Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 10th October, 2017 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 5 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby and the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins were present, along with 5 parishioners.

Apologies were received from Cllr Bartlett, District Councillor Mclean and District Councillor Miller.

The volunteers on the Community Payback Scheme have nearly completed the work at Durley Recreation Ground cutting hedging and digging out the ditches. Work will then commence on the painting of the play equipment and Pavilion. A new table with seating has arrived and will be sited shortly near to the Play Area. This was purchased with a HCC Grant from Cllr Humby.

Councillors discussed possible sites for a speed indication sign, but due to various legal issues there are only a few places to choose from. Cllr Delmege will ask if someone from HCC will come to Durley and look at the possible sites.

The siting for the memorial seat donated by the family of Pat Parker has been agreed outside of Durley Memorial hall.

Cllr Charles reported on the WCC Planning Coach Trip around the Winchester District. He mentioned various sites that he had visited.

Cllr Delmege attended the CAB AGM and said that fund raising is still important and it is getting more difficult to complete with other fund raising organisations. 90% of the income comes from WCC and Parish Councils, but this does not cover the expenditure.

Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the HALC 70th Anniversary Event at the Great Hall in Winchester before the Parish Council Meeting. Two speakers were giving presentations and refreshments were served. Most Councils were represented.

CC/DC Humby reported that savings need to be made within HCC over the next few years. Suggestions were being put forward on how to make these savings. These included School crossing patrols, waste recycling centres and free bus passes. Some of these measures need Policy changes. CC Humby also spoke about average speed cameras and the Sub National Transport Body.

A letter of resignation was received from Cllr Farr saying that she no longer wished to be a Parish Councillor. Notices will go on the noticeboards and website advertising the vacancy. Cllr Farr will be sent a letter of thanks for the 6 years she has served the Durley community on the Parish Council.

The External Audit has been returned and is satisfactory.

A response was received regarding the width and weight restriction through Durley and it was stated that Durley does not meet the casualty reduction rate and therefore we would not be considered a priority over other safety led schemes. These schemes are not wholly supported by the Police as they are difficult to enforce and also HCC would not wish to displace problems onto other nearby, and perhaps less appropriate routes. Cllr Charles said that Durley has been pushing for a width and weight restriction for many years and in some places in Durley Street it is impossible for 2 large vehicles to pass. Clerk will ask Andy Smith from HCC about the lorry count which was promised at a Meeting.

The hedge which was causing a problem in Parsonage Lane has now been cut.

After objections from local residents, Councillors agreed that an Objection should be made to for a Change of Use of land to a private gypsy and traveller caravan site in Durley Hall Lane. There are enough sites allocated within the Winchester District for Gypsies and Travellers within the Winchester Local Plan so there is no need for additional sites.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

103950 HCC – Supplies for Hall & paper £219.41
103951 Materials for Pavilion £54.74
103952 BWPC – Parish Lengthsman (June/July) £335.34
103953 Biffa Waste – emptying of bin at Hall £507.38
103954 Lincat – water filter for Hall £54.30
103955 August payroll £852.74
103956 HMRC £65.72
103957 HCC Pension Fund £258.20
103958 Clerk’s August expenses £64.31
103959 Ink for printer £321.69
103960 Clanville Draintech – remaining costs £400.00
103961 Abbey Cleaning – Stage curtain cleaning £144.00
103962 OCS Group UK – Gang mowing at Rec. £114.00
103963 Safetyshop – signs for Hall toilets £62.29
103964 Came & Company – Insurance 2017-18 £1835.80

Parish Lengthsman Account:

100002 Mr S Read – Footpath clearance (August) £270.00


3 Parish Councillors, the Clerk, Mrs Anne Collins and 4 parishioners were present. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman Cllr Smith chaired the Meeting.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Charles, Cllr Watts, Cllr
Pitter, Cllr Farr, CC/DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller. PCSO Slater also sent her apologies.

Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Church Copse Meeting with George Hollingbury MP Report. Clerk reported that a Meeting was held with George Hollingbury, the Forestry Commission, County and District Councillors with Parish Councillors and residents. All Officers are now well aware of the concerns regarding the Copse. TPO’s will be put on all the larger trees in the Copse by WCC, and if there is any further destruction or fly tipping then action will be taken. If the replacement trees are not planted by April, 2018 then Court action will be taken by the Forestry Commission.

(b) Double yellow lines at Beech Corner and end of Manor Road update. There is no further updated.

(c) Community Pay-back Scheme update. The volunteers are working well and clearing the hedge and ditches at the Recreation Ground.

(d) Play Area update. Steps to climbing frame enquiry. Clerk has ordered the wet pour and the swings, chains and rope for the play area. An enquiry was made for steps to get onto the climbing frame as at present there is wooden footholes to get up to the tower. Councillors were not sure if the climbing frame would accommodate steps as it was a ready-made frame. It was agreed that we would ask Playdale about the possibility when they deliver the wet pour and swings.

(e) Response from resident regarding encroachment onto Parish Council land. It was agreed that this item will be discussed at our next Meeting when all Councillors will be present.

(f) Enforcement Notice has been served on land in Durley Street. Clerk updated Councillors on the enforcement situation on land in Durley Street. The Enforcement Officer has notified the Parish Council that an Appeal has been lodged against the original Refusal of the Planning Application.

(g) Response from Curdridge PC regarding speed indication sign. A response was read out from Curdridge Parish Council stating that the signs are in constant use around the village so we would need to ask for a specific date and time. Cllr Delmege will liaise with the Clerk about possible sites and then we would need to contact HCC. We will then contact Curdridge again with a date.

(h) Buffer area Inspection Report. Councillors viewed the buffer area and agreed that any over-hanging branches can be cut down if they over-hang a neighbouring property. It was felt that no other action was required other than what Shawn was already doing.

(i) Southern Parishes Group Meeting Report. Clerk reported that the majority of the discussion was about highways and the Constitution of the Southern Parishes Group.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. There was no Report available.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. There was no Report available.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. A resident present asked about the banning of HGV lorries through Durley. Clerk explained that this is an ongoing issue and we have tried for many years to achieve a width and weight restriction but with little success. The signs that we have are advisory and therefore it is not breaking the law to bring HGV’s through Durley. Clerk was asked if CC Humby could give us an update on the situation at our next Meeting. Clerk was also asked if AFS Transport could be asked if they could use the main Winchester Road rather than coming through Durley.


(a) Donation of seat at Durley Memorial Hall in memory of Pat Parker. Councillors agreed that this was a kind gesture and a letter of thanks will be sent to Pat’s family. It was agreed that a site for the seat would be agreed at the next Meeting. Councillors will look at the area opposite the main Hall door and the grass island in the car park just before our next Meeting.

(b) Agree seat for Durley Recreation Ground. Councillors agreed that the additional seat for the Recreation Ground would be with a table attached to the seat as this would provide additional resources, but would be of the same design. Clerk will apply for a CC Grant towards the cost. The siting of the seat will be agreed at a site visit at the Recreation Ground.

(c) National Highway and Transport Public Satisfaction Survey. This was noted.

(d) Insurance Renewal for 2017-18. Councillors agreed with the renewal of our present Insurance which is on a 3 year term. The cost will be £1,835.80.

(e) Enquiry about frequent electricity cuts in Durley. Clerk has received many complaints about frequent short power cuts in the village recently. Councillors agreed that an enquiry should be made to SSE. Cllr Smith has already written to SSE so it was agreed to wait until she receives a response. Clerk will put the 105 number in the Parish Magazine and on the website so that residents know the number to dial.

(f) Planning District Coach Tour – Friday 6th October. Cllr Charles has agreed to attend.

(g) WCC Parish Connect – September, 2017. Circulated via e-mail.

(h) CAB AGM – Monday 9th October 6.30 – 8.00 p.m. in Winchester. Cllr Delmege is already attending. Cllrs Bartlett and Smith will also attend. Clerk will inform CAB.

