Durley Parish Council held their Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 13th August, 2019 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall.  Cllr Childs (Vice Chairman) chaired the Meeting in the absence of the Chairman.  Cllr Watts, Cllr Rappini, Cllr Miller, Cllr Brenchley, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins), District Councillor Miller and 5 parishioners also attended the Meeting.

Apologies were received from Cllr Delmege (Chairman), Cllr Rutherford, County Councillor/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Mclean.

Clerk read out the response from HCC Highways regarding any suggested measures that could be taken in The Sawmills to help the parking and speeding problems.  HCC are unlikely to be able to offer any road narrowings or other physical speed reducing measures as they would only be considered if there was a recurring speed-related injury accident history through the road.  This location would not be a priority on their safety programmes.  Councillors agreed that this was a disappointing response.  Clerk has written to the businesses asking if they would share parking spaces if there are some empty ones not being used.  Councillors agreed that the village speed indicator sign could be placed in a location within The Sawmills to monitor the speed if HCC were able to agree a suitable location.  Clerk will make enquiries with HCC.  It was also suggested that a Residents Association for The Sawmills could be set up to try and resolve the parking and speeding issues.  Two residents present were going to follow this up.

It is hoped that the reinstatement of the bus stop along Durley Street will be completed by the end of August.

The Emergency Plan for Durley has now been completed and the Update Plan will be sent to HCC and WCC in case it is required in an emergency situation.

Two locations in Durley are being looked at by WCC to locate dual purpose bins in which litter and dog fouling can be deposited.  These will be emptied on a weekly basis by WCC Landscape Team.

District Councillor Miller gave a District Council Report and he reported that the Winchester Surgery is now progressing, but the Bishops Waltham Surgery was not being enlarged or relocated at the moment.

Parish Councillors agreed that Durley would support the Winchester Green Week by carrying out a Litter Pick Week in Durley.  The week will start on 29th September and end on 6th October and residents will be asked (if they are able) to pick up litter outside of their properties in their road or lane.  Clerk will advertise the Litter Pick and it is hoped that most residents will participate.  Durley Primary School are going to carry out a Litter Pick.

Cllr Delmege attended the recent Southern Parishes Meeting and the Clerk gave a report.  The main topics included hearing from Peter Wall about the work of the Parish Lengthsman, Grass Cutting Contracts, pot hole repairs, WCC Local Council Update, Eastleigh Local Plan Meeting with WCC and ACSO sharing.

A resident attending the Meeting asked about the safety of the trees in Manor Road after the recent incident when a poplar tree fell across Manor Road taking out the electricity cables.  The Clerk had already spoken to WCC and an Officer has been out and inspected the two trees that are owned by WCC.  One other tree was believed to have been planted at the same time is in a garden, so the owner of the property will be written to.

A donation was agreed to be given to the CAB.

Cllr Watts gave a Recreation Ground Report staing that some work has been carried out on the Pavilion.  Some of the car park needs more scalpings so Clerk will arrange for some to be delivered.

Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report.  Thefts from vehicles in the area is continuing, although not in Durley.  Scams are always present in various forms and details of these are being put on the Parish Council website for residents to view.

Cllr Rappini reported that some lanes have been surface dressed.

A quote was read out for the painting of the main Hall in the Memorial Hall and Councillors agreed that this needed to be done.  It was agreed that a County Councillor Grant would also be applied for to help with the cost.  Other maintenance work will be carried out at the same time if possible.

Clerk reported that the replacement panel for the climbing frame at The Sawmills will be installed by Playdale during the first week in September.

Clerk gave a financial report and invoices were agreed.

Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council
