Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 10th July, 2018 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 7 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, District Councillor Miller and 1 parishioner were present.

Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Mclean.

Cllr Delmege reported that he is waiting for HCC to come and higher the posts to site the Speed Indicator sign. He carried out a test on the equipment and gave Parish Councillors a demonstration of the results which he had gathered. It is anticipated that the signs will be up and running shortly.

Cllr Miller asked if the double yellow lines were working as he could arrange for enforcement to take place if illegal parking was still taking place. Councillors agreed that the double yellow lines are working effectively at the moment. If there are any problems then they will be reported to DC Miller. DC Miller also updated Councillors on large planning applications within the Winchester District.

Cllr Bartlett is going to visit the business units to discuss a contribution towards seating on The Green at The Sawmills. Hopefully this will be carried out within the next week or two.

Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended a Southern Parishes Meeting in Bishops Waltham. After giving a brief report of the Meeting Councillors were asked if they would like addtional hours for a Parish Lengthsman and/or ACSO as Bishops Waltham PC were reviewing their staffing for these roles and could appoint a further person if the need was there from other parishes.

Heathen Street has been repaired again, but Councillors are not happy that major work has not been carried out to resolve this long-standing problem of running sand under the road. A survey is being carried out by HCC and it is hoped that once the results are known some form of permanent repairs will be undertaken so that the road does not keep sinking.

Clerk reported that an Inspection has not yet been carried out by the Forestry Commission at Church Copse, Greenwood Lane. The Parish Council has been informed that this will be done shortly.

Councillors discussed the Consultation carried out by HCC on proposals to change street lighting, supporting transport services and concessionary travel scheme. It is hoped that residents will respond to this Consultation, especially those who use the bus services through the village. Councillors agreed that savings do need to be made and that a minimal charge for the bus services is acceptable.

Cllr Delmege will attend the Home-Start Meon Valley AGM on Wednesday 18th July in Wickham on behalf of the Parish Council.

Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report. Thefts from vehicles and bike thefts were frequent at the moment and residents were given information on how to protect their property when they go away. This information will be placed on the website for residents to view.

A School Report was given by Nick Apps and he updated Councillors on the Offsted Inspection, the School track, the brook clearance to ease flooding, and the flashing lights.

Pot holes have been reported around the village by Cllr Pitter. About half have been repaired and it is hoped that more will be repaired.

The Clerk gave a Financial Report and Councillors agreed a donation towards the churchyard maintenance for the year 2018-19.

A Hall Report was given by Cllr Smith. The Meeting was held on 4th July and items discussed included, the replacement Hall flooring, clear-out of understage area, kitchen curtains, caretaking and other minor repairs.

Cllr Watts said that the painting of the Pavilion has now been completed. The 3 ash trees have been pollarded and the baby swing needs to be replaced as it is obvious that adults have been using it.

The Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.25 p.m.

Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council