(i) Report in Parish Magazine regarding fly-tipping. Councillors felt that the report in the Parish Magazine was unjustified stating comments like “It is high time that the Parish Council addressed this matter with a proactive and effective response” and “Many residents are angry about the lack of action regarding the fly tipping in the village”. Durley Parish Council – along with many other parish councils spend alot of time reporting and giving information to various Authorities on the fly tipping in the area. Signs have been put up in the hot spots and these have worked well as there has been no fly tipping reports in these areas since the signs have been put up. Councillors felt that it was a pity that these residents who wish to publish incorrect facts do not come along to the Parish Council Meetings to see what hard work is carried out in their best interests. A response will be prepared for the Parish Magazine.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No Report was available.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: A Report was sent via e-mail. The noticeboard backing at The Sawmills is getting water in it and coming away from the sides. Clerk said that this has already been a problem with this noticeboard as it is more exposed than the others. Clerk will ask Dave Farr to look at it and see if we can put a different backing on it to give the board some protection.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Complaints about a vehicle parking in Parsonage Lane. Councillors agreed that HCC Highways should be informed as this vehicle is forcing other vehicles to go on the wrong side of the road on a blind bend. There has been many near accidents and this is a growing concern. WCC will also be informed as it is difficult for residents in the end Council property to come out of their driveway. Councillors suggested putting a bollard or sign stating “no parking” to stop vehicles from parking on this verge. The hedge is also very over-grown and is a safety concern. HCC will be asked if they can cut it back from the roadside.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.

13. HALL: Freezer. Quotes for new window in Committee Room. Cllr Charles was not at the
Meeting to give a quote for the window. Clerk has ordered some toilet door signs, including one for baby changing facilities. Cllr Bartlett offered to look at freezers at Wadd and Cllr Delmege will look at the freezer to check that it has not tripped out during the recent power cuts. The stage curtains have been cleaned. Cllr Smith has been asked if we could put a dishwasher in the Hall. This issue has been discussed before and Councillors agreed that there are not many bookings who have large amounts of washing-up and it was felt that cups would be left in the dishwasher and not available for the next hirer. It would also take up additional space in the kitchen. Councillors agreed that a dishwasher would not be purchased.

14. RECREATION GROUND: No Report available.


17/01792/HOU. Mr and Mrs Wren. Single storey first floor extension to create a new bedroom. 12 The Sawmills, Durley. Councillors had no objections to this application. The application has now been APPROVED.

17/01995/HOU. Mr Campbell-James. Construction of a triple car barn/garage, driveway extension and associated works. Swallows Barn, Stapleford Lane, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this application.

Clarification of enquiry regarding barn in Durley Hall Lane. Clerk informed Councillors that WCC were aware of the situation with the barn, and although permission has been approved once work commences the Planning Department will ask for justification, the applicant will then have to justify his application.

Meeting with George Hollingbery MP and other Councillors from local Parish Councils to discuss the Eastleigh proposed plans in the area and the impact it would have on surrounding parishes. Cllr Pitter and the Clerk attended this Meeting on Friday 8th September. Clerk reported that the impact on the highways infrastructure which is already congested is the main concern. Environmental damage was also discussed and it was agreed that the ADD Group would co-ordinate local interests and liaise with WCC, CPRE, the Woodland Trust and other organisations. It was noted that HCC had a conflict of interest as it was advising EBC on traffic matters. District Councillors, along with our MP’s would put pressure where they can at a higher level. The next Meeting will be arranged for November.

Public Consultation on proposals for Uplands Farm Estate. Exhibitions to be held on Friday 22nd September from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. at the Botley Centre, High Street, Botley and Saturday 23rd September from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. at Hedge End 2000 Centre, St Johns Road, Hedge End. Clerk will advertise this on the noticeboards and website so that residents can attend if they wish.

CLOSED AT 9.15 p.m.

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 12th September, 2017 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 3 Parish Councillors and the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins were present, along with 4 parishioners. Cllr Smith chaired the Meeting in the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman who were on holiday.

Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, District Councillor Miller, Cllr Charles, Cllr Watts, Cllr Pitter and Cllr Farr. PCSO Slater also sent her apologies.

A successful Meeting was held to discuss Church Copse with George Hollingbery MP, CC/DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean, Forestry Commission, WCC Planning Officers, Parish Councillors and residents to share concerns about the tree felling which has been occurring. The replanting should be carried out by April, 2018 and any further destruction will be reported to the Forestry Commission for Court proceedings to commence.

Volunteers on the Community Payback Scheme are working well at Durley Recreation Ground cutting hedging and digging out the ditches. The multi-surface play equipment will be re-painted when the present work has been completed.

The wet pour has been ordered for the resurfacing of the play area in The Sawmills. The swings will also be replaced. The drainage is working well. An enquiry was made about providing steps to the climbing frame, but Councillors felt that this might not be possible as it is an integral climbing frame. The manufacturers will be asked about the possibility when they lay the wet pour.

An Enforcement Notice has been served by the Legal Department at WCC on land next to Berkeley Farm, Durley Street. However, this has now been put on hold as the applicants have put in an Appeal against the original Refusal of the Planning Permission.

A resident attending the Meeting asked if CC Humby could give an update at the next Meeting about any HGV restrictions through Durley as the lorry traffic appears to be increasing. He also asked if a letter could be written to one lorry owner who has lorries in Wintershill if he would ask his drivers to turn right when coming out of their Yard onto the Winchester Road, rather than turning left and coming through Durley.

A memorial seat has kindly been donated to the village by the family of Pat Parker. Pat was born and breed in Durley and was well loved by residents. Pat ran Durley Post Office until it was forced to close and spent many happy times at village functions at Durley Memorial Hall. The family would like the seat to be sited outside of the Hall for anyone to enjoy who wants a rest during their walk around the village. Councillors thanked Pat’s family for this kind gesture.

An enquiry was made about the frequent short electricity cuts which appear to be happening in Durley. Although the electricity is only off for a short time it triggers alarms and some household items need re-setting. It appears that the sensors are very sensitive and this is why the power goes off for short spells. If you experience a problem then please phone 105 – it is a free number and they will keep you updated as to when your power is likely to come back on again.

The Insurance for the forthcoming year was agreed.

Cllr Delmege, Cllr Smith and Cllr Bartlett will be attending the Winchester CAB AGM on behalf of Durley Parish Council.

Parish Councillors felt that the recent report in the Parish Magazine regarding fly-tipping was unjustified and some of the comments did not reflect the work that Councillors and the Clerk have been putting in to try and tackle this antisocial behaviour. This is not a problem just in Durley, but all villages. A separate response will be put into the Parish Magazine.

Cllr Pitter and the Clerk attended a Meeting with George Hollingbery MP and other local parish councils to discuss the impact the Eastleigh Borough Council proposed development plans will have on the highways network for this area. Environmental damage was also discussed and District Councillors, County Councillors along with George will all put pressure where they can at a higher level.

Nofication has just been received about a Public Consultation on the proposals for Uplands Farm Estate. The Exhibition will be on Friday 22nd September from 2 – 8 at the Botley Centre and Saturday 23rd September from 10.00 – 4.00 at Hedge End 2000 Centre, St Johns Road, Hedge End. Notices will go up on the village website and on the noticeboards.

The October Parish Council Meeting will commence at 8.00 p.m. to enable the Chairman and Clerk to attend a 70th Anniversary Presentation by the Hampshire Association of Local Councils in Winchester.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 12th September, 2017 in the Ken Stainer Suite of Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Charles, Cllr Watts, Cllr Pitter, DC Mclean and DC Miller.

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 8th August, 2017.

