Durley Parish Council held their Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 9th April, 2019 in Durley Memorial Hall. Cllr Charles (Chairman), Cllr Watts (Vice Chairperson), Cllr Pitter, Cllr Delmege, Cllr Smith, Cllr Bartlett, Cllr Clegg, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, and 6 parishioners were present.


Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, District Councillor Miller, Kirstie Baines and Nick Apps.


Cllr Bartlett reported that she is having a further Meeting with Solent Design regarding the seat on The Sawmills Green. Durley Parish Council will also be providing a seat/table for The Green. A letter was sent out to all residents who live in The Sawmills informing them of the advice given by Winchester City Council to try and resolve the current parking problems. Councillors agreed that a Meeting with the businesses might be helpful. Clerk will write and ask them if they would be willing to meet with Durley Parish Council.


The Clerk said that she has spoken to the CIL Funding Officer at WCC and he said that the Application for the School Crossing is on the List, but it will need to go to Cabinet before a decision is made. Councillors hope that this will be successful and the Crossing can be soon installed.


Clerk confirmed that there will be an Election in Durley for Parish Councillors on 2nd May.


There was a question about providing an hgv ban through Durley from a resident. Cllr Charles said that Durley Parish Council has asked frequently about a ban, but have been informed that this is not possible as there is no suitable alternative route for hgv vehicles to take. We have, however, been able to have “unsuitable for hgv” signs put up and this has made a difference in the number of larger vehicles going through the village. Durley Parish Council does try at every opportunity to ask for a roundabout at the end of Wintershill as it is so difficult to get out onto the Winchester Road at peak times of the day.


Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended a Southern Parishes Meeting on 18th March. The main Speaker was Paul Spencer – Executive Director of the Winchester Business Improvement District. This was interesting, but did not really affect the surrounding parishes. Updates were also given on the WCC Meeting with Parish Councils, HALC, 2036 Local Plan and fly-tipping.


After reporting the damaged pavement outside of Millway, WCC have now marked the area for repairs. Councillors were pleased that this work has been marked out so quickly.


Cllr Delmege continues to monitor the speed of traffic through the village and moves the speed indicator sign on a regular basis. Cllr Delmege attended a Highways Meeting at HCC on 13th March and said that it has been interesting and he now receives e-mail alerts to inform us when roadworks are going to be carried out in Durley.


Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report, although there will be a more detailed Report by the Police in the Annual Parish Meeting which follows.


Cllr Pitter reported on work that has been carried out on the highways in Durley. Councillors and residents reported some further pot holes and road repairs that are in need of attention. Residents were reminded that they can report the pot holes themselves via the Hampshire County Council website www.hants.gov.uk/transport/roadmaintenance/roadproblems or go onto the Durley Parish Council website and click on useful information where there is a link. Durley Parish Council is always happy to report road problems for you, but it would be helpful if residents could report them themselves.


The Clerk gave a detailed Financial Report which will be given at the Annual Parish Assembly. The Chairman and Clerk also signed the Annual Governance Statement for 2018-19 and the Accounting Statements for 2018-19 ready for the Internal Audit. The Financial Regulations were also agreed.


Cllr Smith gave a Hall Meeting Report. The Hall floor is being re-layed over a 2 week period from Monday 20th May. The Hall will be closed for this period. A tree in the Hall car park will be crowned and cut back on Saturday 20th April. The car park will be closed for the day whilst work is carried out.


Cllr Watts reported that the Recreation Ground is running well, however there is some antisocial behaviour during the evening. The Police are aware and do regular visits. The dog fouling sign appears to have been successful and it is hoped that this will continue. The sign will shortly be moved to The Sawmills area before being returned to WCC Dog Warden.


The Meeting was declared closed by Cllr Charles at 7.35 p.m. then a short break was given before the start of theAnnual Parish Assembly.

Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council
