheduled in for June/July. As the work has now been passed onto a Contractor Councillors asked that the Clerk contact CC Humby to try and pursue the matter so that the sign can be sited. The Clerk will also contact Ian Medd regarding the design for the village entry signs.

The replanting of the trees in Church Copse has not taken place and the Clerk has asked the Forestry Commission for details of when the inspection is to take place before legal action can be taken. No response has been received so Clerk was asked to write again and copy in other Officers. This issue has been going on for a long time and enforcement action should be taken to make sure that re-planting takes place.

Cllr Delmege attended the Meon Valley Home Start AGM and said that the Meon Valley section is now merging into the Hampshire Home Start. The AGM was well attended and many employees and volunteers were thanked for their hard work at Meon Valley Home Start.

Cllr Delmege has carried out some footpath inspections and Councillors agreed that landowners who have a footpath going through their land should keep it clear of brambles and vegetation. The vegetation is growing fast at the moment and needs to be kept down. Some stiles are in need of replacement as they are difficult to negotiate over so the landowners will be asked if they will replace or refurbish appropriate stiles to make them more accessible.

Cllr Watts reported on the WW1 commemorations. The Exhibition at Durley Memorial Hall is taking shape and a decision has yet to be made on the siting of the village beacon. Services of commemoration will be held at Durley Church and in the memorial garden opposite Durley Primary School. A note has gone into the Parish Magazine so that residents are aware of the weekend.

A District Councillor’s Report was given by Cllr Miller. He gave some information about the Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan and the response from Winchester City Council, an update on the Sports Centre in Winchester and answered questions from residents and Parish Councillors.

Cllr Pitter updated Parish Councillors on the fibre broadband to properties in Durley. He is waiting for further information from BT and Openreach as the problem appears to be getting the fibre via overhead cables to properties. He hopes to have a further update for the next Meeting.

A Neighbourhood Watch Report was given by Cllr Watts who said that the main issues have been cold calling and break-ins, but not in Durley. There is an Older Driver Awareness Course being held locally. All information will be put on the Parish Council website for residents to view.

A Highways Report was given by Cllr Pitter. Some road defects have been repaired in Sciviers Lane, but he will go round the village and report other problems. The double yellow lines have been worked well after checking throughout the month. Tipper trucks going through the village have increased and the Clerk will write to one Company that appears to be travelling through the village very often. The trees will be cut back which over-hang the “unsuitable for hgv” signs at Wintershill.

Cllr Charles has now received 3 quotes for the Hall floor. Clerk will look into various Grants that we might be able to apply for to help towards the cost involved. The under-stage and on-stage areas will be cleared out shortly.

Clerk said that there was another Planning Application for 375 houses on our boundary on land north and east of Winchester Street, Botley. Parish Councillors agreed that a letter should be written to George Hollingbery MP stating that Durley residents are getting very frustrated with planning applications on the Eastleigh Borough Council boundary of our parish which are suffocating our small village.

Clerk reported that both Appeals against the Enforcement Notices on land adjacent to Berkeley Farm, Durley Street have been allowed by the Inspector.

Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council




Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 10th July, 2018 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 7 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, District Councillor Miller and 1 parishioner were present.

Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Mclean.

Cllr Delmege reported that he is waiting for HCC to come and higher the posts to site the Speed Indicator sign. He carried out a test on the equipment and gave Parish Councillors a demonstration of the results which he had gathered. It is anticipated that the signs will be up and running shortly.

Cllr Miller asked if the double yellow lines were working as he could arrange for enforcement to take place if illegal parking was still taking place. Councillors agreed that the double yellow lines are working effectively at the moment. If there are any problems then they will be reported to DC Miller. DC Miller also updated Councillors on large planning applications within the Winchester District.

Cllr Bartlett is going to visit the business units to discuss a contribution towards seating on The Green at The Sawmills. Hopefully this will be carried out within the next week or two.

Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended a Southern Parishes Meeting in Bishops Waltham. After giving a brief report of the Meeting Councillors were asked if they would like addtional hours for a Parish Lengthsman and/or ACSO as Bishops Waltham PC were reviewing their staffing for these roles and could appoint a further person if the need was there from other parishes.

