Durley Parish Council held their Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 13th August, 2019 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall.  Cllr Childs (Vice Chairman) chaired the Meeting in the absence of the Chairman.  Cllr Watts, Cllr Rappini, Cllr Miller, Cllr Brenchley, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins), District Councillor Miller and 5 parishioners also attended the Meeting.

Apologies were received from Cllr Delmege (Chairman), Cllr Rutherford, County Councillor/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Mclean.

Clerk read out the response from HCC Highways regarding any suggested measures that could be taken in The Sawmills to help the parking and speeding problems.  HCC are unlikely to be able to offer any road narrowings or other physical speed reducing measures as they would only be considered if there was a recurring speed-related injury accident history through the road.  This location would not be a priority on their safety programmes.  Councillors agreed that this was a disappointing response.  Clerk has written to the businesses asking if they would share parking spaces if there are some empty ones not being used.  Councillors agreed that the village speed indicator sign could be placed in a location within The Sawmills to monitor the speed if HCC were able to agree a suitable location.  Clerk will make enquiries with HCC.  It was also suggested that a Residents Association for The Sawmills could be set up to try and resolve the parking and speeding issues.  Two residents present were going to follow this up.

It is hoped that the reinstatement of the bus stop along Durley Street will be completed by the end of August.

The Emergency Plan for Durley has now been completed and the Update Plan will be sent to HCC and WCC in case it is required in an emergency situation.

Two locations in Durley are being looked at by WCC to locate dual purpose bins in which litter and dog fouling can be deposited.  These will be emptied on a weekly basis by WCC Landscape Team.

District Councillor Miller gave a District Council Report and he reported that the Winchester Surgery is now progressing, but the Bishops Waltham Surgery was not being enlarged or relocated at the moment.

Parish Councillors agreed that Durley would support the Winchester Green Week by carrying out a Litter Pick Week in Durley.  The week will start on 29th September and end on 6th October and residents will be asked (if they are able) to pick up litter outside of their properties in their road or lane.  Clerk will advertise the Litter Pick and it is hoped that most residents will participate.  Durley Primary School are going to carry out a Litter Pick.

Cllr Delmege attended the recent Southern Parishes Meeting and the Clerk gave a report.  The main topics included hearing from Peter Wall about the work of the Parish Lengthsman, Grass Cutting Contracts, pot hole repairs, WCC Local Council Update, Eastleigh Local Plan Meeting with WCC and ACSO sharing.

A resident attending the Meeting asked about the safety of the trees in Manor Road after the recent incident when a poplar tree fell across Manor Road taking out the electricity cables.  The Clerk had already spoken to WCC and an Officer has been out and inspected the two trees that are owned by WCC.  One other tree was believed to have been planted at the same time is in a garden, so the owner of the property will be written to.

A donation was agreed to be given to the CAB.

Cllr Watts gave a Recreation Ground Report staing that some work has been carried out on the Pavilion.  Some of the car park needs more scalpings so Clerk will arrange for some to be delivered.

Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report.  Thefts from vehicles in the area is continuing, although not in Durley.  Scams are always present in various forms and details of these are being put on the Parish Council website for residents to view.

Cllr Rappini reported that some lanes have been surface dressed.

A quote was read out for the painting of the main Hall in the Memorial Hall and Councillors agreed that this needed to be done.  It was agreed that a County Councillor Grant would also be applied for to help with the cost.  Other maintenance work will be carried out at the same time if possible.

Clerk reported that the replacement panel for the climbing frame at The Sawmills will be installed by Playdale during the first week in September.

Clerk gave a financial report and invoices were agreed.

Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council



Durley Parish Council held their AGM on Tuesday 14th May, 2019 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. Cllr Watts opened the Meeting. She welcomed everyone to the Meeting and asked newly Elected Councillor to introduce themselves. The Election of Chairman took place and Cllr Delmege was duly Elected. As Cllr Delmege was not able to attend the Meeting it was agreed that Cllr Watts should continue to Chair the Meeting in his absence.


Cllr Watts, Cllr Brenchley, Cllr Miller, Cllr Rutherford, Cllr Childs, Cllr Rappini, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 10 parishioners were present at the Meeting.


Apologies were received from Cllr Delmege, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, District Councillor Miller and Kirstie Baines. All the District Councillors were unable to attend as they had to attend a Meeting in Winchester.


Officers Elected were:


Chairman – Cllr Delmege

Vice Chairman – Cllr Childs

Hall Committee Chairman – Cllr Miller

Hall Committee Vice Chairman – Cllr Rutherford

The present Hall Committee will remain unchanged if members are willing to continue, and Cllr Rappini offered to come onto the Committee

Highways Officer – Cllr Rappini

Footpaths Officer – Cllr Brenchley

Recreation Ground Chairman – Cllr Watts

Sawmills Representative – Cllr Rutherford (with Cllr Miller helping with play area inspections)

Transport Representative – Cllr Childs


As this is a new Term of Office Councillors signed a new Acceptance of Office Form and agreed to abide by the Durley Parish Council Code of Conduct.


