5 Parish Councillors, District Councillor Miller, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins and 4 parishioners were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from CC/DC Humby, DC Mclean, Cllr
Smith and Cllr Bartlett.

Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Church Copse replanting – response from WCC to George Hollingbery MP. Clerk read out the response from the Leader, and it was agreed that the responses received from the Forestry Commission and WCC do not appear to correspond. Councillors agreed that this matter needed to be resolved and agreed that a Meeting between WCC Officers, the Forestry Commission, County and District Councillors, along with Parish Councillors and residents should be held to see what can be done to achieve a satisfactory outcome. Clerk will arrange a Meeting and also invite Cllr Caroline Brook at the suggestion of Cllr Miller.

(b) Double yellow lines at Beech Corner and end of Manor Road update. Support has been given from our County, District Councillors and the Police. DC Miller reported that he has asked for an update and it appears that the advertising will take place shortly.

(c) Community Pay-back Scheme. The dates for August are 23rd and 30th. The work will commence at the Recreation Ground and Cllr Charles and the Clerk will meet the Group on site when they start. Any Councillors are able to attend if they wish to meet the Group.

(d) Report on Site Meeting at Play Areas. Councillors and the Clerk agreed the maintenance work which is to be carried out. It was agreed that Playdale would be contacted so that they can look at their equipment and give us a price to carry out any maintenance and replacement work. Clerk has confirmed a Meeting for Wednesday 23rd August 9.30 a.m. in The Sawmills Play Area with the representative. We can then decide on what we would like them to do. Other maintenance work will follow as appropriate. Maintenace work in the play area at the Recreation Ground will be mainly carried out by the CPS workers. Cllr Charles suggested replacing the wooden fence panel near the swings with a metal fence as it would be easier to maintain. Clerk has sent for details. Councillors agreed that an additional seat will be ordered with a CC Grant for the play area at the Recreation Ground, the same as the one already there.

(e) Report on HCC Workshop Forum re Uplands Farm. Cllr Pitter attended this Forum and reported that it was a very thought provoking Forum with many suggestions coming from various Councils and Groups. This is the first stage of the Consultation process and will now go out to Public Consultation.

(f) Report on Transparency Code update. Clerk attended this update and informed Councillors of items which need to go onto the village website. The Clerk will discuss this with the Website Manager to see how items can be put up.

(g) Clerk read out the response from the Parish Magazine Editor regarding our concerns about publishing Parish Council information without prior notice.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. No Report was available.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Miller gave a report on the Sports Centre in Winchester, Winchester Bus Station, Council homes being built in Stanmore and answered questions about the selling of Council houses and where the proceeds went from Councillors.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. There were no additional questions raised other than those from residents asking about Church Copse and a Prior Notification Notice Court Judgement which are dealt with in other parts of the Minutes.


(a) Complaint regarding vehicles parking in private premises. Clerk read out an e-mail from a business in the village. Councillors agreed that this is really a private matter not for Parish Council, although we do sympathise with their situation. Clerk will respond to the correspondent and suggest putting some kind of barrier across the entrance when not in use.

(b) E-mail regarding Hampshire Highway Service Contract for Highway Maintenance. This was noted.

(c) E-mail from Holly Wood regarding Sawmills maintenance in buffer area. Councillors agreed that a Site Meeting to see the area concerned would be useful. If it was felt that some of the trees needed attention then a Tree Surgeon would be employed. Clerk suggested meeting just before the site Meeting with Playdale on Wednesday 23rd August at 9.00 a.m. Councillors were in agreement with this date and time.

(d) HALC 70th Anniversary – 10th October. Change Meeting date to 8.00 p.m. Cllr Charles said that he felt that he and the Clerk should attend this event, but to get back from Winchester for a 7.30 p.m. Meeting would not be possible. Councillors agreed that we should commence our Meeting in October at 8.00 p.m. to allow sufficient time to get back.

(e) Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan e-news update – July, 2017. Noted.

(f) Parish Council Questionnaire 2017. Councillors agreed to make no comment.

(g) Hampshire County Council – News for Local Councils. This was noted.

(h) Broadband Universal Service Obligation Consultation. This will be sent via e-mail.

(i) Parish Connect – August, 2017. This was sent via e-mail and noted.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No School Report was available.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Suggestions for Beat Priorities. Councillors agreed to ask for feedback from residents via the Police. This would then give an indication of what Durley residents felt were the most important issues.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter reported that he will send on the bus timetables to the Clerk so that they can be put into the Parish Magazine and on the village website. Cllr Delmege asked about considering speed monitoring in Durley. The speed monitoring signs he was considering cost about £4,400. Cllr Charles asked if it might be beneficial to borrow a sign from Curdridge to see how it worked before we purchase anything. Councillors agreed with this suggestion. Clerk has responded to HCC regarding the adoption of the highways in The Sawmills and the comments made by residents on lining and signage. A response has not yet been received from HCC about the comments.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques.

13. HALL: Freezer. Cllr Farr looked at 2 freezers one was £109 which she felt would not be large enough and one for £129. Cllr Charles will check the size required to fit in one of the cupboard spaces. Councillors agreed in principle to purchase a freezer, but it would be for any Hall user to use. Quotes for new window in Committee Room. Cllr Charles has not been able to obtain these yet.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that the veranda has now been repaired. Clerk reported that she has received a £50 donation for allowing a Media Company to film at the Recreation Ground.


17/01519/FUL. Mr and Mrs Gardner. The erection of a new 3 bedroom detached dwelling with link attached garage following the demolition of the existing garage (Amendment to 16/00940/FUL). Well Cottage, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that an objection should be made as the property is now larger and is over-development of the site. It is also a loss of a smaller dwelling in the countryside. Councillors often feel that they are not listen to and hope that on this occasion their views will be taken into account as they represent their community.

17/01291/HOU. Mrs Lane. Extension to existing dwelling. Alem House, Durley Street, Durley. GRANTED.

Update on Enforcement Notice to be served on land next to Berkeley Farm, Durley Street, Durley. Clerk read out the latest update from the Enforcement Officer stating that the Enforcement Notice is still with the Legal Team, but hopes to be served on the land-owner this week.

Cllr Pitter reported that the piece of land in off Durley Hall Lane was advertised as having planning permission for a barn and, electricity and water. Councillors agreed that they were not aware of any approval being given for a barn, or that there was water and electricity on the site. A Prior Notification Application was made in 2016, but was withdrawn as it needed to be a full Planning Application due to being within 3K of Upham Airfield. Durley Parish Council has not been informed that any Application has been successful since an Objection by WCC in February, 2016. DC Miller will ask the Legal Team to investigate further as there appears to be a Court Judgement approving the barn. Councillors asked if WCC were present at the Court Hearing, and if there is an Appeal process that can be used.

CLOSED AT 9.15 p.m.