Heathen Street has been repaired again, but Councillors are not happy that major work has not been carried out to resolve this long-standing problem of running sand under the road. A survey is being carried out by HCC and it is hoped that once the results are known some form of permanent repairs will be undertaken so that the road does not keep sinking.

Clerk reported that an Inspection has not yet been carried out by the Forestry Commission at Church Copse, Greenwood Lane. The Parish Council has been informed that this will be done shortly.

Councillors discussed the Consultation carried out by HCC on proposals to change street lighting, supporting transport services and concessionary travel scheme. It is hoped that residents will respond to this Consultation, especially those who use the bus services through the village. Councillors agreed that savings do need to be made and that a minimal charge for the bus services is acceptable.

Cllr Delmege will attend the Home-Start Meon Valley AGM on Wednesday 18th July in Wickham on behalf of the Parish Council.

Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report. Thefts from vehicles and bike thefts were frequent at the moment and residents were given information on how to protect their property when they go away. This information will be placed on the website for residents to view.

A School Report was given by Nick Apps and he updated Councillors on the Offsted Inspection, the School track, the brook clearance to ease flooding, and the flashing lights.

Pot holes have been reported around the village by Cllr Pitter. About half have been repaired and it is hoped that more will be repaired.

The Clerk gave a Financial Report and Councillors agreed a donation towards the churchyard maintenance for the year 2018-19.

A Hall Report was given by Cllr Smith. The Meeting was held on 4th July and items discussed included, the replacement Hall flooring, clear-out of understage area, kitchen curtains, caretaking and other minor repairs.

Cllr Watts said that the painting of the Pavilion has now been completed. The 3 ash trees have been pollarded and the baby swing needs to be replaced as it is obvious that adults have been using it.

The Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.25 p.m.

Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council


Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 12th June, 2018 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 7 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, District Councillor Mclean and 6 parishioners were present. The Agent for Imperial Homes also attended to present his plans to Parish Councillors. Kirstie Baines (Headteacher) was also in attendance.

Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Miller.

Councillors approved the Updated Model Standing Orders to reflect the new GDPR Regulations, The Privacy Policy, The Retention of Documents and Records Policy and the Data Protection Policy.

Cllr Delmege reported that the Speed Indicator sign has arrived and payment was agreed for the posts to install the sign. Locations have been agreed with HCC and Insurance has been sorted out by the Clerk. It is hoped that the sign will be installed shortly.

Clerk said that she has received many phone calls to the Parish Council from residents, and drivers who go through Durley saying how pleased they are that the double yellow lines are now in place and how much safter it is at Beech Corner and coming out of Manor Road. Councillors are encouraging residents to report any regular vehicle owners who choose to ignore the double yellow lines. It is important that we enforce the parking so that these areas stay safe. Councillors are pleased that after many years of campaigning our hard work has paid off.

Cllr Watts, Cllr Delmege and the Clerk attended a Meeting along with School representatives, the PCC and a representative from Durley History Society. On Sunday 11th November we hope to commemorate those who lose their lives in the First World War by holding our usual Service of Rememberance at Durley Church and in the Memorial Garden (opposite the School) and then we will hold an Exhibition at Durley Memorial Hall (which was built in memory of those who fought). At the Exhibition residents will be invited to visit and look at work completed by Durley School children, old Parish Council records, Durley History Society information and enjoy a cup of tea and peice of cake. At 7.00 p.m. a village beacon will be lit at a location yet to be decided. It is hoped that this will be a village event which residents will be able to commemorate those residents from Durley who we lost in the First World War.

Cllr Bartlett has been visiting businesses in The Sawmills to see if they would contribute towards some seating and tables on the Village Green. It is hoped that this will not only provide a village facility for all to enjoy, but also give the business unit workers somewhere to eat their lunch during the summer months if they wish.

Cllr Watts and the Clerk attended the Southern Parishes Meeting where the main issues for discussion were Community Speedwatch, Parish Charter and additional hours for a Parish Lengthsman.

