Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 8th March, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley. 7 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Ruffell, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 4 parishioners were present. Councillor McClean also attended part of the Meeting to introduce himself as he will be standing as one of our District Councillors in the forthcoming Election in May.

Apologies were received from Kirstie Baines (Headteacher).

Clerk reported that she had received a very good response from residents who were willing to help if Durley was ever involved in an emergency situation. Clerk will update the Durley Emergency Plan and include all the volunteers. This will then be sent to HCC for their information. Parish Councillors wished to give their thanks to all those who volunteered their help in various capacities.

Flooding at Beech Corner is still continuing and it is hoped that funding will soon be available to put a pipe under the road to take the water. A large hole has appeared near a manhole/drain near to the Beech Corner Garage entrance. This will be reported to HCC. Cars parking outside of the Garage and in the lay-by in Stapleford Lane as making it difficult and sometimes dangerous for drivers to see round the vehicles and for visitors to properties in Stapleford Lane to park. Some cars are parked all weekend in the lay-by and thus blocking any available parking spaces for the residents who live near to park. It is hoped that some consideration will be forthcoming from the owners of these vehicles to stop this practice and vacate the spaces for the Durley residents to use.

Cllr Burton has almost completed the new village website. Once completed he will show Parish Councillors so that any amendments can be made before going live.

Clerk reported that the “Clean for the Queen” Litter Pick in Durley was very successful and many residents took part, along with the Durley Ladybirds. Councillors would like to thank everyone who took part, and hope that some of the good work will continue. Some of the volunteers were willing to continue picking up litter in Durley. Clerk will ask if we can keep the litter picks for future use.

A Meeting has been held to discuss a Village Event to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday and as many residents would like a village celebration it has been agreed that Sunday 15th May from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. we will have a Village Picnic at The Sawmills. A Grant has been applied for and a further Meeting to discuss the details will be held on Wednesday 16th March. All village organisations have been invited to attend.

Cllr Charles (Chairman) and the Clerk attended a HCC Devolution Workshop in Winchester and reported that it appears that HCC are still trying to process all the information. It seems likely that some services will come down to the Parish Councils to manage. Discussions are being held with HCC and WCC at present.

County Councillor Humby informed Councillors that he was meeting with Lou Hubble to discuss police matters. He has also met with Sam Clark regarding the Area Wide Traffic Survey which hopefully will be carried out once funding is in place. He also informed Councillors of the present position with the Devolution discussions with HCC and WCC.

District Councillor Ruffelll reported on the Budget Setting Meeting held on 25th February. It has been agreed that the Council Tax will rise this coming year by £4.34 per household. This is the first time that the Council Tax has risen in the last 6 years. DC Ruffell also said that from 1st April, 2016 all dogs will have to be chipped. WCC are offering a free chipping service at Mole Countrystores in Winnall from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. There is no need to book – just turn up.

Two members of the public present were complaining about the fly tipping which keeps occurring in Durley. The lorry loads which keep getting dumped are an eyesore in Durley as well as blocking roads. The rubbish in Greenwood Lane has been there for months and shows no sign of moving. CC Humby will ask Cllr Read about this particular problem as he has been involved with it. Clerk reported that 4 lorry loads were tipped in one weekend. Mincingfield Lane was closed for a while as rubbish was tipped all over the road and made it impassible until the Police cleared the rubbish to the sides of the road. Chancellors Lane has also had a lorry load dumped in the road which a local farmer kindly cleared, and 2 lorry loads have been dumped in private gateways. Councillors are very concerned that this keeps on happening and will do all they can to try and help the various Agencies dealing with the problem. George Hollingbery MP is also trying to help with this problem.

Another resident present asked about the highways issues in Gregory Lane which he had reported to HCC. He will give the Clerk copies of the correspondence. The drainage at The Green and Play Area at the Sawmills are still being investigated by the Parish Council. If there was a ditch alongside Gregory Lane this might help with the drainage situation. Ditches not being maintained was also a concern, and a resident offered to dig out ditches near to him, but ownership was not always clear, so Clerk will find out from HCC about clearing out ditches and who owns what part of the ditch.

Cllr Farr gave a Highways Report stating that the 30 mph speed sign pole has been put up, but there is no sign. She has reported this to HCC. Cllr Farr also reported on the lack of police presence in the village, but Cllr Pitter said that there had been a speed van outside of the School recently.

Councillors viewed the HCC Walking Strategy Consultation and had no comments to make.

Cllr Charles congratulated the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, on receiving her Mayor of Winchester Award for her work for Durley Parish Council which is over and above what is expected. Anne attended the Presentation in Winchester last week.

Cllr Farr asked if a direction sign could be placed in the Hall car park directing anyone to the Thresher Room, as some people were getting lost. Councillors had no objection to this and Cllr Burton offered to show Councillors sign designs.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the Meeting closed.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 9th February, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley. 6 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 3 parishioners were present.

Apologies were received from Cllr Burton, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Ruffell and Kirstie Baines (Headteacher).

Two drainage contractors were used by WCC and Councillors agreed that they should be approached for a quotation for the drainage work at The Sawmills.

Response forms have gone out to every household in Durley parish to see who would be able to help in an emergency situation and who would need help if there was an emergency. Once this information is returned by 4th March Durley Parish Council will be in a position to update its Emergency Plan.

Flooding at Beech Corner is still causing a problem and although a Meeting was held with all the Agencies involved, this area still floods every time there is a heavy rainfall. A pipe under the road seems to be one option and larger ditches. However, funding is a major issues and this will need to be applied for. Residents at this end of the village have had to put up with flooding in their gardens and their property for many years and Councillors are anxious to get this problem sorted.

