6 Parish Councillors, District Councillor Ruffell, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins, and 10 parishioners were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Drake, County/District Councillor Humby, PCSO McCulloch along with Kirstie Baines and Tony Hughes (School representatives).

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Flashing speed limit sign. Clerk read out information regarding various sorts of signs and prices. Councillors agreed that as it would cost around £3,000 we should wait until the new financial year and perhaps see if it was more viable to share signs with another parish. Clerk will see if Upham are interested in sharing and then we can discuss again after the Elections.

(b) School parking lay-by progress update by Cllr Humby. Cllr Humby was not present to give a Report.

(c) Durley Parish Plan update. Cllr Burton reported that he has completed the analysis and a Meeting with the Parish Plan Team will be arranged shortly to compile the Report.

(d) Community Defibrillator set up and agree Training Evening if required. The Clerk reported that the Defibrillator has been sited outside of the former Post Office Room in Durley Memorial Hall after advice from the Ambulance Service provider, and is now in operation. A Training evening can be arranged if we would like it so that residents are able to see how the equipment works. It is hoped that by using the equipment in a non-emergency situation residents will feel more confident about using it if and when an emergency arises. Councillors agreed that this Training would need to be publicised. Dates which were suggested from the Ambulance Trainer were 17th, 18th or 19th February. As the Hall is free on Thursday 19th February it was agreed to accept that date. Clerk has also asked the donor who gave the funds if they would like a mention and be at the Opening Event. They do not wish to attend or be mentioned, but will provide a plaque and would like the plaque to be in place for the Opening Event. Clerk confirmed that she has added the Defibrillator to our Insurance Policy.

(e) Fund raising Raffle for Defibrillator at School. Cllr Drake wrote to Councillors informing the Council that he has reviewed the offer of running a Village Raffle for the School defibrillator as he felt that the School Governors could direct funds to this cause, therefore he could not promote it. Cllr Charles asked if any other Councillor would be prepared to run a Village Raffle. As there was no-one available to do this Cllr Farr suggested that a donation be made of £300. Cllr Burton seconded this proposal and all Councillors agreed. Clerk will write to the School and explain that we are not able to organise a Raffle, but are willing to make a donation of £300 if the School can raise the remainder of the funds.

(f) Transport Meeting Report – Cllr Pitter reported that he had attended a recent Meeting and produced a Report which is shown as Appendix 1 to these Minutes. The bus service through Durley over the weekend will be cut back, but during the weekdays it will remain unchanged. This is because not many residents use the weekend service and it is not viable.

(g) Replacement of fencing over Durley Brook outside of School. An e-mail was sent to the Clerk by the Headteacher stating that HCC has replaced the fence.

(h) Botley PC Judicial Review – Cllr Charles to report on Meeting held on 16.12.14. Cllr Charles said that Botley PC are not going to Appeal against the decision as after receiving advice it appears that there is little point. Durley Parish Council was thanked for their support in trying to fight this huge planning application.

(i) Budget Meeting at WCC – Cllr Charles to report on Meeting. Cllr Charles reported on the Meeting and said that many issues were discussed to try and save money. Textile bins were also a way of generating finance for parishes.

(j) Change of Meeting date from 12th to 19th May, 2015 due to Elections. Clerk said that this year the General Election will be the first count and then the District Election count with the Parish Council votes being last. This will mean that we might not get the results until the Saturday which is not enough time to get all the paperwork done before the Tuesday Meeting. Councillors were happy to alter the date for this year to the following week.

(k) Rights of Way Cutting Priority Programme for 2015 – Cllr Drake and Cllr Smith. Paths need to be agreed and Clerk will inform HCC. Cllr Smith will contact Cllr Drake to see if he has prepared anything.