District Councillor Mclean gave a District Councillors Report. He stated that he is back on the Planning Committee, and also on the Standards Committee, Overview and Scrutiny and the Licencing Committee at Winchester City Council. DC Mclean updated Councillors on the progress of the Sports Centre in Winchester and also said that he was pleased that the double yellow lines have finally been installed in Durley.

During the public participation session Councillors were asked if there was any update on the enforcement of the re-planting of the trees in Church Copse. As no further information has been received the Clerk will investigate what action is being taken now that the timescale for re-planting has expired. A potential resident was also present who asked about any future plans in Durley for additional planning. Councillors responded saying that in the present Plan there is no development for Durley on a large scale, but plans do change all the time so they would not be able to say what the future holds.

The Planning Appeal for the Unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller Site on land adjacent to Berkeley Farm is being held on 13th June and Cllr Charles, Cllr Pitter and the Clerk will be attending.

A request was received from the ADD Group (Action against Destructive Development) asking if Durley residents would like to make donations towards the fighting fund. This will be used to fight the Eastleigh plans on our boundary. It was agreed that the Clerk will put information on the website so that residents can make a donation if they wish.

An e-mail was read out from WCC regarding the lack of grass cutting this year. It stated that the current programme is based on 9 cuts per year and due to the weather conditions grass in some areas is getting higher than expected before it is cut. It was agreed that the Clerk would ask if Millway could be cut as it is very long, and also the verges, as some entrances are dangerous because drivers cannot see through the long grass.

Kirstie Baines attended the Meeting and gave a School Report. The main items which were included were the Walk to School Week, The Bear Hunt – which 80 families are taking part, discussions with the Strategic Development Officer regarding school numbers, new schools in the area, and the School Budget. Councillors offered their support where they can and are happy to write letters, e-mails etc. if it is helpful.

Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report stating that there has been some thefts in the Bishops Waltham area but non in Durley. Residents were reminded that they should keep sheds locked and bikes should be locked up in the hot weather. Windows and doors should also be locked as some thefts are during the day time when the owner is in the garden. It is also advised to give your neighbour a key when you go away so that they can check on your home.

Cllr Pitter is taking a tour around the village checking all the potholes and then reporting them to HCC for appropriate action. The road subsidence in Heathen Street is still a big concern as the major work has still not been carried out yet. The Clerk will chase this up as the road is sinking again.

The Clerk gave a Financial Report and the invoice for the village entry signs was agreed.

Cllr Charles is meeting with a specialist to discuss the Hall floor replacement and to obtain a further quote. Clerk said that the Hall Caretaker is still unwell and Donna Shorney is doing a good job of covering for him. Councillors send their best wishes.

Cllr Watts said that the painting in the Pavilion is almost completed and the multi-surface equipment is being re-painted at the moment. Dog walkers were seen on the Recreation Ground without keeping their dog on a lead. Everyone is reminded that dog owners must be responsible for keeping their dogs on a lead and picking up after them.

Robin Reay from Luken Beck attended the Meeting and showed Councillors plans which have been drawn up for 2 dwellings on land in front of Quob Stables, Durley Brook Road. Councillors made no comments, but will make any comments when a formal Planning Application is received.

The Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.55 p.m.

Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council



Durley Parish Council held its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 8th May, 2018 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 3 School representatives were present.

The Election of Officers took place, and the following were elected:

Chairman – Cllr Charles
Vice Chairman – Cllr Watts
Hall Management Committee Chairman – Cllr Smith
Hall Management Committee Vice Chairman – Cllr Bartlett
Highways Officer – Cllr Pitter
Footpaths Officer – Cllr Delmege
Recreation Ground Chairman – Cllr Watts
Transport representative – Cllr Pitter
Cllr Clegg was happy to help where required as she is new to the Council

Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, District Councillor Miller, Cllr Pitter and Cllr Bartlett.

Clerk informed Councillors that District Councillor Miller had been re-elected for a further term of office.