4. Matters arising:

(a) Church Copse Meeting with George Hollingbury MP Report.
(b) Double yellow lines at Beech Corner and end of Manor Road update.
(c) Community Pay-back Scheme update.
(d) Play Area update. Steps to climbing frame enquiry.
(e) Response from resident regarding encroachment onto Parish Council land.
(f) Enforcement Notice has been served on land in Durley Street.
(g) Response from Curdridge PC regarding speed indication sign.
(h) Buffer area Inspection Report.
(i) Southern Parishes Group Meeting Report. Clerk.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) Donation of seat at Durley Memorial Hall in memory of Pat Parker.
(b) Agree seat for Durley Recreation Ground.
(c) National Highway and Transport Public Satisfaction Survey.
(d) Insurance Renewal for 2017-18.
(e) Enquiry about frequent electricity cuts in Durley.
(f) Planning District Coach Tour – Friday 6th October.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 12th September will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report: Report sent via e-mail.

11. Highways Report: Complaints about vehicle parking in Parsonage Lane.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.

13. Hall: Freezer. Quotes for new window in Committee Room.

14. Recreation Ground:

15. Planning:

17/01792/HOU. Mr and Mrs Wren. Single storey first floor extension to create a new bedroom. 12 The Sawmills, Durley.

Clarification of enquiry regarding barn in Durley Hall Lane.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 12th September will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
5th September, 2017

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 12th September, 2017 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 3 Parish Councillors and the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins were present, along with 4 parishioners. Cllr Smith chaired the Meeting in the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman who were on holiday.

Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, District Councillor Miller, Cllr Charles, Cllr Watts, Cllr Pitter and Cllr Farr. PCSO Slater also sent her apologies.

A successful Meeting was held to discuss Church Copse with George Hollingbery MP, CC/DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean, Forestry Commission, WCC Planning Officers, Parish Councillors and residents to share concerns about the tree felling which has been occurring. The replanting should be carried out by April, 2018 and any further destruction will be reported to the Forestry Commission for Court proceedings to commence.

Volunteers on the Community Payback Scheme are working well at Durley Recreation Ground cutting hedging and digging out the ditches. The multi-surface play equipment will be re-painted when the present work has been completed.

The wet pour has been ordered for the resurfacing of the play area in The Sawmills. The swings will also be replaced. The drainage is working well. An enquiry was made about providing steps to the climbing frame, but Councillors felt that this might not be possible as it is an integral climbing frame. The manufacturers will be asked about the possibility when they lay the wet pour.

An Enforcement Notice has been served by the Legal Department at WCC on land next to Berkeley Farm, Durley Street. However, this has now been put on hold as the applicants have put in an Appeal against the original Refusal of the Planning Permission.

A resident attending the Meeting asked if CC Humby could give an update at the next Meeting about any HGV restrictions through Durley as the lorry traffic appears to be increasing. He also asked if a letter could be written to one lorry owner who has lorries in Wintershill if he would ask his drivers to turn right when coming out of their Yard onto the Winchester Road, rather than turning left and coming through Durley.

A memorial seat has kindly been donated to the village by the family of Pat Parker. Pat was born and breed in Durley and was well loved by residents. Pat ran Durley Post Office until it was forced to close and spent many happy times at village functions at Durley Memorial Hall. The family would like the seat to be sited outside of the Hall for anyone to enjoy who wants a rest during their walk around the village. Councillors thanked Pat’s family for this kind gesture.

An enquiry was made about the frequent short electricity cuts which appear to be happening in Durley. Although the electricity is only off for a short time it triggers alarms and some household items need re-setting. It appears that the sensors are very sensitive and this is why the power goes off for short spells. If you experience a problem then please phone 105 – it is a free number and they will keep you updated as to when your power is likely to come back on again.

The Insurance for the forthcoming year was agreed.

Cllr Delmege, Cllr Smith and Cllr Bartlett will be attending the Winchester CAB AGM on behalf of Durley Parish Council.

Parish Councillors felt that the recent report in the Parish Magazine regarding fly-tipping was unjustified and some of the comments did not reflect the work that Councillors and the Clerk have been putting in to try and tackle this antisocial behaviour. This is not a problem just in Durley, but all villages. A separate response will be put into the Parish Magazine.