(l) Cllr Watts asked for more information about the Drop-in Centre/Young Persons Clinic in Hedge End. Cllr Charles acquired a leaflet explaining the service available to teenagers and said that 3 girls from Durley do currently attend the centre, which has been opened for 22 years. Cllr Watts will clarify this to parents who have been asking about the Centre and were a little concerned.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby was not at the Meeting to give a Report.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: DC Ruffell reported Planning Training will be offered to Parish Councils which Councillors agreed would be useful. WCC are viewing and will comment on the Planning Application for Chalcroft Farm in Burnetts Lane for 950 new homes and other buildings. DC Ruffell also mentioned the Mayor’s Award which is open for nominations. DC Ruffell said that the Boundary Commission decision will be received during mid-February.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Members of the public were present for items 8(a) and 15 – Appeal by Mr C Collins on land at Church Copse, Greenwood Lane. Issues raised will be noted under the appropriate paragraph number. The only other issue which was highlighted was the parking at The Sawmills on the turning to the Business Units. As the road has not been adopted yet it is still the responsibility of Persimmon Homes. Once the road is adopted by HCC then they will be able to take action to make the road safer if they wish. The Police will be informed to see if they can help in any way.


(a) Update on dog fouling and landscape bin in The Sawmills. The Chairman had received a letter from a resident who lives opposite the layby in The Sawmills objecting to the landscape bin. Councillors agreed that the situation will be kept monitored, but in the interests of the majority of parishioners in Durley this location was the best siting for the bin for the use that we hope it will have. A resident has also written to the Environmental Health Team at WCC. Clerk did read out an e-mail from D Ingram – Head of Environmental Health supporting the Parish Council stating that “so long as the decision identifying the need to install a bin in that location is justifiable, then that would be sufficient. Individuals cannot overtly influence the management of the public open space because they will place their own interests above those of the wider community, who we as a Council and a Parish are intended to represent”. “Looking at your photo I fail to see what the issue is?. It is clearly some distance from the residence, being on the opposite side of the road”.

(b) Precept for 2015/16. Clerk outlined the income and expenditure and Councillors agreed that we should make an increase to account for the additional Parish Lengthsman costs. Cllr Charles proposed that we increase from £18,000 to £18,500. Cllr Smith seconded this proposal and all Councillors were in agreement.

(c) Updating of Emergency Plan. Councillors agreed that this should be done, but with an Election coming up it might be better to leave until the new Council is appointed. Clerk did suggest that the vulnerable residents who might need help list could be updated when the Parish Plan Report goes out as a letter could be delivered at the same time. It was agreed that this would save another leaflet drop to residents and Councillors agreed this.

(d) Clerk read out a letter of resignation from Cllr Drake as he was no longer able to continue as a Parish Councillor due to other commitments. A letter of thanks will be sent to Cllr Drake. The position will not be advertised as the resignation is within 6 months of an Election.

(e) Play Area Inspections are now due. WCC have asked if we would like the Play Areas to be inspected at the end of March. Councillors agreed that this should be done at the Recreation Ground and The Sawmills.

