Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 14th April, 2015 in Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 6.30 p.m. 5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, and Kirstie Baines – Headteacher, Durley Primary School were present. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Burton, County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Ruffell.

Cllr Charles reported that the Durley Parish Plan Report is nearly completed and will be printed soon. The Report will then be distributed to every household in Durley before a Public Meeting in Durley Memorial Hall, which is scheduled to be held on Thursday 25th June, 2015 at 7.30 p.m. It is hoped that many parishioners will attend.

A Grant from the Open Spaces Fund has been agreed towards the cycle rack outside of the Hall and new swing seats and chains for the play area at the Recreation Ground.

Cllr Pitter and Cllr Charles attended a HCC sharing the future of Economy, Transport and Environment Services on 26th March in Wincheser and gave a full Report of the Meeting, which included lots of facts and figures on how HCC may save money in the future.

No Reports were available from County or District Councillors as these would be given at the Annual Parish Assembly which followed this Meeting.

The Deed of Dedication for land at the Sawmills was signed so that Westerbury Homes, HCC and the Parish Council can take over part of the Highways land. It is hoped that once this has all been signed and agreed, signs and road marking will be able to be assessed and put in by HCC.

Clerk informed Councillors and residents that a Memorial Service will be held for former Parish Councillor and Chairman – David Poole, on Wednesday 13th May at 2.30 p.m. in Durley Church. David worked hard for Durley residents whilst serving on Durley Parish Council and will be remembered with great fondness.

The Clerk reported that Durley Parish Council would have an uncontested Election as 6 nominations were received for the 7 vacancies. The Clerk will advertise for a further Parish Councillor so that a co-option can be made at the next Meeting. Notices will be put on the village noticeboards and Parish Council website.

A School Report was given by Kirstie Baines. The main issues on the Report were the Memorial area opposite the School, which the School pond is going to be relocated to, the footpaths which are being used to walk to School, the installation of the flood barriers, pupil numbers and the road widening for car parking outside of the School.

Cllr Smith said that the Hall ceiling has been repaired and the main Hall sign over the front foyer door has been re-varnished and will be put up again shortly. 2 quotes have been received for the Hall foyer tiling, but a 3rd has still not been received. The guttering on the front of the Hall has been replaced and the rest of the Hall will be completed shortly.

Cllr Watts said that there were no problems at the Recreation Ground. A tidy up of the lock-up will be carried out before the Church Fete and after the Football matches have been completed.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the Meeting closed.