Cllr Burton sent the Clerk an e-mail updating Councillors on the progress of the new village website. We are trying to keep the same domain name which is causing a problem. But it is hoped that this will be overcome shortly.

Parish Councillors were unhappy that a Report on the results of the Consultation with residents was not available to Councillors at the Meeting despite asking for it. One resident attending said that he had not been consulted and he lived very near to the School. The Clerk was asked to make a further request for this information again from the School. It is very difficult for Councillors to represent all the residents if they do not know the results of a Consultation exercise.

Cllr Charles (Chairman) and the Clerk attended a Southern Parishes Meeting on 1.2.16 where the main issues discussed were the various Lunch Clubs in the area, transport hubs, publication of community events, Ward boundary changes, speed limits, policing and broadband. The Southern Parishes work together in various ways to try and help each other and share services.

A initiative was discussed for a “Clean for the Queen” Litter Pick Event. Councillors hoped that there would be enough support for Durley to take part. The Clerk will acquire high viz vests, litter picks and black sacks and then residents will hopefully pick up litter in their area. The Event will take place over the weekend of 5th/6th March. Anyone interested in helping can telephone the Clerk on 01489 860236 and then we will be able to make sure that the necessary equipment is available.

Cllr Farr gave a Highways Report stating that she has reported some of the speed signs which have been knocked over to HCC Highways. The corner at Stapleford Lane/Chancellors Lane needs repairing. Complaints have also been received about heavy lorries travelling down Stapleford Lane full and then going back empty. This will be investigated further. Cllr Delmege has been concerned about the speed of vehicles through the village and is finding out some statistics from other villages.

Councillors agreed a response to the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan – Issues and Options which will be sent in. It was agreed that any further development in this area will cause major traffic implications for everyone living here. The road infrustructure will not be able to cope, especially as the Boorley Green development has already been approved.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the Meeting closed.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 12th January, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley. 7 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Ruffell, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, Kirstie Baines (Headteacher) and 2 representatives from a developer were present.

Apologies were received from PCSO Nolan.

The drainage at The Sawmills is still ongoing and a Contractor has not yet been agreed.

Parking at Beech Corner is still causing sight-line problems when coming out of Stapleford Lane and Church Lane. Photographs have again been sent to WCC to show how dangerous the situation is. The cones at the entrance to Manor Road have helped to stop vehicles from parking on the junction, but the situation will be kept monitored.

The Durley Emergency Plan is being updated and a letter was agreed to send out to all households in Durley to update those residents who would need help if an emergency arose to get to the Emergency Station (Durley Memorial Hall), and those residents who would be willing to help in an emergency. Durley Parish Council will keep a list of residents willing to help with first, aid (doctors, nurses, qualified first aiders and other medical professionals), farmers who would help with heavy work/machinery, drivers who would help with transport, catering and any other skills that residents would have to offer. It is hoped that an emergency will never occur in Durley, but we would still like to be prepared.

Flooding at Beech Corner is still causing concerns for residents who live in this area, The Emergency Planning Officer, the Environment Agency and HCC Highways have been trying help resolve the issue. A Meeting will be held with all Agencies to discuss the situation. CC Humby has also been offering his assistance and valuable advice. The School flood barriers are working well and have been in use throughout the wet months.

Cllr Burton is updating the village website and will soon have a Parish Council link which will take over from the present Parish Council website and the older information which is on the village website which was set up by Clive Frost. The Parish Council has paid for the website and it is hoped that this will be used by all village organisations and groups.

Kirstie Baines was present to update Councillors on the progress of the proposed school lay-by. A Consultation has been held and it is hoped that work will be able to commence during the Easter holidays.

Councillors were reminded of the Parish Plan Public Meeting to be held on Thursday 18th February at 8.00 p.m. in Durley Memorial Hall. It is hoped that some of the Groups which residents showed an interest in forming will be able to start after this Meeting.

The Clerk has asked HCC Highways about the cleaning out of drains along Durley Street at 4.00 a.m. and a response was received stating that sometimes it is necessary to clean or jet out drains on busy dangerous sections of road during the early hours as it was a safer time to carry out this kind of work. Councillors understood this and accepted that Durley Street is dangerous but also felt that perhaps the residents could have been informed of the disruption as it did disturb residents during the early hours.

County Councillor Humby reported that he has met with Paula Reynolds regarding Post Offices, met with the Police to discuss fly-tipping and how the Police are now able to use cameras to catch offenders. CC Humby spoke about the Revenue Support Grant and its implications on services. The Traffic Survey is in the process of being carried out.

District Councillor Ruffell spoke about the new Ward Boundaries and the Coca Cola lorry which arrived in Winchester on 17th December. The arrival of the lorry brought the footfall up in Winchester on that date up by 40.5% which was good news for the trade in Winchester. DC Ruffell also updated Councillors on the planning proposal for Chessil Street.

Cllr Farr reported that the gas installation road diversion in Gregory Lane is now complete and the road is now open. Flooding has been the main highway issue this month and measures have been taken to try and help the situation.

Bags full of Christmas rubbish were dumped in the Recreation Ground car park over the festive season, bearing a card with “Katie, Michelle & Ruby, Merry Christmas, Lots of hugs and kisses Nanny Tracy & Pops xxx”. Durley Parish Council do not feel that it is acceptable to dump private rubbish into public spaces or Parish Council bins as it is not fair on residents to have to pay for a service to pick up and dispose of rubbish which has been dumped. If anyone knows who dumped these Christmas bags of rubbish then please let the Parish Council know.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the Meeting closed.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council