Cllr Pitter and the Clerk attended a Meeting with George Hollingbery MP and other local parish councils to discuss the impact the Eastleigh Borough Council proposed development plans will have on the highways network for this area. Environmental damage was also discussed and District Councillors, County Councillors along with George will all put pressure where they can at a higher level.

Nofication has just been received about a Public Consultation on the proposals for Uplands Farm Estate. The Exhibition will be on Friday 22nd September from 2 – 8 at the Botley Centre and Saturday 23rd September from 10.00 – 4.00 at Hedge End 2000 Centre, St Johns Road, Hedge End. Notices will go up on the village website and on the noticeboards.

The October Parish Council Meeting will commence at 8.00 p.m. to enable the Chairman and Clerk to attend a 70th Anniversary Presentation by the Hampshire Association of Local Councils in Winchester.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

103941 Hall Booking fee £72.00
103942 Key holder fee and cleaning £95.55
103943 HALC – Training Course Update £48.00
103944 NALC – LG Review subs £17.00
103945 July payroll £852.74
103946 HMRC £65.72
103947 HCC £258.20
103948 OCS Group UK Ltd – Gang mowing July £301.20
103949 British Gas – Gas for Hall £122.90


5 Parish Councillors, District Councillor Miller, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins and 4 parishioners were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from CC/DC Humby, DC Mclean, Cllr
Smith and Cllr Bartlett.

Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Church Copse replanting – response from WCC to George Hollingbery MP. Clerk read out the response from the Leader, and it was agreed that the responses received from the Forestry Commission and WCC do not appear to correspond. Councillors agreed that this matter needed to be resolved and agreed that a Meeting between WCC Officers, the Forestry Commission, County and District Councillors, along with Parish Councillors and residents should be held to see what can be done to achieve a satisfactory outcome. Clerk will arrange a Meeting and also invite Cllr Caroline Brook at the suggestion of Cllr Miller.

(b) Double yellow lines at Beech Corner and end of Manor Road update. Support has been given from our County, District Councillors and the Police. DC Miller reported that he has asked for an update and it appears that the advertising will take place shortly.

(c) Community Pay-back Scheme. The dates for August are 23rd and 30th. The work will commence at the Recreation Ground and Cllr Charles and the Clerk will meet the Group on site when they start. Any Councillors are able to attend if they wish to meet the Group.

(d) Report on Site Meeting at Play Areas. Councillors and the Clerk agreed the maintenance work which is to be carried out. It was agreed that Playdale would be contacted so that they can look at their equipment and give us a price to carry out any maintenance and replacement work. Clerk has confirmed a Meeting for Wednesday 23rd August 9.30 a.m. in The Sawmills Play Area with the representative. We can then decide on what we would like them to do. Other maintenance work will follow as appropriate. Maintenace work in the play area at the Recreation Ground will be mainly carried out by the CPS workers. Cllr Charles suggested replacing the wooden fence panel near the swings with a metal fence as it would be easier to maintain. Clerk has sent for details. Councillors agreed that an additional seat will be ordered with a CC Grant for the play area at the Recreation Ground, the same as the one already there.

(e) Report on HCC Workshop Forum re Uplands Farm. Cllr Pitter attended this Forum and reported that it was a very thought provoking Forum with many suggestions coming from various Councils and Groups. This is the first stage of the Consultation process and will now go out to Public Consultation.

(f) Report on Transparency Code update. Clerk attended this update and informed Councillors of items which need to go onto the village website. The Clerk will discuss this with the Website Manager to see how items can be put up.

(g) Clerk read out the response from the Parish Magazine Editor regarding our concerns about publishing Parish Council information without prior notice.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. No Report was available.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Miller gave a report on the Sports Centre in Winchester, Winchester Bus Station, Council homes being built in Stanmore and answered questions about the selling of Council houses and where the proceeds went from Councillors.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. There were no additional questions raised other than those from residents asking about Church Copse and a Prior Notification Notice Court Judgement which are dealt with in other parts of the Minutes.