Congratulations were given to District Councillor Mclean on his recent re-election. As he could not attend the Meeting the Clerk will send a letter of congratulations to him.


Councillors agreed that former Councillor Bartlett be asked if she would be willing to continue with negotiations regarding the seating at The Sawmills. Clerk will ask Vivien Bartlett.


3 businesses have agreed to meet with Parish Councillors to discuss the parking issues at The Sawmills. Clerk will circulate dates and negotiate a date which is acceptable to most.


The bus stop sign has been removed along Durley Street for repairs after being reported by former Cllr Pitter. This will be chased up. Councillors were pleased that the pavement outside of Millway has been reinstated.


Councillors received notification of the Village of the Year Competition 2019. It would need village organisations and residents to participate to be able to enter. Clerk will write to organisations to see what interest there was.


The 75th Anniversary of VE Day is to be held on 8th -10th May, 2020. Councillors would like to have a village event similar to that which was held for the WW1 commemorations last year. Help would be needed from various organisations. An advertisement will be put on the noticeboards and website to see what interest there is in the village.


Broadband speeds in parts of Durley continues to be a problem. Cllr Brenchley suggested that perhaps we could ask residents for their speeds via the village website. Andy Burton will be contacted about this.


The Emergency Plan for Durley will be updated to include the new Parish Councillors. At the same time residents will be sent a letter and a Form so that they can update their information. Details will be needed for any vulnerable residents who might need help and we need an up to date list of those residents who would be willing to help in any capacity, or offer of equipment etc. Clerk will prepare a letter and Form and Councillors will distribute around the village.


The Local Councils’ Conference will be held on 18th June. Cllr Watts and Cllr Childs offered to attend along with the Clerk. If Cllr Delmege would like to attend then Cllr Watts will step down.


There was no School Report. The Clerk has no result yet about the CIL Funding Application for the School crossing.


Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report. She said that unfortunately a horse had been shot at in Durley Street and dog theft is a problem at the moment. Scams and general thefts in the area are also of concern. Any useful information will be put onto the Parish Council website.


The Clerk reported that the new village entry signs have now arrived and Andy Burton is hoping to put these up as soon as possible in place of the old signs.


A Financial Report was given by the Clerk and Bank Mandate Forms were given out for Councillors to complete and sign so that the Bank signatories can be updated.


The Hall will be closed from Monday 20th May so that the new floor can be put down. Former and present Councillors are helping to clear the Hall and oversee the work. A tree in the car park has been trimmed.


Cllr Watts reported that we are still waiting for the metal plate for the veranda of the Pavilion. It was suggested that more dog bins be available around the village. Costings will be looked at and a decision will be made at the next Meeting. The “pick up after your dog” sign which has been at the Recreation Ground will be moved to The Sawmills.


Some residents attending the Meeting were there to hear a Planning Application. After they informed Councillors of their concerns Councillors agreed that these concerns should be included in the comments from Durley Parish Council.


Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council




Durley Parish Council held their Annual Parish Assembly on Tuesday 9th April, 2019 in Durley Memorial Hall, Durley. 7 Parish Councillors, District Councillor Mclean, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, PCSO Slater and 11 parishioners were present.


Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Miller.


Cllr Charles (Chairman) commenced the Meeting by introducing Cllr Watts, Cllr Pitter, Cllr Delmege, Cllr Smith, Cllr Bartlett and Cllr Clegg, along with the Clerk and District Councillor Mclean. PCSO Slater arrived mid-way through the Meeting to give a Police Report.


Cllr Charles gave a Chairman’s Report summarising the work the Parish Council has achieved or been working towards throughout this year. The double yellow lines at Beech Corner and at the junction of Manor Road/Robin Hood have now been installed after many years of asking for this to be done. Many compliments have been received not only from residents but drivers who travel through the village who say that these areas are safer now. The Speed Indicator sign is working well and Cllr Delmege was thanked for all his hard work in installing and moving the sign on a regular basis. The statistics are also collected. The Parish Council was also involved in the World War One commemorations and applied for a Grant towards the cost of this village event. It was a very successful day and many residents attended. A Grant from the Community Infrustructure Levy has been applied for to pay for the proposed School Crossing outside of Quob Stables. Unfortunately no result is known yet, as the proposal has to go to a WCC Cabinet Meeting before a decision is made. Councillors have been working closely with the Environment Agency, WCC and HCC to get Church Copse re-planted. Cllr Delmege walks the footpaths in Durley and the Parish Lengthsman clears them if they get over-grown. Cllr Pitter was thanked for all his hard work on the highways in Durley. Many Meetings have been attended by various Councillors throughout the year on behalf of the Parish Council and Durley residents. Cllr Smith and Cllr Bartlett are Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Hall Committee and have kept the Hall in good order and overseen any issues which arose over the year. Cllr Watts was thanked for her work at the Recreation Ground and making sure that any maintenance work is carried out when required. Cllr Clegg is new to the role of Parish Councillor so did not have a specific role, but she was thanked for the contribution she has made this year. At the end of his Report the Chairman thanked the Clerk, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and District Councillor Miller for their hard work over the year.