(f) Home Energy Advice Resource and Training Service. This service is being offered as a free training session for residents/lunch club. It was agreed that Cllr Farr will ask Lunch Club and then a session/s will be arranged.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: Kirstie Baines sent a Report and the Clerk read it out. The parking has
improved by continuing to put out cones to leave gaps. The flood barriers should be in place by early February and the school catchment area issues with Sciviers Lane has been resolved with both Durley and Upham Primary Schools sharing the catchment area. The only problem appears to be the gate which is opposite the Church leading onto the footpath through to the School. As this footpath is used by the school children it needs to be wider as getting 120 children and adults through is extremely difficult. It is believed that the landowner would be responsible for the gate so Cllr Charles offered to speak to the landowner and ask if a wider gate could be put in. Clerk will inform Kirstie so that she is aware that Cllr Charles will be asking the landowner. School Report shown as Appendix 2.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts and Cllr Farr will be attending a PACT Meeting and asked if there were any issues to raise. Councillors agreed that parking in The Sawmills, parking outside of Beech Corner Garage and the vehicle which keeps parking outside of 1 Elmdene, Durley Brook Road on the brow of the hill are safety concerns. The Clerk has written to the owner, but it is still causing a problem. It is believed that on the planning permission which was approved for the extension and garage there should be a turning area in the front of the property. If this had been carried out then there might not be such a problem with the parking. Clerk was asked to check whether this condition has been lifted as the turning area does not appear to have been made.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr to report on Highways issues. Cllr Farr said that flooding in Parsonage Lane and outside of Rodlands had occurred during the last month. Clerk has chased up the broken pipe to see when it is to be replaced or repaired. Lisa has used cctv cameras again to see what the problem is as HCC could not find the information that they required from the previous cctv camera. It appears that the pipe is not broken, but the ditch in the field opposite in Parsonage Lane has lost the ditch and the pipe therefore goes nowhere. HCC will ask the landowner to reinstate the ditch. The situation will then be reassessed. Highways List ready for HCC – there was nothing more to add. Dead tree in Woodland area in The Sawmills – Cllr Charles has asked a contractor to take the dead tree down. Clerk has written to the owner of the property with the gate leading into the woodland area asking him to block up the gate or take it out as no access is to be gained into the woodland area. Cllr Watts reported that there was a lot of flooding outside of The Robin Hood. Peter will be asked to look at the drains and gullies to see if any are blocked.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed
cheques. Financial Report shown as Appendix 3.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. Cllr Charles said that he has received a quote for £1,750. After viewing the area Councillors agreed that it might be worth asking for another quote which included the kitchen area. Cllr Charles will ask for this. Hall ceiling will be repaired shortly. Cllr Charles said that there are some smaller projects which need to be done at the Hall and he hopes to get them done soon.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that broken bottles were found on the pitch and play area over last weekend. Dog fouling continues to be a problem. Clerk said that Peter was hoping to cut back the brambles etc. at the far end of the Recreation Ground one Saturday. He will let us know a date and then we can check if a football match is on.


14/02756/FUL. Mr and Mrs Thornton. Demolish conservatory and five outbuildings and build two storey extension to side of existing dwelling, detached triple garage and replacement outbuilding. Swallowfield, Manor Road, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application although would like to know what the outbuilding is going to be used for.

14/02917/FUL. Mrs T Dance. Continued use of land for the stationing of an equestrian worker’s mobile home in connection with the use of land and buildings for commercial breeding and training of horses and livery stables. Little Oakdale, Durley Hall Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that an objection should be made as the circumstances have changed since the previous application was approved. It is believed that there is less land available for the business and therefore Councillors were not sure how justified the mobile home is for this business.

Eastleigh Borough Council Draft Travelling Communities Development Plan Exhibition – December. Clerk attended the Exhibition and said that the site in Durley Road which was causing some residents concern was not going to be put forward as a Travellers Site as the owner would not sell it for this purpose. The other sites which were in the immediate vicinity were all in use at the moment.

A large Planning Application has been put in for Chalcroft Farm, Burnetts Lane, Fair Oak. Clerk sent a link to Councillors for them to view. It is agreed that an objection would be sent similar to that which was sent for the Boorley Green proposals. This is because the infrastructure is not sufficient and there would be too many homes being built in this area on the boundary of EBC/WCC.

An Appeal has been lodged by Mr Chris Collins against two Enforcement Notices issued against the use of land at Church Copse, Greenwood Lane, Durley for the importation, storage and treatment of waste. Residents were present at the Meeting and voiced their concerns. Residents and Durley Parish Council will be attending the Appeal Hearing on Tuesday 3rd February at 10.00 a.m. in Winchester. Cllr Charles will speak on behalf of Durley Parish Council.


Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 13th January, 2015 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m. 6 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, and 10 parishioners were present. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Drake, County/District Councillor Humby, PCSO McCulloch along with Kirstie Baines and Tony Hughes (School representatives).

Costings were discussed for a flashing speed limit sign in Durley, as it would cost around £3,000 for the sign and installation and moving of the sign if required, Councillors agreed that we should wait until the new financial year and also see if another Parish was willing to share the sign to half the cost involved.