Clerk has been in touch with the WCC Dog Warden and he has given the Parish Council some additional dog fouling notices to put around the village. It was suggested that perhaps a camera should be installed to catch repeat offenders.

The Community Payback Volunteers have nearly completed the painting of the Pavilion at the Recreation Ground. It was agreed that DFC would finish the painting so that it was completed by the end of the Season. Some play equipment still needs to be painted.

Cllr Delmege reported that the Speed Indicator signs will arrive shortly and a Licence has been agreed with HCC Highways to place the posts to put the signs on. It is hoped that the signs will be sited in June.

Cllr Delmege, Cllr Watts and the Clerk attended a Meeting to discuss the village commemorations for the end of World War One. It is hoped that these commemorations will involve the whole of the village and will take place over the weekend of 10th/11th November.

Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the recent Winchester District Association of Parish Councils Meeting in Owslebury. The main discussions were regarding the new GDPR Regulations, speeding of motorbikes on the A272 and future topics to discuss.

The footpath/cycleway in Parsonage Lane has been cleared of weeds and the Clerk commented that she had received many positive comments about the footpath. The drain under Parsonage Lane appears to be blocked again so HCC will be asked if they can clear it.

Parking at The Sawmills was highlighted again at the Meeting by residents who live in the development. Business Unit workers are parking outside of the residental properties and also Pre-School dropping off and picking up were a problem for some residents who live opposite the Thresher Room. The Clerk was asked to see if visitors to the development could park more considerably so that residents who live at The Sawmills are able to park near to their properties.

The HCC Parish Lengthsman Scheme is continuing for another year and Durley is joined with Upham and Curdridge as the Lead Parish.

Kirstie Baines and 2 School representatives attended the Meeting and informed Parish Councillors of the issues they are covering to make the journey to School as safe as possible. Plans were discussed for the future of the School track and it is hoped that a School representative will be available each month to attend our Meetings and keep the Parish Council informed of any progress.

Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report stating that Nottingham Knockers have been in Durley and this has been reported to the Police. Thefts from vans, cars and sheds have been a problem and residents were reminded that high hedges can sometimes be a hiding place for potential burglars.

The village gateway signs are being progressed by two of the Parish Plan Team – Andy Burton and Ian Medd. The signs have been agreed by the Parish Plan Team and Durley Parish Council. Ian is going to get in touch with HCC Highways to check that the signs comply with legal requirements before an order is placed. It was suggested that flowers could be planted under the signs. Councillors agreed that this was a good idea, but we would not be able to place planters without HCC permission as it could be a safety issue. It was suggested that perhaps residents would be willing to plant bulbs etc. outside of their properties – like those placed at the top of Stapleford Lane. Any ideas welcome to Durley Parish Council.

Quotes were discussed for the LED lighting at the Hall and a new media screen. However, these were higher than anticipated and further quotes will be required. Unfortunately the Hall Caretaker is still unwell at the moment and Donna Shorney is doing a great job in keeping the Hall running smoothly. Councillors wish John all the best and hope that he makes a good recovery and is home soon.

Cllr Watts gave a report on the Recreation Ground. She said that organised events do need to be booked as there was a recent incident when a party was not booked and it clashed with a Durley football match. Luckily the problem was sorted out and the party ended before the footballers arrived, but in order for the toilets to be opened and the car parking to be available it is essential that bookings are made via Cllr Watts. Details of how to make a booking are on the Parish Council website.

The Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.30 p.m.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council




Durley Parish Council held its Annual Parish Assembly on Tuesday 10th April, 2018 at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley. 5 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Miller, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, PCSO Slater, a police representative and 3 parishioners were present.

Apologies were received from District Councillor Mclean.

Cllr Charles (Chairman) commenced the Meeting by introducing members of the Parish Council and other Officers to the residents attending.