The Clerk gave a Financial Report for the Year End 2018-19. Details of the Income and Expenditure were given out and the Clerk explained that finance has been earmarked for the new Memorial Hall floor (£11,000 of Grant funding is already in the account), Sawmills roadway, Sawmills maintenance and village gateway signs. The Accounts were signed by the Chairman and Clerk ready for the Internal Audit. Councillors thanked the Clerk for all her hard work with the accounts of the Parish.


Cllr Pitter gave a Highways Report saying that he has reported many pot holes throughout the year by photographing the pot hole and sending the picture to HCC Highways via the on-line system. This works well. It was pointed out that residents are able to report any pot holes that they see via www.hants.gov.uk/transport/roadmaintenance/roadproblems or go to the link on the Durley Parish Council website under useful information.


Cllr Smith gave a Hall Report. She started her report with the sad death or our well loved Hall Caretaker – John Sillence. John was a dedicated Hall Caretaker and in his memory bulbs have been planted around Pat Parker’s memorial seat in the Hall car park, and in other locations around the village. Donna Shorney has now taken over permanently as the Hall Caretaker. The new Hall floor will be laid over a 2 week period at the end of May. Cllr Smith thanked all the Hall Management Committee for their hard work over the year and also Cllr Charles, Cllr Pitter and Neil Ellen for all the maintenance work that they have done at the Hall. The Hall hirers were thanked for their support along with Anne Collins for taking the Hall bookings. Peter and Shawn have kept the car park tidy and have carried out maintenance work when needed.


County/District Councillor Humby was not able to attend the Meeting but sent his thanks to Parish Councillors and the Clerk for all their hard work in Durley over the past year.


District Councillor Mclean gave a District Council Report and he outlined the work that the 3 District Councillors carry out over the year at WCC. He informed residents about the Council Tax bill which has been frozen this year and the work on the new District Sports Centre at Bar End which has commenced. 3 new business units will be available in Lower Lane, Bishops Waltham. The Station Approach project in Winchester is progressing and the new glass kerbside collection will start in September, 2019. All the District Councillors have worked hard throughout this year supporting Durley Parish Council in any way that they are able.


PCSO Stephanie Slater was present and gave the Police Report. She informed residents of statistics which might be of interest.   PCSO Slater was asked about the parking along Durley Brook Road recently when there was a funeral. Vehicles were parked on the pavement, across entrances so that residents could not get in or out of their properties. PCSO Slater did not know about the incident but will look it up when she returns to work


A general discussion took place about the broadband speeds around the village. Durley comes under two exchanges – Bishops Waltham and Southampton. Cllr Pitter has looked into this for Durley Parish Council and it is accepted that the broadband speeds do vary depending on where you are in the village, and how near you are to a cabinet. The situation will be reviewed again.


There were no further questions so the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the Meeting.


Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council



Durley Parish Council held their AGM on Tuesday 14th May, 2019 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. Cllr Watts opened the Meeting. She welcomed everyone to the Meeting and asked newly Elected Councillor to introduce themselves. The Election of Chairman took place and Cllr Delmege was duly Elected. As Cllr Delmege was not able to attend the Meeting it was agreed that Cllr Watts should continue to Chair the Meeting in his absence.


Cllr Watts, Cllr Brenchley, Cllr Miller, Cllr Rutherford, Cllr Childs, Cllr Rappini, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 10 parishioners were present at the Meeting.


Apologies were received from Cllr Delmege, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, District Councillor Miller and Kirstie Baines. All the District Councillors were unable to attend as they had to attend a Meeting in Winchester.


Officers Elected were:


Chairman – Cllr Delmege

Vice Chairman – Cllr Childs

Hall Committee Chairman – Cllr Miller

Hall Committee Vice Chairman – Cllr Rutherford

The present Hall Committee will remain unchanged if members are willing to continue, and Cllr Rappini offered to come onto the Committee

Highways Officer – Cllr Rappini

Footpaths Officer – Cllr Brenchley

Recreation Ground Chairman – Cllr Watts

Sawmills Representative – Cllr Rutherford (with Cllr Miller helping with play area inspections)

Transport Representative – Cllr Childs


As this is a new Term of Office Councillors signed a new Acceptance of Office Form and agreed to abide by the Durley Parish Council Code of Conduct.


Congratulations were given to District Councillor Mclean on his recent re-election. As he could not attend the Meeting the Clerk will send a letter of congratulations to him.


