DURLEY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING REPORT Durley Parish Council held their Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 12th February, 2019 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. Cllr Charles (Chairman), Cllr Watts (Vice Chairperson), Cllr Pitter, Cllr Delmege, Cllr Smith, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 7 parishioners were present. Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, District Councillor Miller, Cllr Bartlett and Cllr Clegg. Cllr Pitter reported that now broadband speeds are faster in the village if residents sign up to the faster broadband packages we should wait and see if residents are still unhappy with the speeds that they are now receiving before trying to compile a questionnaire. Councillors agreed that it would be beneficial to wait and review the speeds in a few months time. District Councillor Miller was not able to attend the Meeting as all the Winchester City Councillors had to attend a Meeting in Winchester, but he has informed Simon Finch at Winchester City Council of the problems that Durley residents are having with parking in The Sawmills. Simon has asked that the Clerk send him information so that he can look at the problem and see what might be able to be done to resolve or help the situation. Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the District Sports Awards in Winchester to support our nomination. Colin Watts was placed 2nd in the Service to Sport Award for the 50 years of dedicated service he has given to Durley Football Club. This was a tremendous achievement and really put Durley on the map. Colin sent a letter of thanks to Parish Councillors for nominating him for the Award. There were no County or District Council Reports as they could not be present due to another Meeting. 3 residents at the Meeting informed Parish Councillors about the state of the ditch in Manor Road, due to vehicles driving on the verges. Councillors agreed that they would ask Hampshire Highways if they can install bollards to stop vehicles going on the verge. Speed of vehicles and tractors was also brought to the Council’s attention. Clerk read out information regarding the Great British Springclean for 2019. The Springclean will take place between 22nd March and 23rd April. It is hoped that residents will participate and clean up “their patch” near their properties. Details will be put on the Parish Council website, village noticeboards and in the Parish Magazine. A School Report was given by Nick Apps who said that the PCSO has visited the School to talk about responsible parking. Dog fouling and litter is a problem along the fenceline outside of the School and the bus lay-bys have been flooded. The Clerk reported that the CIL Funding Officer has advised that our Application for Funding for the School Crossing has been accepted and will be discussed at the April Meeting. A decision will then be sent to the Council after April. Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report informing Councillors that registration plates have been stolen in Durley, another vehicle was damaged and the Church door was also damaged. There have been other break-ins in surrounding villages. Cllr Pitter reported the some pot holes have been filled in and he had taken photographs of the state of Manor Road and Kytes Lane to send to HCC Highways. Andy Burton has informed Councillors that the Village Entry signs need further adjustments before they can be ordered. Cllr Charles and the Clerk met with the Hall floor contractor to discuss the timing of laying the new Hall floor. It is scheduled to carry out the work from Monday 20th May to Monday 3rd June provided everything is in place. All Hall hirers who will be affected will be informed once the date is confirmed. The inverter for the solar panels has now been replaced. Cllr Watts showed Councillors a plan of the veranda repairs to the Pavilion. Cllr Charles will now order the materials required. Maintenance for The Sawmills was discussed and Shawn Read will continue with the present arrangement at the same price. Anne Collins Clerk to Durley Parish Council durleyparishcouncil@gmail.com