Cllr Charles gave a Chairman’s Report summarising the work the Parish Council has been working on during the year. He said that the drainage work which was carried out at The Sawmills appears to be working effectively, the Parish Council part of the village website is now live, the Footpaths around Durley are kept clear by the Parish Lengthsman, the play areas have been renovated and new safer surfacing has been put down in places. We have been working closely with the School to try and slow the traffic down through Durley, especially past the School. A new SID sign has been ordered and will be placed in 5 different locations on a rotation basis. It is hoped that the information this sign records will be useful to verify speeds of traffic and volume of traffic through Durley. The Chairman, Clerk and Councillors attend many Meetings outside the Parish Council throughout the year. At the end of his Report the Chairman thanked all his Officers and the Clerk for all their hard work over the year.

The Clerk gave a Financial Report for the End 2017-18. Details of the Income and Expenditure were given out and the Clerk explained that £16,000 was given to the Parish Council for the future maintenance of the road which was adopted at The Sawmills from Persimmon Homes. This money will be put aside for these future costs. The Internal Audit Report was satisfactory and Councillors thanked the Clerk for all her hard work with the accounts of the Parish.

Cllr Pitter gave a Highways Report saying that he has reported many pot holes throughout the year by photographing the pot hole and sending the picture to HCC Highways via the on-line system. This works well. However, at the present time, due to the bad winter weather there are many pot holes which need attention as they are filled with water. The double yellow lines at the end of Manor Road junction and Beech Corner are marked out ready to be completed. This has been after many years of persuing from Durley Parish Council. It is hoped that this will stop parking in these unsafe areas.

Cllr Smith gave a Hall Report and started by thanking all the Hall hirers for the support over the year. She also thanked the Hall Caretaker John, who is unfortunately unwell at the moment. Councillors all wished John a speedy recovery. Donna Shorney was thanked for helping with the Hall in John’s absence. Both textile bins in the Hall car park are well used by residents and raise funds for the First Responders, Breast Cancer and the Hall.  The new tables and trollies are well used and the new sound system has been installed. It is hoped that the Hall floor will be replaced, a window put into the downstairs Committee Room and replace the strip lights in the Hall with more energy efficient LED lighting. Cllr Smith then thanked Cllr Charles, Cllr Pitter, Shawn and Peter for all their support in the Hall and Anne Collins for taking the bookings.

County/District Councillor Humby gave a County Councillor’s Report outlining the work that HCC is doing to keep our road network safe, especially during the bad winter weather which we have had this winter. CC Humby attends many Meetings which could involve going to the House of Commons, visiting local residents and everything in between. Taking responsibility for the highways and environment in Hampshire is a vast amount of work and deciding on the budget for these issues is a big responsibility. Adult and child social care takes up a large amount of the budget so juggling the figures to accommodate all that is required is not easy. CC Humby informed residents about the work that Skanska are doing on our highways and the new machines that they use, e.g. the Dragon Patcher to fix pot holes more efficiently. CC Humby was thanked for all his hard work in Durley over the year.

District Councillor Miller gave a District Council Report and he outlined the work that the 3 District Councillors carry out over the year at WCC. DC Miller spoke about the various Grants that are available, facilities that have been purchased recently by WCC, including hopefully having a sports facility in the southern parishes. High class offices are also needed in Winchester. DC Miller was thanked for all his work over the past year for Durley.

PCSO Stephanie Slater was present representing the Police along with a colleague. She stated that the overall crime statistics for Durley was down this year. She has visited Durley Lunch Club with Trading Standards Officers to talk to elderly residents about scams etc. The Police might have a stand at the Church Fete this year.

General questions were then asked by residents attending and the Chairman then thanked everyone for attending and closed the Meeting.

Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council



Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 10th April, 2018 at Durley Memorial Hall. 5 Parish Councillors and the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins were present.

Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, District Councillor Miller, Cllr Clegg and Cllr Bartlett.

Councillors were pleased that the double yellow line markings which are coming into force soon will soon be painted onto the junctions at Beech Corner and the end of Manor Road. Durley Parish Council has been persuing this for a number of years and it is hoped that once in place these junctions will be safer for everyone to use.

Cllr Delmege reported on the price for the speed indicator sign which will record speeds of vehicles coming through the village and also light up a speed sign. There are 5 suggested locations and these will be used on a rotation basis. It is proved that if the sign is in one place for over 2 – 3 weeks it is not so effective. Councillors agreed the price for the sign and Clerk will put in an order.