Councillors agreed that former Councillor Bartlett be asked if she would be willing to continue with negotiations regarding the seating at The Sawmills. Clerk will ask Vivien Bartlett.


3 businesses have agreed to meet with Parish Councillors to discuss the parking issues at The Sawmills. Clerk will circulate dates and negotiate a date which is acceptable to most.


The bus stop sign has been removed along Durley Street for repairs after being reported by former Cllr Pitter. This will be chased up. Councillors were pleased that the pavement outside of Millway has been reinstated.


Councillors received notification of the Village of the Year Competition 2019. It would need village organisations and residents to participate to be able to enter. Clerk will write to organisations to see what interest there was.


The 75th Anniversary of VE Day is to be held on 8th -10th May, 2020. Councillors would like to have a village event similar to that which was held for the WW1 commemorations last year. Help would be needed from various organisations. An advertisement will be put on the noticeboards and website to see what interest there is in the village.


Broadband speeds in parts of Durley continues to be a problem. Cllr Brenchley suggested that perhaps we could ask residents for their speeds via the village website. Andy Burton will be contacted about this.


The Emergency Plan for Durley will be updated to include the new Parish Councillors. At the same time residents will be sent a letter and a Form so that they can update their information. Details will be needed for any vulnerable residents who might need help and we need an up to date list of those residents who would be willing to help in any capacity, or offer of equipment etc. Clerk will prepare a letter and Form and Councillors will distribute around the village.


The Local Councils’ Conference will be held on 18th June. Cllr Watts and Cllr Childs offered to attend along with the Clerk. If Cllr Delmege would like to attend then Cllr Watts will step down.


There was no School Report. The Clerk has no result yet about the CIL Funding Application for the School crossing.


Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report. She said that unfortunately a horse had been shot at in Durley Street and dog theft is a problem at the moment. Scams and general thefts in the area are also of concern. Any useful information will be put onto the Parish Council website.


The Clerk reported that the new village entry signs have now arrived and Andy Burton is hoping to put these up as soon as possible in place of the old signs.


A Financial Report was given by the Clerk and Bank Mandate Forms were given out for Councillors to complete and sign so that the Bank signatories can be updated.


The Hall will be closed from Monday 20th May so that the new floor can be put down. Former and present Councillors are helping to clear the Hall and oversee the work. A tree in the car park has been trimmed.


Cllr Watts reported that we are still waiting for the metal plate for the veranda of the Pavilion. It was suggested that more dog bins be available around the village. Costings will be looked at and a decision will be made at the next Meeting. The “pick up after your dog” sign which has been at the Recreation Ground will be moved to The Sawmills.


Some residents attending the Meeting were there to hear a Planning Application. After they informed Councillors of their concerns Councillors agreed that these concerns should be included in the comments from Durley Parish Council.


Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council




Durley Parish Council held their Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 9th April, 2019 in Durley Memorial Hall. Cllr Charles (Chairman), Cllr Watts (Vice Chairperson), Cllr Pitter, Cllr Delmege, Cllr Smith, Cllr Bartlett, Cllr Clegg, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, and 6 parishioners were present.


Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, District Councillor Miller, Kirstie Baines and Nick Apps.


Cllr Bartlett reported that she is having a further Meeting with Solent Design regarding the seat on The Sawmills Green. Durley Parish Council will also be providing a seat/table for The Green. A letter was sent out to all residents who live in The Sawmills informing them of the advice given by Winchester City Council to try and resolve the current parking problems. Councillors agreed that a Meeting with the businesses might be helpful. Clerk will write and ask them if they would be willing to meet with Durley Parish Council.


The Clerk said that she has spoken to the CIL Funding Officer at WCC and he said that the Application for the School Crossing is on the List, but it will need to go to Cabinet before a decision is made. Councillors hope that this will be successful and the Crossing can be soon installed.


Clerk confirmed that there will be an Election in Durley for Parish Councillors on 2nd May.


There was a question about providing an hgv ban through Durley from a resident. Cllr Charles said that Durley Parish Council has asked frequently about a ban, but have been informed that this is not possible as there is no suitable alternative route for hgv vehicles to take. We have, however, been able to have “unsuitable for hgv” signs put up and this has made a difference in the number of larger vehicles going through the village. Durley Parish Council does try at every opportunity to ask for a roundabout at the end of Wintershill as it is so difficult to get out onto the Winchester Road at peak times of the day.


Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended a Southern Parishes Meeting on 18th March. The main Speaker was Paul Spencer – Executive Director of the Winchester Business Improvement District. This was interesting, but did not really affect the surrounding parishes. Updates were also given on the WCC Meeting with Parish Councils, HALC, 2036 Local Plan and fly-tipping.


After reporting the damaged pavement outside of Millway, WCC have now marked the area for repairs. Councillors were pleased that this work has been marked out so quickly.