(a) Complaint regarding vehicles parking in private premises. Clerk read out an e-mail from a business in the village. Councillors agreed that this is really a private matter not for Parish Council, although we do sympathise with their situation. Clerk will respond to the correspondent and suggest putting some kind of barrier across the entrance when not in use.

(b) E-mail regarding Hampshire Highway Service Contract for Highway Maintenance. This was noted.

(c) E-mail from Holly Wood regarding Sawmills maintenance in buffer area. Councillors agreed that a Site Meeting to see the area concerned would be useful. If it was felt that some of the trees needed attention then a Tree Surgeon would be employed. Clerk suggested meeting just before the site Meeting with Playdale on Wednesday 23rd August at 9.00 a.m. Councillors were in agreement with this date and time.

(d) HALC 70th Anniversary – 10th October. Change Meeting date to 8.00 p.m. Cllr Charles said that he felt that he and the Clerk should attend this event, but to get back from Winchester for a 7.30 p.m. Meeting would not be possible. Councillors agreed that we should commence our Meeting in October at 8.00 p.m. to allow sufficient time to get back.

(e) Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan e-news update – July, 2017. Noted.

(f) Parish Council Questionnaire 2017. Councillors agreed to make no comment.

(g) Hampshire County Council – News for Local Councils. This was noted.

(h) Broadband Universal Service Obligation Consultation. This will be sent via e-mail.

(i) Parish Connect – August, 2017. This was sent via e-mail and noted.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No School Report was available.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Suggestions for Beat Priorities. Councillors agreed to ask for feedback from residents via the Police. This would then give an indication of what Durley residents felt were the most important issues.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter reported that he will send on the bus timetables to the Clerk so that they can be put into the Parish Magazine and on the village website. Cllr Delmege asked about considering speed monitoring in Durley. The speed monitoring signs he was considering cost about £4,400. Cllr Charles asked if it might be beneficial to borrow a sign from Curdridge to see how it worked before we purchase anything. Councillors agreed with this suggestion. Clerk has responded to HCC regarding the adoption of the highways in The Sawmills and the comments made by residents on lining and signage. A response has not yet been received from HCC about the comments.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques.

13. HALL: Freezer. Cllr Farr looked at 2 freezers one was £109 which she felt would not be large enough and one for £129. Cllr Charles will check the size required to fit in one of the cupboard spaces. Councillors agreed in principle to purchase a freezer, but it would be for any Hall user to use. Quotes for new window in Committee Room. Cllr Charles has not been able to obtain these yet.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that the veranda has now been repaired. Clerk reported that she has received a £50 donation for allowing a Media Company to film at the Recreation Ground.


17/01519/FUL. Mr and Mrs Gardner. The erection of a new 3 bedroom detached dwelling with link attached garage following the demolition of the existing garage (Amendment to 16/00940/FUL). Well Cottage, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that an objection should be made as the property is now larger and is over-development of the site. It is also a loss of a smaller dwelling in the countryside. Councillors often feel that they are not listen to and hope that on this occasion their views will be taken into account as they represent their community.

17/01291/HOU. Mrs Lane. Extension to existing dwelling. Alem House, Durley Street, Durley. GRANTED.

Update on Enforcement Notice to be served on land next to Berkeley Farm, Durley Street, Durley. Clerk read out the latest update from the Enforcement Officer stating that the Enforcement Notice is still with the Legal Team, but hopes to be served on the land-owner this week.

Cllr Pitter reported that the piece of land in off Durley Hall Lane was advertised as having planning permission for a barn and, electricity and water. Councillors agreed that they were not aware of any approval being given for a barn, or that there was water and electricity on the site. A Prior Notification Application was made in 2016, but was withdrawn as it needed to be a full Planning Application due to being within 3K of Upham Airfield. Durley Parish Council has not been informed that any Application has been successful since an Objection by WCC in February, 2016. DC Miller will ask the Legal Team to investigate further as there appears to be a Court Judgement approving the barn. Councillors asked if WCC were present at the Court Hearing, and if there is an Appeal process that can be used.

CLOSED AT 9.15 p.m.

