Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 14th July, 2015 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley. 6 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Ruffell, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, Cllr Mike Read and 7 parishioners were present. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Smith and PCSO Nolan.

Cllr Steve Delmege was welcomed to the Parish Council Meeting and was proposed as a Footpaths Officer to work alongside Cllr Smith. Cllr Delmege was happy to accept this position as he regularly walks the footpaths in Durley.

Councillors reported on a Meeting held with Andy Smith (HCC) and CC Humby regarding the size of vehicles and the speed of traffic going through the village. A Traffic Survey will be requested for the area to try and resolve the problem of large vehicles travelling through Durley to get to the M.27. The “unsuitable for hgv signs” entering the village at both ends will be changed to “unsuitable for hgv vehicles and ignore sat navs” this will hopefully discourage drivers who do not know the area from using Durley as a rat run.

A Meeting will be arranged with Patrick Aust (WCC) to try and resolve the drainage issues in the play area at The Sawmills and the wet areas on the village green.

Residents present at the Meeting complained about fly-tipping which had been left in Church Copse and then was burnt. The fire needed to be put out by the Fire Brigade before it caught the surrounding trees and wood alight. Questions were asked about the enforcement of Church Copse which was a feature of Durley with a lovely woodland setting before trees were taken down. Cllr Read was able to answer questions and will talk to the Planning Officers about this site. Cllr Read also informed Parish Councillors of the present position of the Enforcement Team at Winchester – which are now up to full strength.

Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended a Parish Council Forum in Winchester on 24th June. The first part of the Forum was listening to Planning Officers and the seond part was on enforcement procedures.

The Sharing Services Southern Parishes Meeting was held in Bishops Waltham and attended by Cllr Charles and the Clerk. The main issue discussed was the letter received from HALC asking for our views on withdrawing from NALC. It was felt that more information was required before a response could be made so a further Meeting will be held when HALC could be represented to give their reason for this request.

It was reported that the Public Parish Plan Meeting went well and the Report has now gone to all households in Durley and an Action Plan will be drawn up at the next Parish Plan Team Meeting. Some residents present asked about providing allotments in Durley. They were informed that this will be discussed on the Action Plan which is the next stage of the Parish Plan.

County Councillor Humby said that a gift will be made to Durley Primary School from the developers of the Torbay Farm development in Upham. This money will go towards the road improvements to help with the parking outside of the School. Plans will be shown to the Parish Council when they are available.

District Councillor Ruffell reported that new Council homes will be built in the Winchester District. He is also going on a Tour of Boom Town in August. A Community Cooking Skills Course is being made available for the male over 55’s. The North Whiteley Development Meeting will be on 30th July.

Residents present at the Meeting were there to hear about the Church Copse enforcement procedures and allotment provision. One resident asked about a sign in The Sawmills warning drivers of children crossing the road to go to the play area. The Clerk thought that the sign had been installed, but will chase up if it has not be put up.

The yearly donation towards the Churchyard maintenance was agreed.

Cllr Watts reported on the recent PACT Meeting which was held on 10th June. Speeding vehicles was the main concern from Durley.

Cllr Farr said that some pot holes have been filled in and others have been marked. Cllr Pitter gave a report on the Brijan Buses which are to cease on 1st September, however another coach company will be taking over and the Wyvern bus will continue with the new company.

A Report was given on the recent Hall Meeting and it was agreed that the toilets will be given a deep clean and some maintenance issues were agreed.

Cllr Watts reported that everything was satisfactory at the Recreation Ground and the cradle swing has now been changed and hung up. Cllr Charles will meet with Colin Watts to see how best to ventilate the changing rooms and showers in the Pavilion.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the Meeting closed.