Cllr Delmege continues to monitor the speed of traffic through the village and moves the speed indicator sign on a regular basis. Cllr Delmege attended a Highways Meeting at HCC on 13th March and said that it has been interesting and he now receives e-mail alerts to inform us when roadworks are going to be carried out in Durley.


Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report, although there will be a more detailed Report by the Police in the Annual Parish Meeting which follows.


Cllr Pitter reported on work that has been carried out on the highways in Durley. Councillors and residents reported some further pot holes and road repairs that are in need of attention. Residents were reminded that they can report the pot holes themselves via the Hampshire County Council website www.hants.gov.uk/transport/roadmaintenance/roadproblems or go onto the Durley Parish Council website and click on useful information where there is a link. Durley Parish Council is always happy to report road problems for you, but it would be helpful if residents could report them themselves.


The Clerk gave a detailed Financial Report which will be given at the Annual Parish Assembly. The Chairman and Clerk also signed the Annual Governance Statement for 2018-19 and the Accounting Statements for 2018-19 ready for the Internal Audit. The Financial Regulations were also agreed.


Cllr Smith gave a Hall Meeting Report. The Hall floor is being re-layed over a 2 week period from Monday 20th May. The Hall will be closed for this period. A tree in the Hall car park will be crowned and cut back on Saturday 20th April. The car park will be closed for the day whilst work is carried out.


Cllr Watts reported that the Recreation Ground is running well, however there is some antisocial behaviour during the evening. The Police are aware and do regular visits. The dog fouling sign appears to have been successful and it is hoped that this will continue. The sign will shortly be moved to The Sawmills area before being returned to WCC Dog Warden.


The Meeting was declared closed by Cllr Charles at 7.35 p.m. then a short break was given before the start of theAnnual Parish Assembly.

Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council




Durley Parish Council held their Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 12th March, 2019 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. Cllr Charles (Chairman), Cllr Watts (Vice Chairperson), Cllr Pitter, Cllr Delmege, Cllr Smith, Cllr Bartlett, Cllr Clegg, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, County/District Councillor Humby and 3 parishioners were present.


Apologies were received from District Councillor Mclean, District Councillor Miller, Kirstie Baines and Nick Apps.


Cllr Bartlett reported that Solent Design were prepared to donate a table/seat for the Sawmills Green. This offer was greatly appreciated by the Parish Council. It is hoped that other businesses will also be prepared to make a similar donation to enhance the seating area on The Green.


A resident present at the Meeting thanked the Parish Council for all their hard work in getting the re-planting of trees in Church Copse. It is hoped that this issue will now reach a satisfactory conclusion.


Suggestions were read out from Simon Finch, Winchester City Council about trying to resolve the parking problems in The Sawmills. It was agreed that the Clerk would write letters to residents asking for their views on the various suggestions.


Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended a Planning Forum in Winchester. The main topic of discussion was enforcement and the impending Parish Charter.


County Councillor Humby gave a County Council Report. He went into detail about the Budget Setting at HCC and how budgets have been reduced and savings need to be made, which is difficult when a large amount is needed for education and social care. 2 new Dragon Patchers have been purchased and one will be based at the Bishops Waltham Depot.


The District Council Report was also given by Cllr Humby. He said that a Full Council had approved the Budget and the Gypsy and Traveller Paper.


There was no School Report. The Clerk did say that the CIL Funding Application for the School Crossing was not being heard until the April Meeting so she had no further update on this at the moment.


Clerk showed Councillors photographs of the fly-tipping which has occurred recently at Calcot where the rubbish was dumped in the river Hamble. Councillors agreed that this behaviour was totally unacceptable. The Environment Agency were called and many Officers attended the scene before the rubbish was removed. It is hoped that some evidence was gathered and a prosecution will follow.


Clerk said that she had Election Nomination Forms available for the forthcoming Parish Council Elections. She would be taking the completed Forms up to Winchester on Monday 1st April.


Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report informing Councillors that vehicle theft in the area is on the increase and numberplates and hub caps are also being stolen. Everyone is reminded to keep possessions safe and make sure that your property is checked whilst you are away.


Cllr Pitter reported that some of the lanes and roads in Durley are going to be surfaced dressed, so there will be some road closures whilst work is carried out. Some parking has been occurring on the double yellow lines so the Clerk was asked to write to the business owners in these locations to ask for their help to ensure that visitors do not park on the double yellow lines. Cllr Delmege will attend a HCC Highways Meeting in Winchester on 13th March to represent Durley Parish Council.


Cllr Smith gave a Hall Meeting Report. The main items which were discussed were the final preparations for the new Hall floor, carpentry work required in the Hall and maintenance issues. Councillors were pleased with the bulbs that are now coming up around the Hall and along the verges in Durley, in memory of John (our previous Caretaker). The bulbs were purchased by Durley Entertainments Committee and planted by Durley Parish Council as a tribute to John – who loved his garden and flowers.