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 8th August, 2017 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 5 Parish Councillors and the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins were present, along with District Councillor Miller and 4 parishioners.

Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, Cllr Smith and Cllr Bartlett.

Clerk read out responses from Winchester City Council and the Forestry Commission regarding the replanting of Church Copse. The responses appear to differ and Councillors agreed that a Meeting should be arranged with these Officers and Parish Councillors to achieve a satisfactory outcome.

The double yellow lines at Beech Corner and at the end of Manor Road have been supported by the County and District Councillors, along with the Police. It is hoped that when these restrictions are in place it will stop parking on these dangerous junctions and better sight-lines will be available to drivers coming out of the Durley lanes.

Site Meetings were held at the two play areas in Durley to discuss any maintenance issues. Playdale will be visiting in August to discuss prices for any work involved. The Community Payback Volunteers will be starting work at Durley Recreation Ground in August cutting the hedges back and digging out areas which need attention as well as some painting work.

Cllr Pitter attended a HCC Workshop Forum for the proposed development at Uplands Farm, Winchester Road, Botley. The Forum was thought provoking with many suggestions coming from various Councils and Groups. This is the first stage of the Consultation process and will now go out to Public Consultation.

District Councillor Miller gave a District Council Report. He gave updates on the Sports Centre in Winchester, Winchester Bus Station, and Council homes which are being built in Stanmore. He also answered questions on the selling of Council houses and where the proceeds went, from Parish Councillors.

Clerk circulated an e-mail regarding the Hampshire Service Contract for Highways Maintenance.

Councillors agreed that the October Parish Council Meeting would start at 8.00 p.m. rather than 7.30 p.m. as the Chairman and Clerk were attending the Hampshire Association of Local Councils 70th Anniversary in Winchester on the same evening and would find it difficult to get back in time for the start of the Meeting.

Cllr Pitter said that he would obtain the bus timetables for Durley and publish them in the Parish Magazine and on the village website so that residents were aware of the times.

An Enforcement Notice is still being prepared by the Legal Department at WCC to serve on land next to Berkeley Farm, Durley Street. It is hoped that it will be served this week. Further concerns were raised by Parish Councillors about a peice of land which is up for sale in Durley Hall Lane with permission for a barn. Durley Parish Council has not been notified of any planning application for this site for a barn being approved. DC Miller has investigated with the Legal Department and will liaise further with them about why a barn was approved by a Judge when there is only just over 2 acres of land and a very small entrance.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 8th August, 2017 in the Ken Stainer Suite of Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence:

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 11th July, 2017.

4. Matters arising:

(a) Church Copse replanting – response from WCC to George Hollingbery MP.
(b) Double yellow lines at Beech Corner and end of Manor Road update.
(c) Community Pay-back Scheme.
(d) Report on Site Meeting at Play Areas.
(e) Report on HCC Workshop Forum re Uplands Farm. Cllr Pitter to report.
(f) Report on Transparency Code update. Clerk to report.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) Complaint regarding vehicles parking in private premises.
(b) E-mail regarding Hampshire Highway Service Contract for Highway Maintenance.
(c) E-mail from Holly Wood regarding Sawmills maintenance in buffer area.
(d) HALC 70th Anniversary – 10th October. Change Meeting date to 8.00 p.m.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 8th August will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report: Suggestions for Beat Priorities.

11. Highways Report: Cllr Pitter to report.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.

13. Hall: Freezer. Quotes for new window in Committee Room.

14. Recreation Ground: Cllr Watts to report.

15. Planning:

17/01519/FUL. Mr and Mrs Gardner. The erection of a new 3 bedroom detached dwelling with link attached garage following the demolition of the existing garage (Amendment to 16/00940/FUL). Well Cottage, Mincingfield Lane, Durley.

17/01291/HOU. Mrs Lane. Extension to existing dwelling. Alem House, Durley Street, Durley. GRANTED.

Update on Enforcement Notice to be served on land next to Berkeley Farm, Durley Street, Durley.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 8th August will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
1st August, 2017