The Parish Council part of the village website is now live and information will be added as and when available.

Cllr Watts, Cllr Delmege and the Clerk will attend a Meeting to discuss World War One commemorations in Durley. It is hoped that all the village organisations and residents will be able to get involved in these important commemorations.

Correspondence has been received about the Esso Southampton to London Pipeline Project Consultation Launch. Individual letters and information has been sent to those land owners who might be affected. The nearest Exhibition is at The Jubilee Hall, Bishops Waltham on Friday 20th April from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. if any residents wished to attend.

Memberships subscriptions were agreed for the Hampshire Association of Local Councils and the Hampshire Playing Fields Association.

Cllr Pitter reported that there are many pot holes in Durley which have been mainly caused by the recent bad weather conditions, but he has been unable to report them this month as they are filled with water. Once the wet weather is over he will photograph the pot holes and then report them to HCC Highways via the on-line system. Anyone is able to report a pot hole via the on-line system if they wish.

Councillors agreed the financial transactions for the month and the Internal Audit Report. The Annual Governance Statement for 2017-18 and the Accounting Statements for 2017-18 were also signed ready to send off to the External Auditor.

Cllr Smith gave a Hall Report and said that the Caretaker is still unwell at the moment, but everyone wishes him a speedy recovery. The new sound system has now been installed.

Cllr Watts reported that the painting of the Pavilion continues, although it was hoped that this would be completed this week. Clerk was asked to write to see when the work is to be completed.

The Annual Parish Assembly then followed this Meeting.

Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council


Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 13th March, 2018 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 7 Parish Councillors and the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins were present.

Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and District Councillor Miller.

The Clerk reported that an Order for the double yellow lines will come into effect on 16th April. Councillors were pleased that the lines will finally be installed and these junctions in Durley will be made safer.

Cllr Delmege updated Councillors on the Speed Indicator sign and suggested 5 locations that HCC are happy to use to locate the signs which comply with the current regulations. Councillors agreed that one sign would be purchased and 5 posts so that the sign could be moved. Two locations will be each side of the Primary School and it is hoped that this will slow the traffic down outside of the School.

An updated photograph has been taken of Parish Councillors for the new website before the Meeting. This will be sent to the Website designer and then the new Parish Council website will go live.

Cllr Charles (Chairman) and the Clerk attended a Southern Parishes Meeting in Bishops Waltham. The Fly Tipping Strategy Officer was invited to the Meeting to inform Councils about the way in which fly tipping is reported and hopefully lead to prosecutions. Sharing information about reducing speeding in villages was also discussed.

A Meeting with George Hollingbery MP was attended by Cllr Charles and the Clerk, to discuss the EBC proposed plans. Studies need to be available to HCC Officers before they can make comments on the Plans regarding the traffic problems which could arise.

Councillors reviewed the current Policies which Durley Parish Council hold and agreed that there were no amendments to make. Clerk said that these Policies are updated as and when new legislation comes into force.

Cllr Pitter gave a Highways Report stating that there are some pot holes in the area, but they are filled with water at the moment so he cannot photograph them. These will be reported as soon as the weather is better. Clerk read out an e-mail from a resident regarding traffic through Durley Street asking if the signage could be changed. Councillors viewed the photograph of the signs and agreed that we would not be able to have these signs as we do not have a ban on HGV vehicles through the village, we can only have advisory signs. Cllr Clegg said that the roadside edges in Kytes Lane are eroding – these will be reported to HCC. The area around a manhole at the end of Stapleford Lane is breaking away so this will be reported to HCC. The Parsonage Lane footpath has been cleared by Peter.

Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report saying that sheds and vehicles need to be kept locked as thefts from these items appears to be the main problem at the moment. Fly tipping was reported again in Chancellors Lane.

A Financial Report was given by the Clerk.