Cllr Watts reported that the Recreation Ground is all running smoothly. Dogs still continue to not be kept on leads and foul on the Recreation Ground. This is a problem for many Recreation Grounds although there are signs well displayed at the Ground. The Dog Warden will be contacted to try and catch offenders.


Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council


DURLEY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING REPORT Durley Parish Council held their Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 12th February, 2019 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. Cllr Charles (Chairman), Cllr Watts (Vice Chairperson), Cllr Pitter, Cllr Delmege, Cllr Smith, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 7 parishioners were present. Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, District Councillor Miller, Cllr Bartlett and Cllr Clegg. Cllr Pitter reported that now broadband speeds are faster in the village if residents sign up to the faster broadband packages we should wait and see if residents are still unhappy with the speeds that they are now receiving before trying to compile a questionnaire. Councillors agreed that it would be beneficial to wait and review the speeds in a few months time. District Councillor Miller was not able to attend the Meeting as all the Winchester City Councillors had to attend a Meeting in Winchester, but he has informed Simon Finch at Winchester City Council of the problems that Durley residents are having with parking in The Sawmills. Simon has asked that the Clerk send him information so that he can look at the problem and see what might be able to be done to resolve or help the situation. Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the District Sports Awards in Winchester to support our nomination. Colin Watts was placed 2nd in the Service to Sport Award for the 50 years of dedicated service he has given to Durley Football Club. This was a tremendous achievement and really put Durley on the map. Colin sent a letter of thanks to Parish Councillors for nominating him for the Award. There were no County or District Council Reports as they could not be present due to another Meeting. 3 residents at the Meeting informed Parish Councillors about the state of the ditch in Manor Road, due to vehicles driving on the verges. Councillors agreed that they would ask Hampshire Highways if they can install bollards to stop vehicles going on the verge. Speed of vehicles and tractors was also brought to the Council’s attention. Clerk read out information regarding the Great British Springclean for 2019. The Springclean will take place between 22nd March and 23rd April. It is hoped that residents will participate and clean up “their patch” near their properties. Details will be put on the Parish Council website, village noticeboards and in the Parish Magazine. A School Report was given by Nick Apps who said that the PCSO has visited the School to talk about responsible parking. Dog fouling and litter is a problem along the fenceline outside of the School and the bus lay-bys have been flooded. The Clerk reported that the CIL Funding Officer has advised that our Application for Funding for the School Crossing has been accepted and will be discussed at the April Meeting. A decision will then be sent to the Council after April. Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report informing Councillors that registration plates have been stolen in Durley, another vehicle was damaged and the Church door was also damaged. There have been other break-ins in surrounding villages. Cllr Pitter reported the some pot holes have been filled in and he had taken photographs of the state of Manor Road and Kytes Lane to send to HCC Highways. Andy Burton has informed Councillors that the Village Entry signs need further adjustments before they can be ordered. Cllr Charles and the Clerk met with the Hall floor contractor to discuss the timing of laying the new Hall floor. It is scheduled to carry out the work from Monday 20th May to Monday 3rd June provided everything is in place. All Hall hirers who will be affected will be informed once the date is confirmed. The inverter for the solar panels has now been replaced. Cllr Watts showed Councillors a plan of the veranda repairs to the Pavilion. Cllr Charles will now order the materials required. Maintenance for The Sawmills was discussed and Shawn Read will continue with the present arrangement at the same price. Anne Collins Clerk to Durley Parish Council durleyparishcouncil@gmail.com



Durley Parish Council held their Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 8th January, 2019 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. Cllr Charles (Chairman), Cllr Watts (Vice Chairperson), Cllr Pitter, Cllr Delmege, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, District Councillor Miller and 2 parishioners were present.


Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, Cllr Smith, Cllr Bartlett and Cllr Clegg. Kirstie Baines and Nick Apps also sent their apologies.


Cllr Pitter and the Clerk will arrange a Meeting to discuss the questions to go on the Survey Monkey Broadband Questionnaire. It is important to get these questions correct as Durley residents are on two different exchanges and some have better broadband access/speed than others. When the Survey is available it will be published so that residents are aware that it is ready to be completed.


Parking in the residential areas of the Sawmills is still causing problems for residents who live there. Durley Parish Council are liaising with Distrit Councillor Miller to see if WCC can put in any parking restrictions.


District Councillor Miller gave the WCC Report. He said that the Sports Centre building which will serve this area will commence in mid-March. Outline Planning Permission is being sought for the Station Approach regeneration in Winchester and funding has been secured for WCC to build more Council homes in Knowle. Funds have also been approved for the extension of the car parking facilities at the Jubilee Hall in Bishops Waltham.