The Community Defibrillator has been installed outside of the former Post Office Room at Durley Memorial Hall. A Training Event has been arranged for Thursday 19th February starting at 7.00 p.m. for about an hour and a half at Durley Memorial Hall. All residents are invited to attend. The Training will be given by a member of the Ambulance Service and it is hoped that it will give anyone who needs to use the equipment the confidence to use it in an emergency situation.

At the Meeting the Clerk read out an e-mail from Cllr Drake stating that he had reviewed his offer of running a Village Raffle for a Defibrillator at the School and was now not able to promote it. No other Councillors were able to organise the Raffle so it was agreed at a donation would be made if the School can raise the remainder of the funds.

Cllr Pitter reported that he had attended a recent Transport Meeting in Winchester and he produced a full Report of the Meeting. The bus service through Durley over the weekend will be cut back, but during the weekdays it will remain unchanged. This is because not many residents use the weekend service and it is not viable.

The fencing has been replaced outside of Durley Primary School by HCC.

Cllr Charles reported that Botley Parish Council are not going to Appeal against the decision at the Judicial Review as after receiving advice it appears that there is little point.

Cllr Charles attended the Budget Meeting at WCC and said that many issues were discussed, including more textile bins to raise funds for WCC.

Cllr Watts asked for more information on the Drop-in Centre/Young Persons Clinic in Hedge End. Cllr Charles acquired a leaflet explaining the service available to teenagers in this area. He was also informed that Durley youngsters do use this service.

District Councillor Ruffell gave a District Council Report and he said that Planning Training will be given to Parish Councils which Councillors felt would be useful. He also spoke about the recent Planning Application for 950 new homes and other buildings at Chalcroft Farm, Burnetts Lane, Horton Heath. DC Ruffell also said that the Boundary Commission decision will be received during mid-February.

In the Public Participation part of the Meeting parishioners were asking about the Appeal at Church Copse, Greenwood Lane against HCC Enforcement Notice. A resident also asked when the road is likely to be adopted by HCC through the Sawmills. Clerk responded stating that it is still going through the legal process at the moment.

The Chairman received a letter from a resident at The Sawmills regarding the bin near to the village green which he objected to. Another resident also complained to WCC. Councillors agreed that they would monitor the situation, but in the interests of the majority of parishioners in Durley this location was the best siting for the bin for the use that we hope it will have. There are two smaller litter bins (one in the play area and one by the side of the seat on the green), and these have been emptied regularly by a Councillor and the rubbish has been put into her own private bin. This is not now acceptable as there is too much rubbish and doggy bags, so a dual purpose landscape bin was required in this area. This new bin will be emptied by WCC landscape team each Friday.

Clerk read out a letter from Councillor Drake giving his resignation as he was no longer able to continue as a Parish Councillor due to other commitments. Councillors would like to thank Cllr Drake for all his work on the Council and accepted his resignation. As there is an Election in May 2015 Cllr Drake’s position will not be filled as it is within 6 months of an Election.

A School Report was sent to Councillors by Kirstie Baines. Kirstie said that the parking problems have improved since cones have been put out on the roadside outside the School, the flood barriers should be in place by early February, and the School catchment areas have been agreed with HCC.

The Hall foyer renovations are still being discussed and Cllr Charles will get an alternative quote so that the kitchen area could be included in the floor re-tiling if required.

Cllr Watts reported on the Recreation Ground and informed Councillors that broken bottles and glass were thrown in the goal mouths and on the multi-surface court. Dog fouling is still a big problem.

Cllr Watts and Cllr Farr are attending the next PACT Meeting and the main issues which cause residents problems is inconsiderate parking. The Police will be asked to monitor certain areas in the village which are causing a safety issue for other car drivers.

Cllr Farr gave a Highways Report saying that some areas of Durley have had flooding this month due to the heavy rainfall. It is hoped that a ditch will be dug out in Parsonage Lane to try and relieve some of the flooding outside of Rodlands, Durley Street. There was also flooding along Durley Street from the Robin Hood.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the Meeting closed.