An e-mail was read out regarding dog fouling along Parsonage Lane where children and elderly residents walk to get to the School or Memorial Hall. Councillors totally agreed with the writer that this is not acceptable behaviour and Durley Parish Council urge any residents to get in touch with the WCC Dog Warden or Durley Parish Council if they know, and especially if they have evidence as to who is not picking up after their dog. Signs do not appear to work and it is the irresponsible owners that we need to educate, so we need your help to try and discourage this sort of behaviour in Durley. Thank you to all those who are responsible dog owners, we do appreciate your co-operation.

Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council


Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 13th February, 2018 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 6 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 2 parishioners were present.

Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, District Councillor Miller and Cllr Clegg.

Cllr Delmege reported that the Speed Indicator Sign did arrive and the insurance was put in place for the one week free trial, but HCC did not approve the siting of the sign in time for it to be used. Councillors were disappointed that the free trial could not take place as HCC were asked for their feedback on where to site the sign prior to the trial taking place. Cllr Delmege is going to ask if we can have the sign for a further trial period.

The Clerk has been working with Andy Burton to update the website. A new Parish Council photograph is to be taken at the start of the March Meeting.

Cllr Charles (Chairman) and the Clerk attended a Southern Parishes Meeting in Bishops Waltham. The main topics for discussion were fly-tipping, speed cameras and awareness and future items for the Agenda.

Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended a Meeting with other Parish Councils and George Hollingbery MP to discuss the next steps to be taken regarding the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan implications in the Durley and surrounding areas after the decision taken at the December Meeting.

County Councillor Humby was not able to attend the Meeting, but sent an e-mail stating that he had a full HCC and WCC Full Council budget setting meeting on 22nd February, and at present there are no longer any proposals that will affect the School Crossing Patrols, HWRC sites or community transport.

Fly-tipping around various places in Durley have been reported during the month and Councillors hope that residents will take part in the Great British Sping Clean Event 2018 which is being promoted nationally on 2nd – 4th March. Residents will be encouraged to pick up litter outside or near to their property if they are able.

The gang mowing for 2018 was agreed for Durley Recreation Ground and the maintenance work at The Sawmills was agreed.

The HCC Parish Lengthsman Scheme will continue this year and the Clerk has written saying that Durley would like to be included in the Scheme.

The Clerk reported on the new General Data Protection Regulations which will come into force in May, 2018.

Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report saying that the Nottingham Knockers are in the area again. Signs which state that no goods will be bought at the door can be available from the PCSO. Cllr Watts will obtain some of these and distribute as required. Sheds, cars and garages are still places which need to be kept secure. There is also a BT scam in circulation at the moment. Details will be put onto the Parish Council website and in the Parish Magazine.

Cllr Pitter gave a Highways Report. He has reported some trees opposite the former Upham Shop which need to be cut back and some pot holes which need repairing. The state of the footpath alongside Parsonage Lane was reported as it had hedge trimmings and other debris on the path. HCC will be asked to clear this path.

The Clerk gave a Financial Report and said that the ¾ year Internal Audit had been completed and was satisfactory.

Cllr Charles reported that he had met 3 Company’s at the Hall to give quotes for the Hall floor replacement. Further enquiries will be made before a final decision is made. The sound system is being updated with microphones which will also be used on the stage and round the Hall. Neil Ellen will carry out the work.

The Community Payback Volunteers have done some of the painting in the Pavilion, but have not completed it yet. The hedges have been cut back around the Recreation Ground. The roundabout in the play area at The Sawmills needs to be freed off by a key and Playdale are waiting for this to enable them to move the spindle. All the rotten wooden posts around The Sawmills Green will be replaced and some additional ones will be added to stop parking on the grass areas. Dog fouling is a huge problem in The Sawmills and surrounding areas. It is an offence to not pick up after your dog so please pick up after your dog. The Dog Warden will be asked to visit again.

The Appeal against the Planning Application for the Change of Use of land as a Gypsy and Traveller Caravan Site on land adjacent to Berkeley Farm, Durley Street, and the Appeal against the Enforcement Notice have now been lodged with the Inspector. Details of the Appeal can be found on the Parish Council website. All previous comments and objections have gone forward to the Inspector via WCC.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council