Two residents attending reported some tyres which had been dumped in Durley Road recently. The Clerk will report this. The lay-by opposite the Church is a target for antisocial behaviour so the Police will be asked if they will monitor the situation when they visit Durley Recreation Ground car park during the evenings.


The WCC Draft Licensing Policy for Consultation and the WCC Draft Statement of Principles for Consultation were discussed and no additional comments were made.


Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report informing Councillors scams pretending to be from the Inland Revenue and British Telecom are the most prolific ones at the moment.


There was no School Report, but the Clerk is still pursuing the Community Infrustructure Levy (CIL) to hopefully fund the School crossing and flashing lights.


Cllr Pitter reported the some pot holes have been filled in and more have been reported. Clerk reported that Calcot Lane will be closed on 10th January for bridge repairs. After a request from the Parish Council the kerb has been dropped outside of Beech Corner Garage so that anyone can get off the pavement easily. Once approval has been given by HCC the new Village Entry signs will be ordered.


Clerk has received half the cost of the new Hall floor from Lottery Funding, and secured some funding from an anonomous doner, Durley Entertainments Committee and a County Councillor Grant. Although there is a shortfall Councillors agreed that the floor should be ordered and replaced as soon as Hall bookings will allow. All regular hirers will need to be cancelled when the floor is replaced, but they will be notified once a date is agreed with the Contractor. If there is anyone else who would like to make a donation towards the Hall floor then please get in touch with the Clerk.


Cllr Watts reported that the repairs to the Pavilion veranda will be carried out as soon as help is available. The fencing alongside the swings in the play area at The Sawmills has been completed.


Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council

durleyparishcouncil@gmail.com (Please note the new Parish Council e-mail address)




Durley Parish Council held their Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 11th December, 2018 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 6 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and 3 parishioners were present.


Apologies were received from Cllr Smith and District Councillor Miller. Kirstie Baines and Nick Apps also sent their apologies.


Clerk said that she had received many enquiries from other parishes who have seen our Speed Indicator sign as they are interested in purchasing one for their parish. Cllr Delmege is continuing to collect data from the sign.


The grit bin outside of Durley Church has now been filled. Thanks were given to CC Humby for following this issue up for us.


Cllr Pitter reported that he and Andy Burton are compiling questions to put on a Survey Monkey Questionnaire so that this can be put onto the website. It is hoped that residents will complete the Survey so that we can receive opinions from residents on the current broadband situation in the village. It is hoped that the Survey will be available shortly.


A letter was written to the business units at Mill Court to ask if their employees could park more considerately as it is causing distress and problems for residents if they park in the residential parking spaces for the day. Clerk has received one response to date.


Cllr Delmege has purchased and decorated the Parish Council christmas tree to display in Durley Church over the weekend of 15th/16th December.


Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the Parish Council Briefing in Winchester. Waste recycling – including a roadside glass collection commencing in mid-2019, grass maintenance contracts, precepts and planning were all topics of discussion.


The Winchester District Association of Parish Councils AGM was held in Whiteley and was attended by the Chairman and Clerk. Cllr Mike Evans was re-elected as Chairman. Speeding vehicles, enforcement and funding were also discussed.


CC/DC Humby reported that he had attended a Cabinet Meeting to discuss issues regarding Emergency Planning if there was a no deal Brexit. This was important in this area as we have Portsmouth and Southampton ports very close, and any traffic problems caused by lorries could affect the road network in this area. CC Humby also spoke about the Tourist Information Centre in Winchester and the fact that they have sold £50,000 of christmas cards this year. CC Humby also hosted a Meeting at HCC which looked at ways of making the A272 and A32 safer and less noisy. The naming of the HCC gritters has taken place.


DC Mclean informed Councillors about the work that Winacc are hoping to do by reducing the carbon footprint and reducing plastics etc. He also spoke about the proposals for the roadside glass collection which will commence next year.


Councillors viewed the WCC Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessments which were available on the WCC website. Clerk said that some residents were concerned at the amount of land owners who have put their land into the Assessment. CC Humby and DC Mclean explained how the process works and the Clerk said that she had sought clarification from WCC. She was assured that the sites identified in the SHELAA Assessment is purely a list of sites submitted to WCC for consideration through the local plan process. A site listed in the SHELAA has no formal status, it simply indicates that the land owner is willing to have the site considered further. At present we are at the very start of the Local Plan 2036 process and more technical research will be required to see how much additional land will be necessary for development. There are many more sites put forward than are likely to be needed. Councillors agreed that once it is known if there is a housing requirement in Durley we would need to assess the situation further.


Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report informing Councillors that criminals are targetting parcels which have been left outside of properties over the Christmas period. Scams are also on the increase.


There was no School Report, but the Clerk said that she is hoping to apply for CIL Funding to help with the cost of the School Crossing in the New Year. Cllr Clegg presented Councillors with the posters which children had designed at School. Councillors were very impressed with the speed awareness signs and chose a winner. The winning poster will be laminated and displayed in the village.


