Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 8th August, 2017 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 5 Parish Councillors and the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins were present, along with District Councillor Miller and 4 parishioners.

Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, Cllr Smith and Cllr Bartlett.

Clerk read out responses from Winchester City Council and the Forestry Commission regarding the replanting of Church Copse. The responses appear to differ and Councillors agreed that a Meeting should be arranged with these Officers and Parish Councillors to achieve a satisfactory outcome.

The double yellow lines at Beech Corner and at the end of Manor Road have been supported by the County and District Councillors, along with the Police. It is hoped that when these restrictions are in place it will stop parking on these dangerous junctions and better sight-lines will be available to drivers coming out of the Durley lanes.

Site Meetings were held at the two play areas in Durley to discuss any maintenance issues. Playdale will be visiting in August to discuss prices for any work involved. The Community Payback Volunteers will be starting work at Durley Recreation Ground in August cutting the hedges back and digging out areas which need attention as well as some painting work.

Cllr Pitter attended a HCC Workshop Forum for the proposed development at Uplands Farm, Winchester Road, Botley. The Forum was thought provoking with many suggestions coming from various Councils and Groups. This is the first stage of the Consultation process and will now go out to Public Consultation.

District Councillor Miller gave a District Council Report. He gave updates on the Sports Centre in Winchester, Winchester Bus Station, and Council homes which are being built in Stanmore. He also answered questions on the selling of Council houses and where the proceeds went, from Parish Councillors.

Clerk circulated an e-mail regarding the Hampshire Service Contract for Highways Maintenance.

Councillors agreed that the October Parish Council Meeting would start at 8.00 p.m. rather than 7.30 p.m. as the Chairman and Clerk were attending the Hampshire Association of Local Councils 70th Anniversary in Winchester on the same evening and would find it difficult to get back in time for the start of the Meeting.

Cllr Pitter said that he would obtain the bus timetables for Durley and publish them in the Parish Magazine and on the village website so that residents were aware of the times.

An Enforcement Notice is still being prepared by the Legal Department at WCC to serve on land next to Berkeley Farm, Durley Street. It is hoped that it will be served this week. Further concerns were raised by Parish Councillors about a peice of land which is up for sale in Durley Hall Lane with permission for a barn. Durley Parish Council has not been notified of any planning application for this site for a barn being approved. DC Miller has investigated with the Legal Department and will liaise further with them about why a barn was approved by a Judge when there is only just over 2 acres of land and a very small entrance.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council