Clerk reported that Bishops Waltham Parish Council were not successful in getting an HGV ban along Hoe Road.


Councillors were pleased that the Clerk has been successful in getting a Grant from the Lottery Fund towards the new Hall floor replacement. A County Councillor Grant will also be applied for to help with the cost. The bulbs donated in memory of John Sillence have now been planted in the Hall car park, on the entrances to the village and also some other locations around the village. As one of the solar panels is not working Councillors agreed that they would look at updating the panels. Cllr Pitter will look into various options.


The expenditure for 2019-20 was agreed and the Precept was set accordingly. The cheques were signed as agreed.


Cllr Watts reported that the repairs to the Pavilion veranda will be carried out after the Christmas period. The fencing alongside the swings in the play area at The Sawmills will be replaced shortly.


At the end of the Meeting the Chairman wished all the Councillors, Clerk and residents a Happy Christmas.


Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council





Durley Parish Council held their Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 13th November, 2018 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and 6 parishioners were present. Kirstie Baines was also in attendance.


Apologies were received from Cllr Smith, Cllr Pitter and District Councillor Miller.


Cllr Delmege reported that the speed indicator sign has been well received by residents and he gave statistics out at the Meeting showing peaks in the speed of traffic and the volume of traffic. The sign will be moved to various locations over the weeks. Kirstie said that the School children were trying to trigger the speed by running along the pavement.


Cllr Bartlett reported on the response from the business units regarding the seating on the Sawmills Green. There has been a positive response and it was agreed that plaques could be placed on seats donated by a business.


Cllr Pitter is putting together a flyer which will be circulated around the village and Andy Burton is putting an item on the village website to highlight the broadband situation in Durley.


Cllr Watts, Cllr Delmege and the Clerk have attended many Meetings over the past months to prepare for the WW1 Exibition on 11th November. Parish Council Minute books and other interesting items of a past generation were on display at the Hall, along with displays by Durley School children and other family items from residents in Durley. Many organisations within Durley pulled together to help with the commemoration day which ended with a village beacon being lit.


Cllr Delmege confirmed that the CAB will be visiting Durley Lunch Club on Thursday 29th November to inform residents about recent scams etc.


CC/DC Humby reported on the Decision Day at HCC. He said that Recycling Centres were going to make a £5 charge to non-residents, and householders will be able to register 3 vehicles to take to the Centres in future. Some street lighting will be switched off during 1.00 a.m. and 4.00 a.m. to save energy. School Crossing Patrols who do not fit the criteria will not be funded by HCC, although training and equipment will still be funded by HCC.


DC Mclean reported that a visit was made to Durley by the Director of Place from WCC. The Director’s name is Chas Bradfield. Cllr Charles asked why the Parish Council were not informed of the visit as he felt that the Parish should have been invited to attend.


A resident present asked about the grit bin outside of Durley Church which needs to be filled. She has reported this on several occasions, but it has still not been filled. CC Humby offered to follow this up.


Complaints are still being received from residents who live in The Sawmills about the parking by business workers. Clerk was asked to write to the business units and ask that they park more considerately especially in the residential area.


The Clerk read out a letter from residents who expressed their thanks for the work that the Parish Council had done on their behalf recently.


Cllr Charles and the Clerk reported on the recent Southern Parishes Meeting in Denmead. The main items which were discussed included the new logo, the Parish Charter, enforcement issues and speeding vehicles.


Kirstie Baines gave a School report which included the proposed crossing and flashing lights, the topics the children have been covering, a competition which was won enabling a banner to be presented to the School to hang outside.


Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report stating that scams, thefts from vehicles and vehicle number plates being stolen appear to be the main crimes at the moment in the area.


Councillors are still pursuing a width and weight restriction through Durley and a ban on HGV vehicles through the village. Clerk will ask Bishops Waltham PC about a recent HGV ban in their parish that was mentioned by DC Mclean. It is hoped that there will be some news on the village entry signs soon.


The Clerk has applied for Lottery Funding towards the new Hall floor. The fencing at the back of the Hall needs replacing. The Clerk will ask for quotes.


The new replacement seat at Durley Recreation Ground has been installed. Cllr Watts reported on damage that was caused to the Recreation Ground during a firework display which was held without the permission of the Parish Council. This was an unauthorised event and Councillors were disappointed that rubbish was left on the Ground, bottles and cages which obviously held fireworks were also left. It was agreed that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable and residents should be made aware of this irresponsible behaviour and the damage that was caused to our Recreation Ground. Councillors thanked Durley Football Club members who had to walk over the Ground the following morning and pick up the rubbish before the Referee would allow the planned football match to take place. CC Humby suggested that the Clerk contact the Environmental Protection Officer at WCC for advice. If any residents have any information regarding the culprits then please get in touch with the Council – this will obviously be in confidence.


Anne Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council
